Chapter 464

Guo Jia's heart sank suddenly, and he lost his voice: "Old Su, what do you mean?"

This old man should regret it again.

If this old man really regrets it, he really has nothing to do.

It's time to use the useful light.

Su Ze sized Guo Jia up and down, and said to himself: "Yun'er is just a son, and now you have killed him. How can he give up. I am alive, he may not be able to say anything, but how long can I live?" It’s better to untie this deadlock. How about this, you can pay him a son-in-law!”

Guo Jia looked at Su Ze in surprise.

What does it mean to accompany a son-in-law?

Su Ze smiled lightly, and said: "Yun'er has a daughter, and she looks good. Let me marry you. In this way, you become Yun'er's son-in-law. Although he hates you for killing her, but in his daughter's eyes For the sake of it, I won’t care too much about it.”

Guo Jia couldn't help opening his mouth wide.

Kill someone's son and marry someone's daughter.

It was the first time he encountered such absurd thing.

No no no!

Guo Jia shook his head like a wave drum.


Su Ze snorted, and said: "Originally, this old man was quite optimistic about you, and wanted to betroth a girl from the Su family to you. However, Zhen Yi, a young man, took the lead. How could my Su family's daughter fall behind the Zhen family, so I haven't thought about it in these years. But now I can't take care of it, so let's just let it go. A son-in-law is only half a son, and you still earn half of it?"

Mr. Su!
Guo Jia smiled wryly, "It's not like you don't know about our family's situation."

Of course the old man knows!

Su interrupted him involuntarily.

"Tell you, this time, you have to do it if you can, and you have to do it if you can't. If you dare to say no, the old man will have your lower body chopped off."

Slick guy meets old rascal!
Guo Jia dared not speak out.

If Su Ze really chopped off his lower body, then what's the point of his being alive?
very good!

Seeing Guo Jia acquiesced, Su Ze laughed happily.

"Come here, kill pigs and sheep, our Su family is going to have a happy event."

Soon under Su Ze's arrangement, the Su family became busy.


Mr. Su acted resolutely, and with one order, the Su family prepared the auditorium and the bridal chamber.

Guo Jia naturally had no choice.

When he ran into Su Ze, an old scoundrel, he didn't move!

So I thought of a marionette and let the people around me operate it.

First worship the heaven and earth, second worship the high hall, husband and wife worship each other, and send them to the bridal chamber.

The process is simple and brutal.

Looking at the bright red decoration of the room, Guo Jia felt like crying.

He has experienced this situation twice.

The first time was at Mi's house in Xuzhou.

This is the second time.

It has always been a forced marriage, and such a forced marriage is really rare.

The bride wears a red hijab and sits on the bed, very quiet.

She is the younger sister of the dead Su Cheng.

Kill your brother and marry your sister!

Guo Jia suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Although this guy is a bit thick-skinned, he really doesn't dare to lift his hijab right now.He didn't even dare to get close to others, if this girl wanted to avenge his brother, he would be in a terrible situation.

After waiting for a long time, Guo Jia did not see him lift his hijab.

The bride spoke.

"Why, aren't you going to see me?"

Although the voice is not loud, it is very pleasant.

There is more confidence in it.

Guo Jia coughed, got up and took off the bride's hijab.

Now that people have spoken, he cannot remain indifferent.

Besides, the two of them can be regarded as husband and wife after paying homage.On the wedding night, the hijab must be uncovered.

Su Cheng, Su Yun, and Guo Jia have all met, and they are not such outstanding talents, so he didn't have much hope for this bride in his heart.

However, the moment he lifted the hijab, he was still amazed.

Yangliu's curved eyebrows, phoenix eyes, fair face, and a small cherry mouth, she is quite a beauty.

Although not as good as Diao Chan and Cai Yan, but not worse than Mi Zhen and Zhen Jiang.

Unexpectedly, Su Yun gave birth to such a beautiful daughter.

However, Guo Jia's astonished expression quickly subsided.

Although the bride was stunning, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, his elder brother died in his own hands.

The beauty rolled her eyes and said slowly: "Is it because of my elder brother's death that he dare not look at me face to face?"

Guo Jia nodded awkwardly.

He really has that.

If Su Cheng hadn't been killed, Guo Jia would naturally be happy to have such an extra wife and concubine.

Ha ha!

The bride smiled faintly, and said, "I never thought Guo Jia, the mighty hussar general, would be so courageous. It seems that there are some discrepancies in the rumors!"

How come there is a discrepancy?

Guo Jia said bravely.

The bride took off the phoenix coronet and Xiapei, and put it on a small table beside her.

"My grandfather once said that Guo Jia is the most powerful young man he has ever seen. He can secure the country when he enters, and defend the country when he retreats. He can cover the sky with one hand, plan strategies and kill people while talking and laughing. For this reason, his old man took the Su family's The future is entrusted to you. But what I see is..."

She stood up slowly.

"Fearful of the head and tail, the benevolence of a woman, blindly avoiding, dare not face the incompetent."

Every time she said a word, she took a step forward. Guo Jia was actually forced by her momentum, and couldn't help but backed up a few steps, leaning against the wall.

"Didn't you just kill Su Cheng?"

The bride said calmly: "Actually, what you did was not very clever. If I were you, I would not have killed Su Cheng rashly, but would have sold Su to the Su family. Compared with the future of the Su family, a Su Cheng What is it? Even if you don't kill him, the Su family will send his head to you in order to calm your anger. In this way, you not only take care of the Su family's face, but also give your subordinates an explanation, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone But you didn't do that. Instead, you chose to kill Su Cheng on the spot to frighten the whole army, and then came to Su's house to clear up. It seems that you still have impulsive factors in your bones. This is why you dared to kill Duyou before. The reason why the barracks that besieged the official army dared to despise the court. Because you are simply a person who acts impulsively and does not consider the consequences."


Guo Jia was suddenly sweating profusely.

He was suddenly frightened by this woman.

Really scared.

When he killed Su Cheng, he was indeed impulsive.

This woman analyzed him thoroughly as if she saw it with her own eyes.

Is that human being?
"You may be wondering why I am so ruthless and have no affection for my biological brother?"

The bride said to herself.

Guo Jia couldn't help but nodded.

He did have such doubts.

that is because……

The bride paused, and said word by word: "I am different from him. I grew up with my grandfather since I was a child. In the past ten years, we have met no more than ten times."

Guo Jia's heart was shocked, and he looked at this woman in surprise.

It was the first time he met such a powerful woman when he came to the end of Han Dynasty.

A smile suddenly appeared on the bride's face.

"My name is Su Qinglian, and I will be your wife from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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