Chapter 468 Folks, Folks

Originally, Zhang Fei turned a blind eye because of his feelings.

But the situation is getting worse and worse. Not only Anguo, but also businessmen from other places in Yunzhou have poured into Zhuojun from here.

Zhang Fei was extremely disturbed and wanted to cut off their way back, but he couldn't bear to deal with the folks.

So every time Zhang Fei led his army to intercept these merchants on the road, Zhuo County on the opposite side would immediately send some people to stop them.

Zhang Fei was naturally unwilling, and the two sides clashed.

But every conflict ended with Zhang Fei's defeat.


Zhang Fei is from Zhuojun, and these people are all Zhang Fei's fellow villagers.

Sure enough, seeing Zhang Fei approaching, those people immediately formed a human wall, blocking Zhang Fei's way, and covering those merchants from fleeing into Zhuojun.

"Let me get out of the way!"

Zhang Fei said angrily, "I will not be polite to anyone who dares to interfere with official duties."

During this period of time, he has not suffered from the uselessness of these folks.

But these people ignore this stubble.

"Zhang Fei, you are also from Zhuojun, why do you embarrass your fellow countrymen? Are you really going to cut off Zhuojun's wealth?"

"Zhang Fei, even if you go out, you are still from Zhuo County. If you make things difficult for us, it is ungrateful and treasonous."

"You are an official in Yunzhou, but what you want to cut off is our Zhuo County's livelihood. How can you bear it?"

"Yide, our Youzhou Taiwei Liu loves the people like a son and seeks talents and thirsts for talents. You might as well take off this skin and go back to our Zhuo County. Liu Taiwei will not treat you badly."

"Alas, your wife is my niece, is that how you treat relatives?"

Everyone ran on Zhang Fei with one word and one word, and Zhang Fei was immediately defeated.

Even if he is a hero, he can't stop so many folks poking their backs.

Withdraw, withdraw!
Zhang Fei couldn't resist the attack of the crowd, and fled again.

Long live!

Everyone cheered in unison, happy to defeat Zhang Fei again.

Liu Taiwei opened Zhuo County as a trading city. During this period, a large number of merchants poured in, not only bringing a wealth of goods, but also a large number of jobs.

The local people naturally benefited as well.

That's why he volunteered to come here to hinder Zhang Fei from enforcing the law.

They were all old men and women from the village, and none of them were adults. Even if Zhang Fei was annoyed, he was ashamed to attack these people.

So he went back to the barracks to sulk.

Drinking, sulking, and beating soldiers became Zhang Fei's three-piece suit during this time.

At this moment, I just found a subordinate, and when I was about to start the fight, I suddenly heard Guo Jia coming.

Hearing Guo Jia's arrival, Zhang Fei dropped the cane and ran out.

During this time, he was suffocated.


Seeing Guo Jia galloping towards him, Zhang Fei fell to his knees with a grunt.

"Zhang Fei is incompetent, please punish him, my lord!"

During this period of time, Anguo let go of a large number of businessmen, and Zhang Fei couldn't stop everything.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, dismounted and helped Zhang Fei up.

"What is Yide doing?"

Zhang Fei was extremely ashamed, and said: "Your subordinates failed to protect Anguo, and I am ashamed of my trust in the lord."

Now whispered about the escape of the businessman during this period.


Guo Jia laughed a few times, and said: "Businessmen have always been driven by profit since ancient times. If you are profitable here, they will come here uninvited. Once you are not profitable here, you will not be able to stay even if you want to. "

He personally helped Zhang Fei up.

"Yide, this is not your responsibility."

Indeed, the matter in Yunzhou was Guo Jia's negligence. Over the years, he has been focusing on the court and ignoring the surrounding Liu Yu, which gave Liu Yu an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Zhang Fei felt a little better.

However, he still felt ashamed and said, "My lord, those who obstructed his subordinates are all Zhang Fei's fellow villagers in Zhuo County, Zhang Fei really can't do it."

Yide is really a man of temperament!

Guo Jia nodded.

This Liu Yu pinpointed Zhang Fei's veins, and sent so many old men and old ladies to surround him, Zhang Fei was naturally helpless.

"Report, General!"

A subordinate who had just been beaten ran back again.

"Just now the Mi family's caravan was going to pass the checkpoint. We did a routine inspection, but found that they were smuggling food. So we immediately detained it. But it caused dissatisfaction from the Mi family, and the scene was chaotic. They didn't know what to do." Alright, so come and consult the general immediately."

This was important news, so he endured the risk of being beaten to report it.

Because there is a death rule above, others can be let go, but not a single grain of grain can be shipped out of Yunzhou.

But it was the Mi family who delivered the food, and the Mi family was Guo Jia's in-laws, so they didn't dare to make decisions.


Zhang Fei secretly glanced at Guo Jia.

The Mi family are relatives of Guo Jia, if Guo Jia didn't come, he would be really embarrassed.

Mi Fang?
Guo Jia smiled coldly.

Is this thing that eats inside and out finally started?

This time, he will fix this guy well.


Zhang Fei looked at him for help.

"Look at what I do?"

Guo Jia said indifferently: "The Son of Heaven is guilty of the same crime as the common people. Yunzhou forbids the flow of a grain of grain. This is a military order. The Mi family knowingly committed the crime, what should we do? Don't you, the guard, still not know?"

Zhang Fei understood immediately!
"Don't let go of a single grain!"

Since the lord has given the order, is there any reason for him not to do it?

The subordinates were ordered to leave immediately.

Before Zhang Fei had time to breathe a sigh of relief, that person would be here soon.

"The general is bad!"

The man was out of breath and said: "We were ordered to stop the Mi's family, but it caused a riot among the villagers. They tried to create chaos to cover the Mi's convoy passing through the barrier."

Zhang Fei was furious again.

"You all eat dry food? Won't you stop them?"


The man looked at him aggrievedly.

Because Zhang Fei's folks are blocking the way, Zhang Fei has nothing to do with those people, so what can they do?

Besides, they dared to be violent. If they beat Zhang Fei's relatives, they would be beaten severely.

Zhang Fei also kept scratching his head.

In the past two days, he has often been embarrassed by these folks.

How to do how to do?
For a while, Zhang Fei was also a little embarrassed.


Guo Jia narrowed his eyes and said to himself, "Have they finally started to do something?"

He had already received information that profiteers headed by the Yuyang Zhang family were planning to attack the grain market in Yunzhou.

Some food was transported from Yunzhou, and these people probably started to do it.

The battle has already begun.


Guo Jia suddenly said: "Today, you should rest first. This battle is left to Dianwei."

He also understood Zhang Fei's embarrassment, so he planned to make Dian Wei the villain.


Zhang Fei suddenly chased after him, Qiqi Ai said: "These people are innocent people, please hold your hand high, my lord. Don't embarrass them."

He also knew the lord well.

Knowing that Guo Jia is a murderer without batting an eyelid, Lunu City ordered [-] Yellow Turbans to be wiped out.

If the lord attacks the folks in Zhuojun, he will be in a dilemma.

(End of this chapter)

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