Chapter 476 The mysterious carriage

The prefect has misunderstood!
The medical student named Yin Hong hurriedly shook his hand.

"General Guo asked us not to replace him, but to let you fully cooperate with our plan."

Hearing this, Cheng Yu and Zhang Liao breathed a sigh of relief.

They also felt that Guo Jia would not be so heartless, even if they were dismissed, they should give a reason.

"You two, please rest assured that I will fully cooperate with you."

Cheng Yu nodded.

Since it was sent by Guo Jia, there must be something important. As a subordinate, he just needs to cooperate with all his strength.

very good!

Yin Hong nodded, and said: "Then let the two brothers who are already in the barracks drink some medicine first!"

As he spoke, someone lifted out a large box with some strange liquids in it.

Take medicine!

Cheng Yu and Zhang Liao looked at each other again.

They didn't expect that the first thing these two people did when they came was to make them take medicine.

"I don't know about this medicine..."

Cheng Yu asked cautiously.

The plague only broke out in Zhongshan, and Shanggu Guangyang, Daijun, was not affected, so they didn't know about malaria.

"Master Prefect!"

Yin Hong smiled slightly and said: "Ask what should be asked, and don't ask what should not be asked. This is also for your own good."

Cheng Yu and Zhang Liao glanced at each other, and they both saw each other's doubts.

What is this medicine?
Why eat it?

But it seems that this Yin Hong will not explain.

Cheng Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, since the two of you have given orders, I will do as I please."

Although he didn't know what the medicine was, he also felt that Guo Jia would not harm him.

it is good!
Yin Hong nodded in satisfaction.

The student next to him has scooped out a cup.

Cheng Yu reached out to take it, put it on his nose and sniffed it.

A strong smell of wine hit.

Is it medicinal wine?

Cheng Yu felt slightly relieved, and opened his mouth to drink it.

The taste is not very good, some bitter and spicy!

Yin Hong took another cup and came to Zhang Liao's side.

"General Zhang, please!"

Seeing that Cheng Yu drank, Zhang Liao was naturally not to be outdone, and opened his mouth to drink.

Good wine!

After drinking this cup, Zhang Liao was immediately pleasantly surprised.

It was not long before he fled to Yunzhou, and he had never drank such a high-purity liquor, so he still wanted to drink another cup while holding the cup.


Yin Hong hurriedly stopped Zhang Liao.

"This medicinal wine is very limited, and we can only supply it to the officials first, and each person only has one cup."

is it?

Zhang Liao was slightly disappointed, but still put down his cup, turned and returned to Cheng Yu's side.

Soon, all officials, big and small, in Guangyang County had a drink.

Yin Hong immediately asked people to seal up the medicinal wine.

"General Zhang!"

Hearing Yin Hong's voice, Zhang Liao stood up immediately.

Although these two were medical students, they did represent Guo Jia, so he naturally didn't dare to neglect them.

"Now gather the troops to retreat to the various docks, and do not attack without orders."

Zhang Liao was dumbfounded again.

Retreat to Wubao?
What does this mean?
The Wuhuan people were watching outside, and he had to monitor their every move, but now he was asked to retreat to Wubao?
Isn't this giving the initiative to the enemy in vain?

"You two, the others are fine, but the scouts must go out, otherwise we won't even know the enemy's movements."

Zhang Liao immediately protested.

Yin Hong didn't speak, but just looked at him lightly.

"This is a military order, and it is also the meaning of General Guo!"

Hearing that Yin Hong had moved Guo Jia out, Zhang Liao immediately fell silent.

Guo Jia is his benefactor and lord, and his life was also saved by Guo Jia.

Seeing that Zhang Liao had stopped talking, Yin Hong nodded again.

"Prefect Cheng!"

Cheng Yu also stood up.

"Immediately blockade all docks and bridgeheads. Starting today, each fortress must be independent. Don't release a single person, and don't let anyone in. Organize troops to patrol day and night, and don't let anyone run in. Our people will be stationed All docks, help you patrol."

Hearing this order, Cheng Yu was also stunned.

What does this mean?
"Wouldn't it be broken one by one by closing the dock?"

he asked puzzled.

Excuting an order!

Yin Hong didn't give any explanation, but just said coldly.


Cheng Yu was a little unwilling.

This series of commands is really weird.

"Nothing but?"

Yin Hong suddenly raised his voice.

"We are here this time to take on this very important task. Please cooperate with us fully. This is a matter of life and death. I will announce a few regulations below. You must abide by them, otherwise you will be punished as disobeying military orders."

This time, he spoke a little harshly.

As the highest officials in Guangyang, Cheng Yu and Zhang Liao glanced at each other, and both could see the unwillingness in the other's heart.

This is so weird.

It made them wonder if it was Guo Jia's order.

However, Guo Jia's personal letters and seals did indeed prove their identities.

These men had indeed come by order.

Although the order was somewhat puzzled, Cheng Yu and Zhang Liao still carried out the task.

The military order is like a mountain!

This is the foundation of the Yunzhou Army.

very good!

Yin Hong nodded, and immediately divided the people and cars he brought into each dock one by one.

There were quite a few students who came this time, at least dozens of them. In addition, there were also dozens of carts full of medicinal wine, which were sent to each dock.

In addition, Cheng Yu also noticed that there was a large carriage in the middle. The carriage was boxy, and the entire carriage was made of metal, which was very tight. I don't know what was inside?
"Remember, this carriage is specially guarded by us, and no one can approach it. Otherwise, it will be punished as a violation of military orders!"

Yin Hong added again.

This time, his face was very solemn, as if there was something very important inside.

"Do you want me to send someone to protect you?"

Cheng Yu asked in a low voice.

He also saw that this carriage was very important.


Yin Hong hurriedly said: "Don't let your people get close, remember, remember!"

Seeing that this guy didn't know good from bad, Cheng Yu was also a little upset.

That being the case, then let them make trouble, they will come out to clean up the mess when they are done.

Anyway, Cheng Yu wouldn't sit still.

After the arrival of these uninvited guests, the gate of Wubao began to close, and Tanma withdrew one by one.

After the last group of explorers withdrew, they got the last news about the Wuhuan people. They had already set up camp at a distance of thirty li.

Almost all the herdsmen in the surrounding area have been subdued by the Wuhuan army, and they are marching here.

More than [-] people?
The corner of Yin Hong's mouth suddenly showed excitement.

"It's great to come here! Perhaps from now on, this place will become a new milestone."

Except for this Yin Hong, the rest of the medical students looked solemn, and some even felt a little unbearable.

This made Cheng Yu and Zhang Liao puzzled.

Their eyes fell on the iron carriage again.

What is the mystery here?

It's a pity they can't open it, otherwise they would have gone to find the answer long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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