Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 467 Zhang Fei's Distress

Chapter 467 Zhang Fei's Distress

Su Qinglian couldn't help but dragged Guo Jia into the room.

Su Yun looked haggard and knelt in the room.

"Father, I brought Guo Jia!"

Su Qinglian immediately dragged Guo Jia to Su Yun.

Rao Guo Jia has a thick skin, and now he is really at ease.

"Meet your father-in-law!"

In any case, he has already combined with Su Qinglian, so Su Yun, the father-in-law, naturally cannot escape.

Don't dare to be!
Su Yun said lightly, without any expression on his face.

It seems that the matter of killing a child is definitely not something that can be resolved in a short while.

Guo Jia couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Can this kind of thing not be embarrassing?

Su Qinglian called out in a low voice.

Su Yun seemed to have noticed something, and immediately coughed.

"Get up!"

He seemed ten years older.

"The past is over, and now you are Qinglian's man, and we don't have any requirements, as long as you take her well."

The Wang family on the side pretended to be happy and said.

"Don't worry ma'am, I will of course!"

Guo Jia cupped his fists again.

Although a little embarrassing, it can be regarded as a reconciliation.

"Since you are leaving, we won't keep you anymore. Qing Lian, the Su family is your natal family after all, so come back often in the future."

Wang said in a low voice.

Su Qinglian bowed again and left their room.

"Finally you can leave!"

She happily dragged Guo Jia to walk in the courtyard of the Su family, like a happy bird.

Something is wrong!
Guo Jia looked at Su Qinglian in surprise.

In fact, from the very beginning, he felt something was wrong.

Since she is Su Cheng's younger sister, why doesn't she have any affection for her brother?
Besides, even if the two rarely meet each other, it's impossible for them to be so tolerant of killing brothers and enemies?
He looked back in the direction of Su Yun's room.

It seems that there are some problems with the relationship between father and daughter, and the parents seem to be in awe of this woman.

"What are you thinking about?"

Su Qinglian turned to look at Guo Jia.

no... nothing?
Guo Jiaqiang laughed.

Although he was a little suspicious, he didn't take it to heart.

Even if the Su family hates him, they still want to be tied to him.

The door is open!
Guo Jia and Su Qinglian rode out.


Dian Wei didn't rest all night, his eyes were bloodshot like copper bells.

He was worried about Guo Jia's safety.


A warm feeling flashed in Guo Jia's heart.

With such a loyal servant by his side, he can sleep soundly.

Who is this……

Dian Wei's eyes fell on Su Qinglian, showing a suspicious expression.

Su Qinglian smiled sweetly and said, "You must be Dianwei."

The voice was clear and crisp, without hiding the woman's accent at all.

It's a woman!

Dian Wei froze for a moment, then looked at Guo Jia in confusion.

Guo Jia coughed, and was about to say something, but couldn't say it.

The brothers were worried outside for half the night, but the lord was turbulent inside, no matter how you looked at it, it affected the glorious and majestic image.

Su Qinglian didn't intend to hide anything.

"My name is Su Qinglian, and I'm your mistress now. I came here in a hurry, and I didn't bring any gifts for you brothers. The things in this box can be considered as a treat for everyone to drink."

As he spoke, with a wave of his hand, several servants of the Su family took out a box and opened it for a burst of jewels, but it was a valuable golden bead.

This is no small sum.

Although the military pay of the Tiger Guards was at the top of the Yunzhou Army, it could not be said to be rich.

The military laws of the Yunzhou Army are strict. Soldiers cannot accept bribes and cannot blackmail the people, but rewards do not count.

Since Su Qinglian is Guo Jia's woman, her reward is equal to Guo Jia's reward, and everyone is naturally happy to accept it.

The lady's casual reward is equal to half a year's military pay, how could they be unhappy?
"Thank you ma'am!"

Everyone said happily.

The suffering of the night was not in vain.

Cannibalism is short-sighted and short-handed, everyone accepted Su Qinglian's gold beads, and they naturally respected and loved the new lady.

This girl has a set!

Guo Jia watched coldly, and couldn't help but secretly praised him.

Dian Wei and the others are his confidantes, and now that they have accepted Su Qinglian well, they will naturally not treat her badly in the future.

Although I have many wives and concubines, there are really few who are as shrewd as this girl.

At this moment, Guo Jia suddenly felt something strange, looked up and was stunned.

There were more than a dozen corpses lined up on the Sujiawu Fort, and the leader was Su Fang.

"It was dealt with yesterday!"

Su Qinglian whispered in Guo Jia's ear.

is it?

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

This old man Su is really resolute. I only told him about Su Fang yesterday, and he hung up that night.

You really don't rub the sand in your eyes!

Although Guo Jia wanted to know who was behind Su Fang, but since he was dead, there was no need to ask.

This incident must have something to do with Liu Yu from Youzhou.

never mind!

Guo Jia shook his head.

He didn't want to ask about the internal affairs of the Su family either.

"Let's go to the barracks!"

Now that he has come to Anguo, he also wants to inspect the defense.

Anguo is the first stop to guard the east of Yunzhou, and the guard is Zhang Fei.

In other words, this Zhang Fei has grown a lot after joining the Yunzhou Army, and now he is able to dominate alone.

set off!

Guo Jia pointed his whip, and led the crowd away at a gallop.


The military camp outside Anguo City.

A big man was walking up and down anxiously, it was General Zhang Fei.


One of his men came to report.

"Today, many merchants fled into Zhuo County under the cover of the people of Zhuo County."

darn thing!

Zhang Fei slammed the table.

With a bang, a good hard table in the big tent fell apart again.

The men shrank their heads in fright.

It's over, General Zhang is angry again!

This was already the tenth table he had smashed.

It doesn't matter if the table is broken, you can replace it with a new one, but this master has a bad habit, that is, he likes to hit people all his life, especially those around him.

It is said that the soldiers around him were often beaten.

Could it be that I touched my brow again at this moment?
Fortunately, Zhang Fei didn't have an adult this time, he just gritted his teeth and said, "Bring my weapon, and this time, you have to plug the gap if you say anything."

As if he had been released, the subordinate immediately went out to prepare, fearing that if he was too late, he would be punched by General Zhang.

General Zhang is a powerful person who can use the millstone as a toy.

His punches and kicks are not so easy to bear.

Soon, Zhang Fei was fully clothed and rushed to the intersection with his men.

In the middle of the intersection, a group of businessmen was breaking through the blockade and infiltrating into Zhuo County under the cover of the people in Zhuo County.


Zhang Fei's eyes widened with anger, and he immediately rushed up on his horse.

During this period of time, Anguo was in turmoil, and many merchants fled Anguo.Zhang Fei, who was guarding An Guo, naturally couldn't just sit idly by.

(End of this chapter)

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