Chapter 475 Guo Jia's Reply

Just when Xu Shu was anxious, a subordinate suddenly came in a hurry and handed a small note to Xu Shu.

It was Skynet formed by Guo Jia.

The current Skynet has been fully integrated into Yunzhou's system and has become a key hub for news delivery.They have the ability to deliver Guo Jia's orders to every corner in the fastest time.

After opening the note and taking a look, Xu Shu's expression brightened.

"It's really God Blessing Yunzhou. My lord has sent General Xu Huang to lead [-] cavalry to reinforce Jizhou. It won't take long to reach Ye County."

it is good!
Yu Jin also took a deep breath.

Although they had the confidence to deal with the Cao Yuan coalition army, their strength was really stretched. Xu Huang's arrival solved their urgent need.


Xu Shu handed the note to Yu Jin.

"My lord also ordered us to guard Ye County well, and ignore the rest. Remember, don't attack."


Seeing this order, Yu Jin was a little confused.

It is the common sense of military strategists not to defend an isolated city. If you are surrounded by the enemy, you will really become a lone army.

Besides, only infantry can be used to defend the city. Xu Huang's cavalry is trapped in the city, except for increasing food consumption, which has no benefit.

It would be better to garrison the cavalry outside and be flexible.


When Yu Jin expressed his thoughts, Xu Shu immediately rejected him.

"This is a military order!"

After all, he is a top strategist, and he guessed something from Guo Jia's few words.

Perhaps, the battlefield in Jizhou is not the main battlefield, so they don't need to be so nervous.

Yu Jin immediately cupped his fists.

Although a little puzzled, he still faithfully carried out the military order.

This is also his advantage.

Wen Ze!

Xu Shu suddenly said with deep meaning: "This time, maybe we don't need to take action at all."

Yu Jin was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand.


Guangyang County!
"Report! Qiu Liju's army set up camp fifty miles away from the city."

He had already galloped to the front of the prefect Cheng Yu.

Explore again!

Without blinking his eyelids, Cheng Yu said something lightly.

When the imperial court assigned half of Guangyang County to Yunzhou, it was already deserted, and it took Cheng Yu three years of preparation before he gained a foothold in Guangyang.

Absorbing the experience of the bridgehead in Daijun, Cheng Yu also established a bridgehead in the form of Jiawubao in Guangyang.

To put it bluntly, this place is completely a militarized base.

Cheng Yu built Wubao to stabilize the territory, and at the same time absorbed the surrounding herdsmen and refugees to join him.

In three years, [-] Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Wuhuan nomads have come to settle here.

A stable tribal alliance has been formed here.

They used animal husbandry as their business, relying on the deal with Yunzhou, and gradually stabilized.

Originally, Cheng Yu thought that Guangyang could be recovered more quickly, but the arrival of Qiu Liju and fifty thousand Wuhuan people broke the peace.

"My lord!"

A white-robed general stood up.

"The Wuhuan people are not good at coming, we still need to prepare early!"

The general who spoke was not very old, it was Zhang Liao of Yanmen.

After the battle of the Southern Huns, Zhang Liao made great contributions and became the captain of Guangyang.

"Wen Yuan is right!"

Cheng Yu nodded.

The Wuhuan people don't come early or late, but they come at this time.

As soon as they came to Guangyang, they took possession of it and would not leave. Not only that, but they also went around to recruit Wuhuan refugees from Guangyang County.

In just one month, tens of thousands of people were recruited by them.

At present, Qiu Liju's army has reached [-] people.

This made Cheng Yu a little frustrated.

It turned out that his work in Huairou had been in vain all these years, and he had worked so hard to subsidize these Wuhuan refugees.

The purpose was to make them return to Yunzhou, but Qiu Liju waved his hand, and these Wuhuan people returned to his embrace without hesitation.

What's more, they willingly acted as Qiu Liju's minions, and relying on their familiarity with Guangyang, they began to instigate and threaten other tribes to leave Guangyang and join Wuhuanqiu Liju.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

Zhang Liao smiled coldly, and said, "I have already reminded Mr. Fu not to be too kind to these people. They are all unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. Once they turn against each other, they will definitely bite back."

From the very beginning, he opposed Cheng Yu's gentle policy towards these nomads.

Zhang Liao was a native of Border County. He was used to the cruelty and capriciousness of the nomads since he was a child, so he always advocated subduing them by force, imitating the method of the Southern Huns, taking them as slaves and squeezing the fruits of their labor.

But such extreme things were naturally rejected by Cheng Yu.

As a Confucian, Cheng Yu learned benevolent government in his bones, how could he do such a thing?
Therefore, although Zhang Liao objected, Cheng Yu's Huairou work was carried out smoothly.

But now Cheng Yu regretted it a little.

It seems that what Zhang Liao said is still correct, there is no need to be polite to these white-eyed wolves.

If you are polite, they will regard you as weak.

To deal with this kind of person, it is natural to use iron and blood wrists.

"It's time to beat these people hard!"

Cheng Yu sneered.

He was also somewhat displeased with the capriciousness of these nomads.

If the tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm a sick cat?
Guangyang is a military control system.

Big and small Wubao Yunli, even if Qiu Liju called, it would be nothing.

Just then, a man in black hurried in.

"Master Taishou, someone from Yunzhou is here!"

Cheng Yu immediately stood up.

"Please come in!"

As early as a month ago, he had passed the news of Qiu Liju's invasion of Guangyang to Yunzhou.

But since Qiu Liju didn't act rashly, Cheng Yu didn't warn him either.

Now that someone from Yunzhou is here, there must be something to do.

Soon, two men in white came in.


Cheng Yu couldn't help being surprised when he saw how these two people were dressed.

This is a medical student!
When he was in Zhongshan, he had seen this kind of attire.

What did the lord send these students here for?
Although he was a little strange, he still warmly received these students.

"Master Taishou, my name is Yin Hong. This time we are here under the order of General Guo to take over Guangyang."

Hearing this, both Cheng Yu and Zhang Liao were stunned.

Take over Guangyang?

Just two medical students?

Are you kidding me?
It would be fine in normal times, but now there are [-] Wuhuan people staring at them not far away?
One of the leading medical students took out a scroll and handed it to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu dubiously opened it and glanced at it, his body shook immediately, it was indeed Guo Jia's warrant.

In other words, these two people did come to take over Guangyang.

The warrant is good, with Guo Jia's seal on it.

"You two, this is the prefect's seal, please take it over!"

Cheng Yu took out his seal and presented it with both hands. Although he chose to obey, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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