Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 472 The Conspiracy of Youzhou

Chapter 472 The Conspiracy of Youzhou

A remote yard in Wuji County.

Yuyang Zhangfang and other profiteering groups are discussing intensively.

No good no good!

A servant rushed in in a panic.

"Master Zhang, it's too bad, Mi Fang has been arrested!"

Mi Fang was arrested?
Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

When they came, they had already made a division of labor, and they bought Yunzhou's grain at a high price, and took the opportunity to drive up the price of Yunzhou's grain, while looking for a place to stock up, and at the same time let Mi Fang use the Mi family's caravan to transport it out.

This is their routine.

In this way, the food in Yunzhou is getting less and less, and the price is getting higher and higher.

When the price of grain rose to a certain level, they would cash out the grain hoarded in the city at a high price.

In this way, not only will you make a lot of money, but you will also get a lot of food.

This method has been tried and tested repeatedly.

But what they didn't expect was that Mi Fang, a key figure, was arrested on the first day of the development.

"What's going on? Mi Fang is Guo Jia's brother-in-law, how could Anguo's defenders arrest him?"

Zhang Fang asked puzzledly.

When they asked Mi Fang to transport grain out of the city, they had fully considered this issue.

"Yunzhou City has long had an order that no food can leave the city. Mi Fang took people out and was stopped by the officers and soldiers. Originally, there was no problem with his Mi family's banner. But Guo Jia actually came to Anguo. Now, Mi Fang Didn’t run away. He was almost hacked by Guo Jia.”

The visitor said in a low voice.

darn thing!

Zhang Fang understood as soon as he heard it.

This Mi Fang was too careless, under the banner of the Mi family, he would walk sideways when he met anyone in the city, but he happened to run into Guo Jia.

Disadvantages of apprenticeship!

There was concern on everyone's face.

"So it's impossible to transport the food out?"

Zhang Fang said angrily.

Not really!

The visitor said: "It used to be difficult to transport through checkpoints on the main road, but there is no inspection on the small road, but the scale is much smaller."

very good!

Hearing that Xiaolu was able to ship the goods, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as the road is not blocked, they can continue to get supplies and transport food out. It doesn't matter if they transport less, they can transport it slowly with the ability of ants to move, anyway, it will not take a while.

"One more question!"

The visitor said again: "While we are collecting grain at a high price, there are two groups of people in the market who are collecting grain at a high price. I have inquired, and it is the Su family and the Zhen family."

The Su family and the Zhen family?
Hearing these two names, Zhang Fang's face immediately became gloomy.

The Zhang family in Zhongshan is a branch of the Zhang family in Yuyang, and both families wear a pair of trousers.When Guo Jia first entered Zhongshan, he joined forces with the Su family and the Zhen family to eradicate the Zhang family.

It can be said that these two families have a deep hatred with the Yuyang Zhang family!
"These two are Guo Jia's best friends, and now they want to take the opportunity to make a fortune. It seems that there is really not much food in Yunzhou."

Zhang Fang gritted his teeth and said: "In this case, we must be clean and quick, and try to make money and leave in a short time. Don't be afraid, it is better for the Zhen family and the Su family to join in, so that the food will increase faster. I will contact the husband and let him hurry up. Bring the money in."


Everyone nodded in unison.

It is not once or twice that they have done this kind of damage.


Youzhou Mushou Mansion.

Liu Bei sat on Liu Yu's seat, looking at everything in front of him with satisfaction.

When he escaped from Guo Jia's hands, he had nothing, so he could only bear the humiliation and serve a mean Liu Yu.

Three years of forbearance finally paid off rich results.

Liu Yu fell ill, and everything in the governor's mansion fell into Liu Bei's hands.

This can be regarded as a step up to the sky.


Liu Bei's ugly eyes flashed sharply.

Guo Jia!

Thinking of this name, Liu Bei's mottled face twitched.

He has not forgotten the pain that this person brought him back then.

"Your Majesty!"

An official walked in respectfully.

Over the years, Liu Bei has bought up and down, and Liu Yu has basically been emptied, but Liu Yu doesn't know it.

Now that Liu Yu is sick and unable to govern, Liu Bei takes over Youzhou and everything goes smoothly.

"Zhang Fang received the news that the price of food in Yunzhou has skyrocketed, and many local rich families have also joined the hype team. He asked Shi Jun to increase the import of property, and they are confident that they can reap the wealth of Yunzhou in a short time."

very good!

A smile appeared on Liu Bei's face.

But this smile looks very sinister.

Although Guo Jia is his enemy, he admires Guo Jia's imaginative border trade promotion plan very much.

This man turned a desolate border county into a business center of the Han Dynasty in just a few years.

The annual throughput of goods and the flow of merchants are astronomical.

The arrival of merchants and the inflow of goods made Yunzhou extremely prosperous, and it can be called an incomparably rich country.

While envious, Liu Bei has been studying Yunzhou, scrutinizing Guo Jia's operating methods, and looking for flaws in Yunzhou.

After three years of careful study, Liu Bei finally found a way to deal with Yunzhou.

Although this kind of business-oriented city comes in quickly, it has a fatal weakness, that is, it relies heavily on food imported from outside.

Once there is a food problem, the entire city will collapse without a fight.

If you want to defeat Yunzhou, you have to use your brains on this food.

After a series of preparations, Liu Bei finally launched the strongest attack against Yunzhou's weakness.

He first detonated the infectious disease of malaria in several major cities in Yunzhou, spread rumors to shake the morale of the army in Yunzhou, and instigated businessmen to flee to Zhuojun.Receive the fruits of Yunzhou's development over the years.

Combine with the hostile forces in Yunzhou to block the grain roads and commercial routes in Yunzhou, and remove the source of grain in Yunzhou from the root.The internal response to buying Yunzhou internally burned the government's granaries, further weakening Yunzhou's grain reserves.

In the end, Liu Bei joined the army to attack Guo Jia.

But before that, Liu Bei also planned to use Zhang Rang and other profiteers to drive up the prices of Yunzhou to harvest the achievements of Yunzhou over the years.

When Yunzhou's last penny flowed into Youzhou's pocket, when there was no value in collecting it again, it was the moment when Liu Bei finally acted.

Otherwise, once the war breaks out, the wealth that Yunzhou has accumulated among the people over the years will be wiped out. This is a huge fat, and Liu Bei will naturally not let it go.

Therefore, business first and soldiers later have always been the order of Liu Bei's plan.

"Come here, increase your support to send funds to Zhang Fang and them, so that they can bring all their wealth back to Youzhou before the chaos occurs."

After tidying up Liu Yu, Liu Bei's former confidence also returned, and he began to feel like a bully.

The officer immediately lowered his head.

Although this master is a bit ugly, his courage and means are far stronger than Liu Yu's, and he is also generous to others.It is much better to follow him than to follow Liu Yu.

In just one or two months, a large number of businessmen have poured into Youzhou, and their income has directly increased by more than ten times.

The government's income has increased, and these officials are also happy, and they support Liu Shijun even more.

(End of this chapter)

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