Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 466 The Mysterious Su Qinglian

Chapter 466 The Mysterious Su Qinglian

At the beginning, Liu Bei failed to seize Guo Jia's foundation, and was besieged by Guo Jia in Wuji County. After a big battle, Liu Bei was chopped into meat.

Liu Bei is dead!

Liu Yu also knew this.

But a real Liu Beizhan was in front of him, and the shock in Liu Yu's heart could be imagined.

Didn't think of it?
Liu Bei raised his head, revealing a mottled face, his signature big ears were gone, his entire facial features were like a broken watermelon, how could he see the formerly rich and godlike Liu Xuande?

"On the day when the city was broken, Guan Yu was chasing after him, and it was hard to escape. At this moment, a fellow of mine stepped forward. He was about the same size as me, and his appearance was somewhat similar to mine. The only thing is that It’s just that the ears are not as big as mine. In order to survive, I cut off both ears and asked him to put on my clothes. Later, he was chased by Guan Yu and plunged into the fire. Although he was caught, his face Destroyed, no one can recognize it. I have been hiding in a death pit full of people and eating rats. It has been like this for more than a month. At that time, Guo Jia and others always thought I was dead. So they also relaxed Check, I will have a chance to escape."

He suddenly took a step forward and said viciously, "Do you know what it feels like?"

Liu Yu shook his head in fright.

Hide among the dead and feed on rats.

He shuddered just thinking about it.

This Liu Bei was able to live for more than a month, and his mental quality is not ordinary.

Liu Bei touched the scar on his face, and said gloomyly: "The weather is hot, and there will be too many dead people to bury, and the plague will break out. Naturally, I cannot be spared. But God still favors me Liu Bei. I survived, thanks to these good boy."

As he spoke, he took out a bamboo tube, and took out a fluffy thing from it.


Liu Yu screamed in fright.

Through this confession, his fear of Liu Bei has been deeply imprinted in his heart.

Ha ha!

Liu Bei smiled darkly, and said: "Your Majesty Taiwei is well-clothed and well-fed, so naturally he doesn't know the sufferings of the poor. You must know that in the countryside, rats are also a great delicacy. It is even more delicious to eat raw. Would you like to try it, Mr. Taiwei?" ?”

As he spoke, he handed over the mouse in his hand.


Liu Yu was so frightened that he fell limp on the ground, how dare he resist?

Contempt flashed across Liu Bei's eyes.

"That's why I, Liu Bei, got a blessing in disguise. Not only am I immune to all diseases, but I also learned how to use rats to cause plagues. The reason why malaria broke out in Yunzhou is also because of these rats."

It was so!
Liu Yu was terrified.

Only then did he understand why there was an outbreak of malaria in Yunzhou.

It turned out that Liu Bei was playing tricks on all of this.

Using rats to spread malaria, this Liu Bei is really terrifying.

"Ben... Taiwei Ben, everything, everything is as you wish, hit Yunzhou... immediately!"

How dare Liu Yu say anything at this time?
very good!

Liu Bei nodded in satisfaction.

"If I knew this earlier, why bother in the first place?"

He leaned over and leaned in front of Liu Yu.

"However, I still have some understanding of the captain's repetition. Just in case, it's better to take some insurance."


What insurance?
Liu Yu was stunned for a moment, and just about to say something, he found that Liu Bei took out the big mouse and quickly bit him on the neck.

Immediately, Liu Yu's screams could be heard throughout the room.

Soon, everyone in Youzhou knew that Lord Taiwei was ill, and all matters, big and small, were left to a man in black beside him to handle.

The man in black monopolized the power and immediately launched a war against Yunzhou.

Soon Qiu Liju led [-] Wuhuan people to attack the bridgehead of Guangyang.

Gongsun Zan led an army of [-] to march towards Anguo.

Yuan Shao, governor of Qingzhou, and Cao Cao, prefect of Dongjun, also marched to Jizhou.

For a time, Yunzhou's external and internal troubles were precarious.


Guo Jia sat up suddenly. He just had a nightmare, dreaming of being bitten by several big rats.

He still clearly remembered the ferocious eyes of those mice.


A soft body leaned against his back, long hair covered his head and face, and his arms were wrapped around his chest. It was Guo Jia's new love, Su Qinglian.

what time is it

Guo Jia took a deep breath.

"It's almost dawn!"

Su Qinglian said softly, her hands clenched tightly.

She has just transformed from a young girl into a woman, and she is also very attached to Guo Jia, which is also the time when she is like glue.

I have to go now!

Guo Jia started to get dressed.

At this moment, Yunzhou is facing external and internal troubles, so he can't stay in the gentle nest forever.

Su Qinglian didn't say a word, and helped him to dress and clean his face. She also knew that now was the critical time.

After tidying up, Guo Jia glanced at Su Qinglian, and suddenly felt guilty.

Although a little confused, the two eventually had a close relationship.

"You wait for me at home. After the busy days, I will send someone to come to Su's house to pick you up."

He has important things to do now.

wait for me!
Su Qinglian smiled faintly, turned and walked into the room.

After a while, a handsome young man came out from inside.


Guo Jia looked at Su Qinglian in surprise.

At this moment, she has changed into a Confucian costume, which is even more glamorous.

"Marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog. Since I have followed you, I will naturally follow you."

Su Qinglian said calmly.

Guo Jia couldn't help being surprised.

"Your body..."

"Since I was a few years old, my grandfather has let me wear men's clothes and travel around the world with the Su family's caravan to increase my knowledge. Don't worry, I am more familiar with the outside world than you."

Su Qinglian held Guo Jia's hand as she spoke, and strode out of the room.

The sky had just dawned, and the servants of the Su family had already gotten up to work, and Su Qinglian, who saw women's clothes, turned a blind eye.

They have long been used to this lady disguised as a man.

Seeing Su Qinglian dragging him towards a small courtyard, Guo Jia was anxious: "Where are we going?"

Meet my parents!
Su Qinglian didn't look back.

"Take other people's daughters away, you have to tell their parents no matter what!"

Guo Jiadeng was a little dumbfounded.

He had just beheaded someone's son, and now he has become someone's son-in-law, so he really felt a little uncomfortable at the moment.

Su Qinglian's father is naturally Su Yun.

Su Yun is the eldest son of the Su family, and his residence is second only to the head of the family, Su Ze.

Su Qinglian dragged Guo Jia to Su Yun's room quickly.

"Father, please see Guo Jia!"

The door creaked open.

A woman came out.


Su Qinglian said obediently.

The person who came was Su Yun's wife, Mrs. Wang.

Wang's eyes quickly fell on Guo Jia.

This is the murderer who killed her son.

"Please come in!"

Wang said with a blank face.

Facing the person who killed her son, her first reaction was not to hit him, which is already very rare.

(End of this chapter)

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