Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 469 Su Qinglian's Suggestion

Chapter 469 Su Qinglian's Suggestion
Ha ha!

Guo Jia's eyes fell on Zhang Fei.

"Is there any better way for Yide to succeed?"

These people were Zhang Fei's fellow villagers, not Guo Jia's fellow villagers, and he couldn't afford to be polite to these people.

Besides, Liu Yu just came here, so Guo Jia would naturally not be polite.


Zhang Fei couldn't bear it.

Third brother!

Dian Wei coughed and said, "Don't be stupid! They are our enemies!"

Seeing that Zhang Fei was acting stupid, Dian Wei immediately jumped out to correct him.

At this time, Su Qinglian, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "General Zhang, actually, it is not impossible to keep those grain merchants and not hurt your folks."

Hearing this, Zhang Fei couldn't help shouting.

Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both. For these folks, Zhang Fei really didn't want to hurt them, so he couldn't plug the gap.

He suddenly heard that there was a way to get the best of both worlds, how could he not be happy?

Su Qinglian smiled slightly, and whispered in his ear: "Just this and that!"

Zhang Fei's eyes were full of light, he thanked him immediately, and rushed out with the army again.

Although I don't know who this young man is, it has indeed helped him a lot.

The headache during this period disappeared after being mentioned a little bit.

Hey, it's really refreshing!
At this moment, Zhang Fei was full of energy, wishing to fly to the scene immediately.

Seeing Zhang Fei go out with full confidence, Guo Jia was a little surprised for a while, and he looked Su Qinglian up and down.

Why is this girl so eye-catching?

Something is wrong!

Guo Jia's eyes narrowed immediately.

From the beginning, this Su Qinglian didn't treat herself as an outsider!

As soon as he saw Dian Wei, he threw money away.

As soon as I saw Zhang Fei, I gave him some advice.

What made Guo Jia even more curious was, what idea did she come up with to untie Zhang Fei's knot?

"Want to know?"

Su Qing looked at Guo Jia with a pitiful smile.

Guo Jia didn't make a sound!

This woman is a bit of a monster.

Guo Jia thought that his IQ was high enough, but he didn't expect this girl to let her go too far.

At least for now, he hasn't figured out how to intercept the caravan without being rough.

But this girl figured it out and convinced Zhang Fei.

"Let's go and see!"

Guo Jia waved his hand and led the Tiger Guards to the checkpoint.

It is also very simple to know the answer, just go to the checkpoint and see for yourself.

What Su Qinglian said would affect his glorious image.

Su Qinglian smiled slightly, and followed Guo Jia without saying a word.

She suddenly realized that sometimes this man is also very cute.


Let's say that a large number of caravans transported food and wanted to break through the checkpoint, but this time the Yunzhou Army said nothing.

Because at the beginning of freshman year, Yunzhou high-level officials issued a death order.

Not a grain of grain can flow out.

Yunzhou has strict military discipline!

Soldiers naturally dare not make fun of their own heads.

At this time, the people in Zhuojun began to make trouble again.

They came here to cover the evacuation of the merchants.

Ever since, this group of old men and old ladies started yelling.

"Dog, I'm your second uncle. When you were young, you played in our house with bare buttocks? Now you don't look down on your second uncle."

"Che Jilu, I think you're out of your mind, kid. You and we kid grew up with bare buttocks. Why did you turn your face and deny anyone for so long?"

"Ermao, your wings are hardened, you dare to treat your fellow countrymen like this. Be careful, old lady, go back and tell your family."

"Let go quickly, let go, Zhang Fei has been scolded by us, what are you little fish and shrimp?"

Zhang Fei didn't come here alone. He was Guo Jia who recruited many villagers from Zhuo County to join him.

Now that Zhang Fei has become the general of Yunzhou, these villagers have naturally become his team.

In other words, these people are also their folks.

Being scolded by the villagers, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

But because of their duties, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and stop these people.

"Second uncle, there is no way. There is an order from above that no food can be taken out, otherwise it will be my dog's head. Please forgive me, old man!"

"Fourth Uncle, I'm sorry. Although I, Che Rulu, are younger than your boys, I can't help myself because of the military orders!"

"Sixth Aunt, even if you tell my whole family, I can't let them go."

"Fellow folks, you've been made a fuss about. Everything else is easy to talk about, but this food can't go away."

Everyone also earnestly advised.

They are all from the folks in the village, so it's better to justify it in terms of face.

The Yunzhou army from Zhuojun here is easy to talk about, but the old men and women in Zhuojun over there are not so easy to talk about.

"Bastard, why are you talking to your second uncle? Let him go immediately, and be careful that I will scratch you!"

"On the contrary, you are the opposite of Che Jilu. If you know who came up with your name, it is the fourth uncle. Without your fourth uncle, you wouldn't be where you are today."

"Ermao, you boy, listen to my mother, these people are partial to me, if you have the ability, come and beat me!"

A group of old men and women came forward aggressively and began to push these soldiers.

The Yunzhou soldiers from Zhuojun did not dare to fight, so they had to dodge from left to right.

The grain merchants on one side saw the opportunity and rushed over to greet him.

At this moment, a roar came.

"Stop it all!"

There was a sound of kicking and tapping, and Zhang Fei came again on horseback with a gun.

"Zhang Fei, it's just right for you to come! Hurry up and let these people pass, otherwise we won't give up!"

"Yide, you can do it, let them go, and the people in Zhuojun will all miss you."

"Zhang Fei, if you don't agree, it will be a disgrace to Zhuo County."

Everyone started to focus on Zhang Fei again.

This time Zhang Fei was not angry, but rode his horse to the front of the crowd.

"Old man, hello!"

"Hey, isn't this Aunt Six? Why are you here too?"

"Second uncle, your legs and feet are not good, why did you come out?"

Changing his normal routine, Zhang Fei smiled and flirted with everyone.

Where is the meaning of half split?
All the soldiers are all embarrassed!
They originally thought that the general had exhausted all his energy and had a big explosion.

Didn't expect this to go up!

Is it true that the sun came out from the west?
Zhang Fei's low profile quickly gave these people a good impression.

"If I knew it earlier, why did I do it in the first place?"

"Fly, stop gossip and let me go!"

"Yeah, are we still waiting to go back to eat?"

Can't let go!
Zhang Fei's expression suddenly became serious, and he said, "Fellow folks, I, Zhang Fei, stopped them, but for everyone's benefit!"

For our good!
Everyone was also a little confused.

"Liar! If it's in our best interest, let them in."

someone shouted.

Their task is to cover the retreat of these merchants.

(End of this chapter)

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