Chapter 465 Unexpected people

Youzhou, the residence of Liu Yu.

"Master Taiwei, everything is ready, it's time to launch a general attack on Yunzhou."

The man in black came in front of Liu Yu.

This time, in order to deal with Yunzhou, he almost devoted all his efforts.

In the meantime, he sneaked into the center of Yunzhou and detonated malaria, turning Yunzhou into an empty city overnight.
Outside, in the name of Liu Yu, he joined forces with Wuhuan, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Yuan Shu and other warlords to cut off the commercial routes of Yunzhou from the outside.

Not only that, he also bribed Su Fang from the Su family, Mi Fang from the Mi family, and others to cooperate with the outside world, tampering with food, and destroying the stability of Yunzhou in one fell swoop.

Now, Zhuojun's schedule is on the right track. A large number of businessmen from Yunzhou have been received, and they have quietly annexed the commercial fruits of Yunzhou over the years.Yunzhou is facing internal and external troubles, and the surrounding forces are eyeing and well-prepared. It is a great opportunity to defeat Yunzhou in one fell swoop.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Attacking at this time is an excellent opportunity.

Unlike the urgency of the man in black, Liu Yu did not show any anxiety.

"War is not an easy thing!"

Liu Yu put down the wine jue.

During this period of time, his little life was very nourishing.

A large number of businessmen flooded into Zhuojun, and they forced the land here to sky-high prices, and Liu Yu made a fortune just by selling the land.

Not only that, the influx of merchants brought a wealth of commodities, which immediately enriched the barren Youzhou.

Liu Yu is really ecstatic at the moment, and he only hopes that this day will last forever. How can he be willing to get along with Guo Jia?

"I know what you're thinking. But..."

Liu Yu leaned forward, wondering: "Our border trade has just opened, so where is there any surplus money? Besides, Qiu Liju from Wuhuan, Gongsun Zan from Beiping, and Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Yuan Shu are good friends. How can it be so simple for them to extract chestnuts from the fire in Youzhou? What should they do if they open their mouths? What if they ask us what we want afterward? Besides, our food and grass are not enough. I think it’s better to talk about this matter later !"

The man in black suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Yu in shock.

The reason why he was willing to work hard for Liu Yu to persuade everyone to join forces against Guo Jia was to destroy Yunzhou.

Now Liu Yu is so happy that he doesn't want to go to Shu, and he is not ready to do anything.

"Master Taiwei! At this moment, Guo Jia is overwhelmed by external and internal troubles, and it is time for us to beat the dog in the water. Once he recovers, the strength of Youzhou is no match for him. Now it is hard to get off the tiger. , adults must not be confused!"

Seeing this man talking to him like this, Liu Yu was not happy and waved his sleeves violently.

"Guo Jia is the Hussar General of the current dynasty, and I am the Taiwei of the current court. He didn't invade Youzhou. Isn't it because we sent troops out of nowhere? Besides, whether to fight or not is a matter of the court? You are a white man, what's the matter?" qualified to comment?"

Liu Yu was originally an indecisive person. He belonged to the kind of person who healed his sores and forgot the pain. Now that the border trade in Zhuo County is in full swing, he wants wind and rain. Desperately?
What's more, Guo Jia is in a lot of trouble now, whether he can survive is still a matter of opinion.

Wouldn't it be boring to fight at this time?

The voice of the man in black gradually became colder.

"Aren't you kidding me?"

He was strangely angry.

It was precisely because Liu Yu agreed to help him deal with Guo Jia that he voluntarily stayed by Liu Yu's side and worked hard.

For three years, he has been lurking in Yunzhou, connecting horizontally and vertically, picking chestnuts from the fire, for this purpose.

Now when everything was ready and only owed to the east wind, Liu Yu suddenly stopped fighting.

How could he not be angry?
"Master Taiwei!"

The man in black took a deep breath and said, "I know Guo Jia very well. He is a fierce and decisive person. Once he is allowed to slow down, Youzhou will become scorched earth. He has been in the open all these years, and we are in the dark. , The situation created so easily, you must not waste it!"

shut up!

Liu Yu's face darkened, and he pointed at the man in black and said angrily, "What are you? How dare you accuse the Taiwei of coming. You are neither human nor ghost. If the Taiwei hadn't taken you in, you would have died outside Eaten by the rats. It's an important matter of the country, let you put your beak on it? Get out."

As he spoke, he was about to step forward.


Hearing Liu Yu's heartlessness, the man in black suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Liu Yu's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Come on, come on!"

Several guards suddenly broke in.

"Kick this guy out, and I won't be called by the Taiwei in the future, and I won't be allowed to enter the mansion."

Liu Yu said coldly.

Everyone is about to start.

The man in black suddenly snorted, and two sword lights stretched out from his sleeves.

After several encounters, Liu Yu's guard immediately fell to the ground and died.

After killing Liu Yu's guard, the man in black sneered and walked slowly towards Liu Yu with blood dripping from his swords.

"You... what do you want to do? This old man is a court captain."

Liu Yu panicked.

It never occurred to him that the man in black, whom he had always regarded as a running dog, would dare to fight back.

Ha ha!

The man in black grinned grimly, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Taiwei, I won't kill you. Because you are worth some money as a Taiwei!"

Hearing this, Liu Yu was relieved.

It turned out that he didn't dare to kill himself.

That being the case, he didn't dare to continue to provoke this person.

But I won't tolerate this kind of person staying by my side anymore.

Liu Yu coughed.

"Well, I'll think about the matter of sending troops. What you said is also reasonable. It would be a pity not to send troops."

He had already made up his mind that once he tricked this person out, he would immediately mobilize the army to kill him.

Lord Taiwei!

The man in black suddenly lifted his hat, revealing a face that looked like a ghost with mottled scars.

Rao Liu Yu had seen his face, but after seeing it once, he still had a desire to vomit.

"Master Taiwei said that I am neither human nor ghost. Do you know who owed me to be like this? It was Guo Jia. If it wasn't for him, I would not have ended up where I am today. This time, Lord Taiwei should You know why I insisted on putting Guo Jia to death, it was because of what this bastard said back then in Zhuo County, which changed my life."

The man in black gritted his teeth and said.

He touched his face, and his face became extremely ferocious.

"I swore at the beginning that I would let this bastard die without a place to bury him. Yunzhou, which he built with his own hands, would be turned into ruins. His relatives would suffer a terrible death, and his woman would be reduced to a plaything. I, Liu Bei, said do it."

Liu Bei!

Hearing the vicious words of the man in black, Liu Yu couldn't help but tremble in his heart, speechless in fear.

He never expected that the person in front of him was actually Liu Bei.

Didn't Liu Bei intend to replace Guo Jia as the Lord of Zhongshan at the beginning, but Guo Jia broke Wuji County and chopped it into meat?
(End of this chapter)

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