Chapter 479
It is the iron law of Yunzhou that the murderer dies.

Guo Jia smashed the little prince of the Southern Huns in public.

Everyone in Yunzhou was in awe.

Since then, there have been no criminals.

Even if the hostile forces meet here, they just glared at each other a few times, and after shopping, they go back to fight it out. No one dares to make trouble here.

Yunzhou's army is not paper.

In the past three years, all the government offices in Yunzhou have been busy, but there is only one place where they are the most leisurely, and that is the prison in Yunzhou.

The mighty little prince of the Huns was torn apart by a car, who would dare to make trouble here?
But a few days ago, a prisoner was imprisoned, and it was Mi Fang from the Mi family.

After being instructed by Guo Jia, the guards interrogated him.

Of course, these guards have nothing to do all year round, so the methods are naturally more intense.

When Guo Jia came back again, the trial was almost over.


Mi Fang's hair is disheveled, and her expression is very miserable. How can she still look like a rich man?

In just a few days, he went from a guest of Guo Jia's brother-in-law Yunzhou to a prisoner.

Seeing the confession in his hand, Guo Jia's face immediately darkened.


He suddenly raised his head, and said solemnly: "Good plan, good plan, are you planning to make me, Guo Jia, irreparable?"

Bong filial piety!

Mi Fang cried and said: "I was just confused for a while, and wanted to take the opportunity to make some money. That's why I agreed to transport the grain to them. I never thought that it would be detrimental to Yunzhou. For the sake of the Mi family, please forgive me." Let's die."

He hugged Guo Jia's leg again.

"Our Mi family will make up for the loss of Yunzhou."

is it?

Guo Jia sneered, and threw the confession in his hand on the ground.

Millet Fang!
Guo Jia slowly came to him, bent down, and looked at him coldly.

"You know why I didn't kill you?"

Mi Fang shook her head blankly.


Guo Jia's eyes flickered for a while, and he said word by word: "I will give Zhen'er a face, and I won't kill you with my own hands."

Thank you Fengxiao, thank you Fengxiao!
Mi Fang's heart immediately relaxed.


Guo Jia snorted and said, "I don't know if your brother Mi Zhu will kill you or not."

As he said that, he turned around and left.

Mi Fang's expression changed drastically.

Everything he did was behind his elder brother Mi Zhu's back. Once Mi Zhu found out, this elder brother would definitely not let it go.In order to repair the relationship between the Mi family and Guo Jia, it is very possible that the Mi family sacrificed Mi Fang.

"Feng Xiao save me, Feng Xiao save me!"

Mi Fanghao cried loudly.

He was originally a person of unsteady will, otherwise he would not have been bewitched by others and embarked on the road of betraying Yunzhou.

very good!

Seeing this soft bone, Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

"Since you don't want to die, let's talk about the plan in Youzhou! If it's done, I'll give you a few words in front of Mi Zhu."

Yes Yes Yes!
Mi Fang immediately poured the beans out of the bamboo tube and told him everything he knew.

Sure enough, Su Qinglian's speculation was the same, before Youzhou made a move, they wanted to use profiteers like Zhang Fang to cut a wave of Yunzhou's wool.

In the whole plan, Mi Fang only participated in the transportation of food, and she didn't know much about the rest!
But Guo Jia still captured a key point.

Mr. Black!

All the plans are from the hands of Mr. Black.

He was the one who found Mi Fang, promised him a high position and rich salary, and let him join it.

It was also he who supported profiteers such as Yuyang Zhang Fang to launch a trade war against Yunzhou.

Everything is this person.

Guo Jia's eyes narrowed immediately, and he was very wary of this Mr. in black.

It seems that this person is very familiar with Yunzhou's operating model, otherwise how could he formulate such a targeted plan?
"How much do you know about this person?"

Guo Jia asked in a deep voice.


Mi Fang shook her head.

This Mr. in black is very mysterious, he was the one who found Mi Fang in the first place.

The two have known each other for two or three years.

Seeing that Mi Fang could not provide any effective information, Guo Jia was slightly disappointed.

"By the way, there is one more thing. What is your relationship with Xiangkai of the Yin-Yang family?"

Guo Jia asked straight to the point.

He wanted to know if there was any connection between the Mi family and the Yin Yang family.

Yin and Yang?
Mi Fang froze for a moment, then shook her head blankly.

"I don't know Xiangkai."

Seeing the bewildered look on this guy's face, Guo Jia's heart sank.

He didn't do it.

Who sent those two maidservants to sneak into Mi Zhen's side?
Could it be Mi Zhu?
If this is the case, things may become complicated again.

"Did you find the two maidservants next to Zhen'er?"

Guo Jia asked forcefully.


Mi Fang nodded, and said: "The Mi family can be regarded as a respectable person in Xuzhou, and naturally there are not too few girls to marry as dowry. So I recruited some young and beautiful girls in the local area, but..."

He smiled wryly, and continued: "As soon as they heard that they were going to the bitter cold place in the north, their family members were unwilling no matter how much money they gave. They are all fellow villagers, and we don't want to force them too much. At this moment, Several people came to the door and said they were willing to follow. We picked two of them and sent them to Yunzhou."

That's it!

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

It seems that the problem lies here.

These two maidservants have some problems themselves, most of them are the eyes and ears of someone who has a heart to plant around Mi's house.

Back then, Guo Jia was just a prefect of Zhongshan, who was so far-sighted to put his eyes and ears on Guo Jia's side?
It must be the mysterious yin and yang system, and perhaps because of this, Xiang Kai knew everything about Guo Jia so well that he discovered what happened later.

But here comes the problem again!Who killed Xiangkai and silenced those two maidservants?
Guo Jia frowned again.

He suddenly discovered that this matter was a bit complicated.

It's a little difficult to figure it out!

never mind!

Guo Jia shook his head.

Now that he knew that the Mi family had nothing to do with this matter, Guo Jia felt relieved.

Mi Fang is just a soft bone, whether to kill or not is irrelevant.

Bong filial piety!

Mi Fang said cautiously: "Then my business..."

Guo Jia snorted and said, "Your elder brother Mi Zhu is already on his way to Yunzhou, so naturally you have to leave your affairs to him."

Thank you Fengxiao, thank you Fengxiao!
Mi Fang's heart relaxed again.


Guo Jia's tone suddenly changed again: "If you want to survive, you have to do one thing for me."

ok ok!

Mi Fang nodded hastily.

He was scared out of his wits, what Guo Jia said would naturally be what he said.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Mi Fang nodded repeatedly.

People are knives and I am fish.

How dare he say no now?
Naturally, they said yes again and again.

When it's done, you'll be credited!
Seeing Mi Fang's knowledge and interest, Guo Jia showed a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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