Chapter 474

The station system is the news sent back by the lower-level government through the station, and the efficiency is much more than that of Skynet.

Therefore, Guo Jia already knew about it.

"My lord, there are [-] Wuhuan in Guangyang, and Wei County in Jizhou is also facing [-] soldiers from Cao and Yuan. The local troops are seriously insufficient. Should we send troops to reinforce?"

Xi Zhong said worriedly.

"I have asked Xu Huang to lead [-] cavalry to quickly reinforce Jizhou."

Guo Jia nodded.

Now that he knew about the Youzhou Army's plot, Guo Jia immediately adjusted his strategy.

Hearing that Guo Jia asked Xu Huang to reinforce Jizhou, Xi Zhong felt relieved, but then frowned again.

"Although there are few soldiers in Jizhou, the city of Ye County is tall and thick, Xu Yuanzhi is resourceful, and Yu Wen is brave and good at fighting. Will there be any danger for a while. On the contrary, Guangyang guarded by Cheng Yu and Zhang Liao is very dangerous. The latest news, Qiu Liju The troops stationed in Guangyang are constantly recruiting Wuhuan refugees from the surrounding areas, and the number has reached [-] at the moment. Our troops in Guangyang are only [-], isn’t it too small?”

One hundred thousand Wuhuan?

Guo Jia suddenly smiled mysteriously, and said: "I have my own opinion on this matter. Don't worry, Guangyang will be as stable as Mount Tai. Zhicai will have to worry about it. What you have to do now is to stabilize the order in Zhongshan as soon as possible."


Xi Zhong was a little surprised.

One hundred thousand Wuhuan is not a small number, besides, the Wuhuan people are brave and good at fighting and all the people are soldiers. Although Guangyang has [-] soldiers and horses, they may not be their opponents in a real fight.

But seeing Guo Jia's full chest, Xi Zhong became a little curious again.

He knew that the lord would not lie to him.

Since he was so sure, something must have been done.

But what measures can stop the [-] Wuhuan army?

Xi Zhong frowned and didn't think of anything for a while.

At this moment, Hua Tuo's figure appeared again.

"Feng Xiao, the old man still wants to ask clearly."

As he spoke, he chased after him in great strides.

As soon as Guo Jia saw the old man, he immediately turned around and fled into the backyard.

"Well, Xi Zhong, you go back first, we will talk about this matter later."

Seeing Guo Jia fleeing into the backyard without looking back, Xi Zhong was angry and funny.

This lord has become a powerful man in the Han Dynasty. He was officially named Hussar General, occupied Yunji for two weeks, and has a population of millions under his jurisdiction. A person who can shake the ground when he stomps his feet, can be chased by Hua Tuo run.

Xi Zhong smiled wryly and shook his head, sometimes this master is still like a child.

"Zhicai, why didn't you stop him, the old man still has important matters to ask him? This Fengxiao, let him run away again!"

Hua Tuo failed to block Guo Jia twice, feeling very upset.

Ha ha!

Xi Zhong smiled slightly and said, "Old man, what's wrong with you? Why do you keep chasing after the lord? Did he steal something from you again?"

Hua Tuo said unhappily: "It's fine if you stole my treasure. I don't know where did this guy get those sick mice from the medical school? Those things are a disaster. If they are leaked out, it will be a big man. It was a disaster. Leave me alone, and set fire to those things long ago. But this Feng Xiao insisted that it was a treasure and could not be burned. At this moment, I don’t know where he got it? Even the old man has few apprentices. It’s a lot, it’s really weird.”

As he spoke, he shook his head and walked away.

This old man!
Xi Zhong shook his head slightly.

Now that the epidemic situation in Yunzhou has finally stabilized, there are so many things to do, and he is still thinking about those rats.

As expected of a doctor's parents' heart, why would he be too lazy to ask about it if he was a playwright?

Since there is nothing else going on here, Xi Zhong turned around and wanted to go back.

He still has a mess to clean up, so how can he have time to hang out here?
After walking a few steps, Xi Zhong suddenly felt something was wrong.But I can't tell what's wrong.

After walking a few more steps, he suddenly stopped, recalling what happened just now.

Guo Jia said that there is a way to deal with [-] Wuhuan people.

Immediately afterwards, Hua Tuo chased Guo Jia's student and the whereabouts of the mouse.

Guo Jia nodded and ran away, as if afraid to face Hua Tuo.

One hundred thousand Wuhuan, a sick mouse, Guo Jia's smile.

Is it...

Scenes flashed before Xi Zhong's eyes, and he seemed to have found an entry point.

Then suddenly his body trembled, and then he let out an ah, almost falling to the ground.

This can't be true, can it?
Xi Zhong was also shocked, his face was abnormally pale, and cold sweat flowed down instantly.

If this is the case, let alone one hundred thousand Wuhuan, even one million would not be a cause for concern.


Perhaps from now on, the name Wuhuan will not exist in this world.

Governor Xu Shu and General Polu Yu Jin are studying countermeasures.

Three days ago, Yuan Shao, the governor of Qingzhou, sent Yan Liangwenchou to lead an army of [-] troops out of the Qingzhou Tun Plain.

Cao Cao, the prefect of Dongjun, also led an army of [-], and together with the Qingzhou army, he watched Jizhou.

Coupled with the fact that the two had deliberately cut off the commercial roads in Jizhou, there was constant friction. Just in case, Xu Shu and Yu Jin began to prepare for the battle.

Jizhou has experienced several disruptions successively, and its strength has been seriously depleted. Except for Wei Jun, who still wants to show up, the rest of the counties are vulnerable.

After comprehensive consideration for a while, Xu Shu will transfer all the banned [-] step riders to Ye County.

The enemy is outnumbered, and in terms of the ratio of troops, it is impossible to cover everything.

So we must give up strategically.

"Wen Ze, what's your opinion?"

Xu Shu asked in a low voice.

Although Xu Shu is also the top strategist in Yunzhou, after all, he is only talking on paper and has never really commanded the army.

Unlike Ban Ze, he came from the grassroots and has rich experience in commanding troops.

Now the two must work together to keep Wei County.

In fact, Xu Shu still recognized Yu Jin's military talent very much.

"Lord Inspector!"

Yu Jin pointed to the map and said: "The enemy came from two directions. If our army only guards one city, it will inevitably form a lone army. Once the food and grass are exhausted, it will definitely collapse without fighting. The subordinates thought that they could divide Li Yang's troops and become each other's horns. .”

He reached out and tapped the table.

"Jin is willing to lead [-] infantry and cavalry to defend Liyang to the death, leaving Zhou Cang and [-] infantry to defend Ye County with the governor. If the enemy attacks Ye County, Yujin will lead light cavalry to attack its grain road. If the enemy attacks Liyang, the governor can divide his troops to attack it Back. If the enemy besieges the city in two ways, we only need to defend the city."

Heroes see the same thing!
Xu Shu also nodded.

There is a saying in the art of war, ten is to encircle it, the opponent's soldiers and horses add up to [-], and our own has only [-]. There are not enough troops for field battles, but more than enough for defending the city.

It is a relatively safe way to divide the two cities.

Xu Shu also very much agrees with this point.


There was a flash of worry in Xu Shu's eyes.

As a result, Jizhou's government affairs were completely paralyzed, and the task of gathering food for Yunzhou was also in vain.

Without food supply, Yunzhou might be in trouble.

I don't know if the loss in the previous fire was serious or not?

(End of this chapter)

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