Chapter 480
In Wuji County!

Zhang Fang and a group of profiteers gathered together.

Everyone had a nervous look on their faces.

During this period of time, they continued to buy grain in Yunzhou. Whenever they cleared out the stocks on the market, new grain would always come out.

In order to continue to raise food prices, they had to bite the bullet and accept it.

The main road was blocked, and the large caravans could not be transported out. Fortunately, the transportation on the small road was smooth. Although it was a bit hard, it was still able to be transported out.

"Boss Zhang, the time is almost here!"

One of them slowly took out a stack of papers.

"The capital we invested during this period is not too small, and the price of food has not moved much."

In the early stage, due to their intervention, the food price in Yunzhou reached a new peak, which was so high that they all felt excited.

However, in the recent period, especially in the last few days, they have increased the intensity of investment, but the food price has always fluctuated within a fixed range.

According to their experience, the price of food has almost peaked.

At this time, it is time to sell the grain hoarded in their hands, enter at a low position and sell at a high position, they will make a fortune, and then evacuate Yunzhou.

This was also the original plan.

Not bad!

Everyone nodded in unison.

Have you reached the top yet?

Zhang Fang smiled lightly, and said, "I think it's almost ready!"

He stood up suddenly and said word by word: "Because the people in Yunzhou are not in chaos yet."


The crowd was silent again.

In the past, when they dealt with other states and counties, the people were already in chaos at this time, and they also took advantage of the chaos to sell all the grain in their hands at high prices, making a fortune and then slipping away.

But Yunzhou is a bit weird. Although the price of food is soaring, the people are as calm as Mount Tai, and they are not panicked at all.

Those who panicked were actually businessmen.

"Boss Zhang, it's almost enough. It's not like you don't know the background of Yunzhou. We have suffered at the hands of Guo Jia many times. If his inventory hadn't been burned this time, we wouldn't have been able to survive until now."

"That's right, that's the quick money we earn. Once we get stuck, wouldn't it be terrible."

"Yeah, we'd better play it safe. We're not in a high position yet. We'll sell the grain and make a lot of money."

"After all, we are still in Yunzhou. If someone closes the door, we won't be able to escape even if we want to."

These people have been on the battlefield for a long time, and they are all cunning and cunning. They persuaded Zhang Fang to release the grain.


Zhang Fang suddenly looked at them contemptuously.

This time, they came to Yunzhou not simply to make a fortune, but also to take on the important task of destroying Yunzhou's food supply.

Once the food supply in Yunzhou is destroyed, Yunzhou will collapse without a fight.

At that time, Shijun Liu will easily occupy Yunzhou and become the overlord of the north.

If the Zhang family has made great achievements, it will naturally rise and become the overlord of one side.

This is the purpose of Zhang Fang's coming to Yunzhou. He doesn't just value the money.

Compared with the future of the Zhang family, what is this money?

Zhang Slowly said: "Have you ever calculated how much food we bought?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and many people took out their counters and began to hold balls.

So far, they have bought at least 300 million stone.

A small part of these grains were shipped out of Yunzhou, but most of them were still in local warehouses.

"How much grain do you think Yunzhou has?"

Zhang Fang asked again.


The crowd shook their heads.

The food stock in Yunzhou has always been a bottomless pit, and the previous few fights ended in their failure to cut the flesh.

They also don't know how much grain there is in Yunzhou.

"I do not know either!"

Zhang slowed down and said: "But I know that the grain storage in Yunzhou is about to run out."

Hearing this, everyone cheered up.

If Yunzhou really can't support it anymore, they can take the opportunity to go all out and completely destroy the market.

Zhang Fang proudly took out a scroll.

"The reason why Yunzhou people are not in chaos is because the government has introduced a food supply system, and each person has a fixed daily quota. With our efforts, many people deducted the necessary rations and sold the rest. But recently, there are fewer and fewer common people selling stored grain, what do you think is going on?"

Of course, the government's food storage is not enough!
Everyone immediately reacted.

It's very simple. No one came to sell grain, which proved that they didn't have much surplus grain, which meant that the government's supply of grain began to decrease.

Zhang Fang said: "If we withdraw at this time, although we can make a fortune, Yunzhou will not suffer too much loss, and we have not completed the task entrusted to us by Liu Shijun. After we return to Youzhou, we will have no face. Light. It also weakens our reputation."

Everyone was whispering.

What Zhang Fang said makes sense.


Zhang Fang patted the table.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger. Since we and Guo Jia are carrying it, we might as well get a big one and destroy Yunzhou's food supply system."

well said!
Everyone nodded.

Still, concerns were expressed.

"Boss Zhang, although the government has reduced the people's rations, how do you know how long they can last?"

"That's right! The ration reduction may be to prevent them from selling it secretly!"

"Mi Fang is still locked up, if he let go, wouldn't we be in danger."

Some people said one after another.

Good question!
Zhang Fang showed a smile on his face, and said, "The answer lies in the Su family and the Zhen family."

The Su family and the Zhen family?
Everyone looked at each other again.

What does this have to do with the Su family and the Zhen family?
"Don't you think that the Su family and the Zhen family have died down these two days?"

Zhang Fang smiled mysteriously.

Not bad!

The crowd nodded again.

When they first intervened in the Yunzhou grain market, the Su family and the Zhen family also took the opportunity to fuel the flames and drive up grain prices.

The reason why the food price in Yunzhou has risen so high is also due to the two of them.

But in the past few days, there has been no movement between the Su family and the Zhen family.

Originally, these people thought that the two families had no money to eat, but after hearing what Zhang Fang said, they immediately felt that the problem was not simple.

Seeing that things were almost done, Zhang Fang clapped his hands.

A figure appeared in front of everyone, it was Mi Fang.

Seeing Mi Fang walking in, everyone turned pale with shock.

Wasn't he caught by Guo Jia?
How did it come out?

Could it be that he betrayed them?

do not panic!

Zhang Fang coughed and said, "Zi Fang, tell me about yourself."


Mi Fang hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid. My sister is Guo Jia's wife. Although he was angry, he let me go. I didn't say a word about you, otherwise you would have been arrested long ago. .”

Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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