Chapter 473 The Trade War Begins

The fish is hooked!
Seeing the news from the eyeliners at various checkpoints, Su Qinglian smiled.

"Congratulations, husband, Zhang Fang and others have entered the game."

is it?

Guo Jia didn't have any excitement.

He has already received the news that there are large armies gathered around Yunzhou and Jizhou. The Wuhuan people, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Gongsun Zan, and Liu Yu's own army all add up to 20 people.

Yunzhou is a bit better, with [-] left-behind infantry and nearly [-] cavalry.But the troops in Jizhou are a bit weak, only Yu Jin's [-] cavalry.This force is difficult to face Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's tens of thousands of troops.

Although Yunzhou has sufficient troops, it is not optimistic.

The troops of the Wuhuan people and Gongsun Zan are very powerful, especially in the case of the shortage of food and grass in Yunzhou, it is not easy to secure the victory.

Therefore, Guo Jia could not spend too much troops to support Yu Jin in Jizhou.

"Is your husband worried about Jizhou's weak military strength?"

Su Qing asked with a smile.

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded.

He was already somewhat used to this monstrous lady.

"I don't understand the war. But I know that the battle will start after Zhang Fang and the others succeed. So there should be some time to prepare."

Why is this?

Hearing this, Guo Jia was also a little puzzled.

Very simple!
Su Qinglian shrugged and said: "Youzhou sent Zhang Fang here to squeeze out the last drop of Yunzhou's wealth. After Zhang Rang gets away, it's their time to use their troops. Otherwise, wouldn't they be wasting their efforts? If If I were an enemy, I would definitely not do this. Wouldn’t it be easier to let Zhang Fang and others destroy the balance of food supply in Yunzhou, and Yunzhou would collapse without a fight.”

Hearing Su Qinglian's explanation, Guo Jia couldn't help being surprised.


Zhang Fang and others came aggressively, and they must have been instructed by Liu Yu behind them. They wanted to take advantage of Yunzhou's weakness to shear the sheep.You will not use soldiers until you have sheared the wool.Because once the soldiers are used, everything will be destroyed.

What's more, everything around here is an illusion, for Zhang Rang to better cut Yunzhou's wool.

The purpose of sending troops is to shear sheep commercially. Didn’t the American emperors of later generations often do this?
Drive a bunch of aircraft carriers and warships to show off their power at the door of others, with business as the main focus and force as a supplement.

Wrong, wrong!
After figuring this out, Guo Jia immediately overturned his point of view.

Previously, he had been preconceived, thinking that Liu Yu's entanglement in placing so many troops around Yunzhou and Jizhou was to attack them.

But after Su Qinglian's analysis, Guo Jia realized that he was wrong from the beginning.

If they really wanted to fight, they would have already started fighting without saying a word, who would be so ink-stained?
It is very likely that these troops are all false moves, and Zhang Fang and others' plan to shear the sheep is the real move.Once the grain market in Yunzhou is abolished, it will collapse without a fight, and it will be more effective if it is fought again.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly hugged Su Qinglian forcefully.

"Girl, you are really my good helper. After you remind me like this, I suddenly feel that I seem to have made a mistake in my judgment."

He was surprised and delighted.

What was surprising was how Su Qinglian would have noticed Youzhou's conspiracy, and was delighted that he had such a woman by his side, which made him feel a lot easier.

The mall is like a battlefield!
Su Qinglian smiled slightly, and said in a low voice, "Actually, doing business is similar to fighting a war."

very good!

Guo Jia laughed, straightened his face, and said, "If that's the case, then let's have fun with them."

If this is the case, he may have to re-plan his countermeasures.

Husband don't worry!

Su Qinglian said lightly: "Everything is under my control."

She suddenly gave Guo Jia a meaningful look, covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Have you ever suffered a loss in business?"


Just as Guo Jia returned to Mushou Mansion in Lunu City, a figure rushed over and grabbed Guo Jia. It was Hua Tuo.

I saw his face full of shock.

"Feng Xiao, where did Yin Hong and those mice go?"

Yin Hong is a disciple of Hua Tuo and a student of the medical school.Responsible for guarding those infected rats.

Only now did Hua Tuo realize that Yin Hong had disappeared, along with many of the students' infected rats.

It's fine for the students to disappear, but the disappearance of those mice makes Hua Tuo sleepless and restless.

You must know that mice are a species with strong reproductive ability, and the number can double in ten days.

Once exiled, it will be a disaster for the people of the big man.

Seeing Hua Tuo's panic, Guo Jia had nothing to say besides praising the old man for his medical ethics.

Guo Jia said casually: "I sent him out to carry out a mission."

Carry out a mission?

Hua Tuo was dubious.

"The malaria in Zhongshan has been brought under control, and the patients are gradually getting better after taking the Artemisia annua prescription. How can they be used? Besides, they went out as soon as they went out. Why did they take those rats away? Fengxiao, the malaria is severe." , you don’t know, why don’t those rats be burned? If they escape, the whole man will be finished.”

He is not so easy to fool.

In medicine, this old gentleman is one-on-one.

This is it!
Guo Jia talked a little bit about him.

"I just asked them to get rid of these mice. Don't think too much, sir. I'm tired this time, so let's take a good rest! I still have something to do, let's go first!"

Saying that, he hurriedly got rid of Hua Tuo and walked into the inner courtyard.

Hua Tuo couldn't catch up, so he could only sigh.

He didn't quite believe Guo Jia's words.

But Guo Jia had already fled into the backyard, where Guo Jia's wives and concubines lived, and he was too embarrassed to chase after him to find out, so he had to go back unwillingly.


What a risk!

Seeing Hua Tuo leaving, Guo Jia patted his chest and walked out from the backyard.

By the way, this old man's sense of justice is too strong.

If he hadn't taken the opportunity to get rid of it, he still said that nothing would happen?


The figure of Xi Zhong appeared in front of Guo Jia.

"I just received the news from Jizhou and Guangyang that the Wuhuan people and Cao Yuan's coalition forces are pressing on every step of the way. I am afraid that the war will break out immediately."

As he spoke, he took out a few letters.

I see!

Guo Jia nodded.

Yunzhou has two systems for transmitting information, one is Skynet and the other is the post station.

Cai Yu established Tianwang, which is only under the leadership of Guo Jia. When necessary, any news from Guo Jia can be passed on to various points.

But after all, this is a dark channel and cannot be brought to the table.

Therefore, Yunzhou also has a clear channel, which is the station system.

(End of this chapter)

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