Chapter 471
Mi Fang escaped a catastrophe, she was not beheaded on the spot, but she was also frightened, and she might not be able to recover for a while.

Cheap this bastard!
Guo Jia's eyes flashed with anger.

Judging from Mi Zhen's performance, Mi Zhu might not know about Mi Fang's affairs, Su Qinglian said it well, if she had a moment of pleasure in looking at Mi Fang, Mi Zhu might not say anything afterwards, but she would definitely not be happy in her heart.

The Mi family is also somewhat different from the Su family. He is one of Guo Jia's two fulcrums in the south and must not be discarded.

Su Qinglian smiled slightly, and said: "I just received news that the price of grain in Yunzhou has skyrocketed. It seems that the food war has already started."

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

He already knew this.

It's just that Mi Fang, a bastard, took the opportunity to add insult to injury.

"According to the plan, let the Su family and the Zhen family also take advantage of the chaos to enter the market to drive up the price of grain, and block the export, so that no grain of grain can go out."

Guo Jia became ruthless.

The grain depot was burned, and Yunzhou lost 600 million shi of grain in vain. Is Guo Jia bleeding in his heart?Suddenly, a group of ignorant profiteers broke in and speculated on the price of grain in Gaoyun Prefecture.

It is really unreasonable not to kill them.

So this time, Guo Jia wants to close the door and beat the dogs, and wipe out this group of profiteers.

"If you want to catch them, it's best to close the border. But if you do that, you may not get anything but a few taels of meat."

Su Qinglian said lightly.

How to say?
Guo Jia looked at Su Qinglian in surprise.

From the very beginning, he felt that this woman was a little strange.

She never behaved like a concubine, but like a master, which made Guo Jia a little puzzled.

Su Qinglian explained: "The border is their transportation line. They not only need to transport food out, but also bring money in. Otherwise, where would they have the capital to buy so much grain and raise the price of grain in Yunzhou? Once you cut off the With this channel, food can’t go out, but money can’t come in either. So it won’t take long for them to die due to lack of stamina.”

That's it!

Guo Jia suddenly realized.

He only thought about how to control the outflow of food, but ignored the channels through which these people brought money in.

Only when there are sufficient transportation channels, can they use capital to make troubles in Yunzhou. Once their transportation lines are cut off, they will naturally be unable to make any more troubles.

Although Guo Jia was able to wipe them all out, it was impossible to make them bleed.

"What can you do?"

Guo Jia asked curiously.

It's easy!
Su Qinglian smiled slightly: "Strict exits and wide entry, catch the big and let go of the small."

Strict exit and wide entry, grasp the big and let go of the small?
Guo Jia frowned and didn't understand for a while.

"For example, at the border, strictly check the caravans that go out, and relax the checks on the caravans that come in. Strictly check the large caravans that go out, and relax the checks on the small caravans that go out. Make sure that no large caravan is let go, The passage of small caravans is unimpeded. The property they come in is not hindered, but it is impossible to go out on a large scale. They are forced to break up and transport things out in the way of ants moving house."

Su Qinglian paused, and continued: "In this way, their belongings can be sent in continuously, but things can only be shipped out in small quantities. Although there are some losses, they can cheat their belongings in as much as possible. .At that time, when we are almost ready, we can close the door and beat the dogs, and no one will escape."

She suddenly gave Guo Jia a blank look.

"I don't want children to be able to trap wolves. Although catching the big and letting go of the small will lose some food, but compared to these people going bankrupt, this loss is worth it."

After hearing Su Qinglian's plan, Guo Jia couldn't help but gasped.

It really is the most poisonous woman's heart.

This is the rhythm of killing those profiteers and then salting the meat.


Su Qinglian smiled and said: "Are you not willing?"

Guo Jia smiled coldly.

He wished he could burn his ashes to these people, so how could he not be willing?
"Then let's do this. I dare to guarantee that within half a month, all their property will flow into Yunzhou. At that time, don't tell me what to do!"

Su Qing took a sideways look at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia suddenly looked at Su Qinglian carefully.

what happened?
Su Qinglian smiled sweetly and said, "Didn't you see enough last night?"

Guo Jia stared at her for a while, then suddenly asked, "What kind of person are you?"

From the very beginning, he felt that Su Qinglian was a little weird.

Su Ze was old and cunning, and it would definitely not be so simple to give him a concubine at this time.

Judging from the attitude of Su Yun and his wife towards Su Qinglian, no matter how you think about it, they don't look like a family.

In addition, this Su Qinglian has extremely clever means in business warfare, how can she look like a young lady who doesn't leave the door and doesn't go out?
The smile on Su Qinglian's face remained unchanged: "My name is Su Qinglian, and I am your woman, Guo Jia."

very good!

Guo Jia didn't see any flaws, so he nodded immediately.

"There are a lot of things going on in Yunzhou right now, can you share my worries about the business war?"

Seeing Su Qinglian's almost monstrous level of business warfare, Guo Jia naturally wants to make the best of her talents.

"It's my duty as a concubine to share the worries of my own man. But..."

Su Qinglian suddenly paused, and said with a smile: "I have a problem, since you have entrusted this matter to me, then don't bother me about what I do in the future, how about you?"

She was giving Guo Jia a problem.

Not every man feels at ease with his woman.

Especially let them go and let them do things.

Su Qinglian's eyes were fixed on Guo Jia's body.

She also wanted to know whether this man was at ease with her?

it is good!
Guo Jia clapped his hands without thinking.

There is no doubt about employing people, and there is no need for others!

This Su Qinglian's business skills are far better than Guo Jia's, so it's just right for her to deal with these profiteers.

As for her eccentricity, so what?

Everyone has their own secrets, and so does Guo Jia. He believes that when the time is right, this Su Qinglian will definitely confess to him.

Thank you my husband!

After getting Guo Jia's promise, Su Qinglian smiled again with a confident expression.

It was as if everything was under her control.


Guo Jia was even more surprised.

Speaking of traveling here, it was the first time he met such a powerful woman.


Dian Wei suddenly came to Guo Jia and whispered something in his ear.

Is it finally time to start?
Guo Jia murmured a few words.

very good!

He took a deep breath. It turned out that he had been focusing on the court and ignored Liu Yu, a waste material. He didn't expect this waste material to give Yunzhou a fatal blow when he was not paying attention.

Liu Yu!

Guo Jia said viciously: "It's time to settle the score."

(End of this chapter)

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