Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 478 Tranquility before the rainstorm

Chapter 478 Tranquility before the rainstorm
Cai Yan is not here to ask for trouble, is he?
The more Guo Jia thought about it, the more likely it was.

In the past, Guo Jiaai liked who he liked, and Cai Yan didn't bother to ask if he was married.But now she is Guo Jia's wife, and also the man's highness.If Guo Jia wanted to take a concubine, she had to get her consent.

Without Cai Yan's consent, this concubine really couldn't come in.


Cai Yan said indifferently: "Don't you plan to let our sisters meet?"


Guo Jia was a little embarrassed.

Cai Meimei has been in the right position all these years, in charge of the harem, respected by all the women, she has some tricks, she is no longer the Cai Yan she used to be.

This Su Qinglian is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Through these few days of contact, Guo Jia found that she was very strong, even when facing herself.

Once the two meet, wouldn't it be extremely embarrassing?
Wen Ji...

Guo Jia coughed and said, "These few days..."

Just as he was about to say something, Su Qinglian's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Husband, since my sister is here, why don't we let our sisters meet?"

Su Qinglian changed into women's clothes again, and Shi Shiran came in front of Cai Yan.

During this period of time, she has been showing people in men's clothes, but now she suddenly changed back to women's clothes, which made her look even more charming.

"My little sister, Su Qinglian, has met Sister Cai Yan! I have heard about her talent for a long time, but seeing her now, she really deserves her reputation."

Su Qinglian came to Cai Yan's side and gave a little blessing.

From the point of view of identity, Cai Yan is a wife and she is a concubine, and the status of the two parties is very different.

Ordinary concubines would be trembling when they saw their main wife, but Su Qinglian talked and laughed happily without any restraint.

"You are Su Qinglian!"

Cai Yan looked the woman up and down.

Beautiful and young, although he comes from a family of merchants, he exudes an unparalleled self-confidence.

It's my little sister!

The smile on Su Qinglian's face remained unchanged.

very good!

Cai Yan suddenly said: "Feng Xiao, this sister and I hit it off right away, can we have a private talk?"

After speaking, a smile appeared on her face.

Guo Jia felt terrified.

It seems that Cai Meimei has a hidden knife in her smile!
What if there is a fight?
Guo Jiadeng was a little muttering.

A smile appeared on Su Qinglian's face.

"Since my elder sister loves you so much, my younger sister is a little flattered. Please, elder sister!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please.

Cai Yan nodded slightly, and walked in gracefully.

Su Qinglian glanced at Guo Jia meaningfully, and then left.

Won't fight?

Guo Jia was hesitating whether to catch up and watch, when the door suddenly slammed shut.


A moment of despair flashed before Guo Jia's eyes.

It seems that the second daughter thought he was an eyesore, so she closed the door and went to argue.

Guo Jia didn't dare to leave for a while, so he had to turn around anxiously.

The soldiers of the Tiger Guards saw that the Lord's backyard was about to catch fire, and they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Dian Wei's face turned red from holding back.

This new lady doesn't seem to be a simple character, and she doesn't say a word when she sees the wife of the wife. The two sides must be out of control.

It seems that the lord is in some trouble.

Dian Wei began to rejoice that he was single and had no women, so he didn't have such troubles.

Probably this is the only place he thinks he is better than Guo Jia.


Seeing this guy gloating, Guo Jia suddenly said angrily, "How did Madam find this place?"

This place is very secretive, and most people will definitely not find it.

The reason why Cai Yan was able to find it was probably because of Dian Wei's tip-off.

Dian Wei said confidently: "My lord, it's no wonder that there is a certain family. You said before that as long as Madam comes to look for her, she will report it no matter where she is."

you guy...

Guo Jia didn't say anything, he did say that.


Dian Wei held back his laughter and said, "Do you want a certain family to go in and look after it for you, so that the two wives don't fight?"

It was fine if he didn't say anything, but Guo Jia felt a little uncertain when he said it.

These two women are independent characters, whether they can fight is really a matter of opinion.

After a while, the door creaked open.

Cai Yan and Su Qinglian came hand in hand.

The two were talking and laughing, as if nothing happened.

"Sister, please stay and talk at home when you have time."

Cai Yan said with a smile on his face.

Thank you sister!

Su Qinglian blessed her again, and said with a smile: "After a few days, my sister will naturally go back to visit her."

One word is for sure!

The two looked at each other with smiles on their faces.


Guo Jia was dumbfounded, and the Tiger Guards, who wanted to watch the excitement, were also dumbfounded.

It was tit for tat just now, but now it has become spring breeze and rain again.

What exactly does that mean?
They are a little confused.

But dumbfounded is dumbfounded, Guo Jia was determined.

"Wen Ji, you've worked hard all the way, let's go back and have a rest! By the way, ask Mr. Hua to prescribe some medicine."

He walked forward with a smile on his face.

Although malaria has been brought under control, it cannot be taken lightly. Cai Yan has just returned, so it is better to take some medicine to prevent it.

no need!
Cai Meimei glanced at him calmly.

"It's important, I won't disturb you both."

Talk about money and go.

After Cai Yan left, Guo Jia returned to Su Qinglian.

"What did you all say?"

He was a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be so peaceful.

"It's nothing, it's just a little homely talk!"

Su Qinglian also said lightly.

is it?

Guo Jia looked at Su Qinglian suspiciously.

Maybe there's something wrong with it?

But what was wrong, Guo Jia couldn't tell.

I wanted to ask Cai Yan, but Cai Yan avoided talking about it.I wanted to ask Su Qinglian, but the latter changed the subject calmly.

"If there is nothing else, the concubine will be busy too. Would you like to come in and have a look?"

Su Qinglian said lightly.

She didn't seem to want to say anything more to Guo Jia.

No, no!
Guo Jia waved his hand hastily.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was a little redundant.

Su Qinglian smiled slightly, turned and left.

The originally stormy situation became so calm, Guo Jia was always a little uneasy.

Who knows what risks lurk behind the calm?

Hope tomorrow is a sunny day.


Seeing that everything was calm, Dian Wei walked forward cautiously.

"Mi Fang recruited!"


Hearing this sentence, Guo Jiadeng became angry. .

This soft bone!
Guo Jia said bitterly.

Since the Mi family surrendered, he has never been sorry to the Mi family. It is really unreasonable for this Mi Fang to dare to eat inside and out!

"Go, have a look."

He was making a fuss here, he was full of anger and had nowhere to vent it, so he just went to vent it.


Dian Wei finally relaxed.

In fact, this guy is still a little worried that Guo Jia will find something later?

After all, Cai Yan was brought by him.

He was relieved that the two ladies did not fight.

Otherwise, it's really hard to do.

(End of this chapter)

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