Chapter 482 Full-scale war

Yes Yes Yes!
Mi Fang was startled, and immediately kept silent.

At this moment, he is no longer the glamorous second master of the Mi family.

Whether he can survive smoothly is still unknown, so naturally he dare not offend Zhang Zhao, who is trusted by Guo Jia.

"Seal up everything here, pack it up and send it to the lord's mansion. In addition, bring people along and hand it over to Lu Nu."

Zhang Fei ordered.

The soldiers under him immediately started to tidy up the accounts inside.

This is an important account.

Just then, a soldier came to report!
"General Zhang, a large army is coming from the direction of Lu Nu."

Reinforcements are coming?

A smile flashed across Zhang Fei's face, and he rushed out immediately.

Gongsun Zan's 1 troops set up camp opposite, while Zhang Fei had only over [-] men, so he was at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

Now that the reinforcements came, his heart relaxed.

Outside the city, the dust was flying, and two armies rushed forward.

Zhang Fei stood on his horse and stared, and suddenly he was overjoyed when he saw the person coming.

"Is the fourth disciple Long here?"

"It's my little brother!"

Zhao Yun quickly came to Zhang Fei with a few followers.

"Third brother, my younger brother is ordered by the lord to help you protect An Guo."


Zhang Fei burst out laughing suddenly, he got off his horse and hugged Zhao Yun.

"Good brother, you came just in time. With you here, brother, I feel relieved. That guy Gongsun Zan is known as the White Horse General, and he has a 7000 white horse cavalry under him. It's very powerful. Brother's men are all infantry. Fighting him It’s a bit of a disadvantage.”

General White Horse!

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Yun's mouth.

"I don't know what will happen when his white horse general meets my white horse Yicong?"

This time, he brought no more cavalry, exactly 7000.

But it includes Baima Yicong, the most elite cavalry in Yunzhou.


Zhang Fei patted Zhao Yun's shoulder excitedly.

"In Yunzhou, who doesn't know the prestige of the fourth brother Baima Yicong. I think Gongsun Zan will be finished if he meets the fourth brother."

Zhao Yun also smiled.

He still had confidence in his cavalry.

Although Gongsun Zan has some prestige, he is still far behind Baima Yi.


Zhao Yun pulled Zhang Fei to the side of another general.

"Third Brother, this is General Gao Shun, the new commander-in-chief of the Polu Army. He is also the chief general who will guard the country this time. Both of us must obey General Gao's command."

Don't dare to be!
Gao Shun hurriedly cupped his fists.

"Dianguan Zhangzhao, Megatron Yunzhou. Gao Shun is a new junior, and I hope you two can give me more guidance."

Since he came to the Yunzhou Army, Gao Shun knew that the generals in Yunzhou were better than the other, so he was very humble.

The Polu Army is Yunzhou's two trump cards, and has always been in charge of Guo Jia's confidant Yu Jin.

Gao Shun is just a new general, and it is unique to be able to command such an elite army as soon as he comes up.

He is extremely grateful for Guo Jia's trust.

So everything is done carefully, and my old-fashioned temperament has changed a lot, and I also know how to make friends with my colleagues around me.

Gao Shun?

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Gao Shun suspiciously.

Gao Shun surrendered recently, so Zhang Fei had never seen him.

"General Gao was originally a general of Bingzhou, but recently defected to our Yunzhou."

Zhao Yun explained.

Zhang Fei's expression immediately became contemptuous, and at the same time he felt a little resentful.

"Where's Yu Jin to break the captive army?"

Zhang Fei asked a little puzzled.

Yu Jin is the number one general in command in Yunzhou, so such a big battle will naturally be entrusted to him.

"General Yu was arranged by the lord in Jizhou, and his subordinates were represented by General Gao Shun. That is to say, General Gao Shun is the commander-in-chief of the Polu Army."

Hearing this news, Zhang Fei couldn't help but be surprised, and at the same time felt a little upset.

The Polu Army is the elite of Yunzhou's infantry, and like Zhao Yun's White Horse Yicong, they are two of Yunzhou's signatures.

Needless to say, Yu Jin's ability is both offensive and defensive, and he is experienced in deploying troops. He can be regarded as the number one general in Yunzhou.

He commanded the Polu army, and no one had any opinion.

But how could this Gao Shun He De be able to replace him?

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei narrowed his eyes and looked Gao Shun up and down.

In his 30s, of medium height, with an ordinary appearance.

Zhang Fei was a little unhappy at the thought of fighting under Gao Shun's men.

After all, he is also one of the veterans of Yunzhou, how can he be subservient to a newcomer?

Zhao Yun on the side seemed to see what Zhang Fei was thinking, and whispered in Zhang Fei's ear: "General Gao was originally a general of Bingzhou. He fought against General Yu Jin in Wen County for three days and three nights. The lord took the initiative to launch the artillery to fight the world."

is it?

Zhang Fei looked at Gao Shun in surprise again.

Although Yu Jin's martial arts skills are not good, the generals in Yunzhou admire him for his unpredictable military methods.

This Gao Shun was able to draw with Yu Jin, so he was naturally a formidable character.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei's expression became respectful.

"General Zhang, General Zhao, when Gao Shun came this time, the lord already had an explanation."

Gao Shun said suddenly.

The lord has an explanation!
Zhang Fei suddenly became interested.

Guo Jia is the person he admires the most.

"What does my lord say?"

Zhang Fei asked cautiously.

During this period of time, Gongsun Zan of Youzhou was showing off his power in Zhuojun, and Zhang Fei was already upset, and he wanted to lead his army to fight there immediately.

But Yunzhou's military discipline is strict, without Guo Jia's military order, Zhang Fei would not dare to give ten courage.

Gao Shun whispered a few words.

it is good!
Zhang Fei slapped his thigh and said with a chuckle, "Lao Zhang has long disliked those grandchildren. This time, he must teach them a lesson."


Soon, news spread to Youzhou that the profiteering group was shut down and beaten.

Zhang Fang this trash!

Liu Bei slapped the table angrily.

For this plan, he made three years of preparations and put all of Youzhou's treasury into Yunzhou.

In the end, Guo Jia actually gave him insight.

Fortunately, Liu Bei was already prepared.

"Immediately send an order to Wuhuanqiu Liju to attack Guangyang. Send Yuan Shao and Cao Cao to attack Jizhou. Send an order to Gongsun Zan to raise troops to attack Anguo. He must bring back people and food."

Liu Bei said angrily.

Several confidantes responded and immediately went to deliver the news.

This time, Liu Bei prepared three groups of troops to deal with Yunzhou together.

Gongsun Zan is the most capable army in Youzhou, especially the white horse army under him. There are not many defenders in Anguo, only more than 1 people.

As long as Anguo is broken, those subordinates can be smoothly covered to return to Youzhou.

These are all Liu Bei's family property, so naturally Guo Jia can't be cheap.

Since you can't cut the leeks smoothly, you can only use force.

Anyway, Yunzhou has experienced the double blow of malaria and soaring food prices. At this moment, there are also external and internal troubles, and Liu Bei's dispatch of troops is also at the right time.

Guo Jia!

Liu Bei gritted his teeth and said, "This time, we will settle the old and new accounts together!"

(End of this chapter)

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