Chapter 483 Qiu Liju's Ambition
The camp of Wuhuan people in Guangyang County.

Several female slaves sang and danced, which was very lively.

Sitting inside was a big man in traditional Wuhuan costume, it was Qiu Liju.

I saw him in his 40s, with a dark complexion, holding a wine bowl in his hand, smiling and looking at the dancing female slaves.

Wuhuan is also one of the oldest tribes in the north. At the end of the 3rd century BC, after the Xiongnu broke the Donghu, they moved to Wuhuan Mountain, so they used the mountain as their family name.

In 49 A.D., Wuhuan moved from the five counties outside the Great Wall to the south of the Great Wall to Liaodong, Yuyang and ten counties on the edge of Shuofang.Wuhuan moved south twice during the Han Dynasty and gradually developed and expanded. However, under the jurisdiction of the Han Huan Xiaowei, Wuhuan was divided into several tribes.

But during the days under the protection of the big man, the Wuhuan people actually had a hard time.

In addition to paying a large amount of cattle, sheep and horses every year, it is also necessary to provide soldiers for the battle of the big man.

The Wuhuan cavalry has always been a powerful weapon in the Han Dynasty's external and internal wars.

Especially at the end of the Han Dynasty, the Wuhuan people were exploited by the big Han, and it can be said to be very bleak.

Therefore, all Wuhuan leaders in the past did not want to get rid of this situation.

Finally, Qiu Liju's generation has a chance.

First, the great Han experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Youzhou suffered heavy losses, and its control over Wuhuan declined.

Qiu Liju took the opportunity to gather some tribes and became one of the largest tribes in Wuhuan.

In order to unite Qiu Liju, Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, gave him a lot of autonomy, so Qiu Liju was also willing to serve Liu Yu.

During this period of time, Qiu Liju lived a very good life.

Under Liu Yu's behest, he gathered his men to invade Guangyang.

In fact, there is no such thing as an invasion. Guangyang was deserted during the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Although it was incorporated into Yunzhou later, the Yunzhou Army actually controlled only a small piece of the bridgehead, and the remaining vast territory was infinite. land of the Lord.

Cheng Yu, the prefect of Guangyang, was a capable official. He opened up border trade to attract scattered nomadic tribes, and gradually formed a new pattern centered on the bridgehead and scattered tribes on the grassland as wings.

According to rough calculations, nearly 10 tribes lived in Guangyang in the past three years, including Wuhuan, Huns, Xianbei and other small ethnic groups.

Originally, these people were very stable under Cheng Yu's rule, but with the arrival of Qiu Liju, the situation changed.

After Qiu Liju arrived, the first thing he did was to send people to lobby those Wuhuan tribes and persuade them to return to their own tribe.

The Wuhuan people living in Guangyang quickly joined Qiu Liju's command, which made Qiu Liju's strength unprecedentedly increased.

Then Qiu Liju threatened and lured other tribes, pretending to attack, annexed many small tribes, and scared away many big tribes.

In this way, the nomadic tribes around Guangyang quickly escaped and surrendered.

Soon, only Wuhuan and Han people remained.

Right now, Qiu Liju's subordinates already numbered [-], while the Han people here are only more than [-] at most.

As long as these Han people are defeated, Guangyang will be truly dominated by the Wuhuan people.

At that time, with a wave of Qiu Liju's arms, this place might become Wuhuan Kingdom.

Just when Qiu Liju dreamed of becoming King Wuhuan to rule Youzhou, a piece of news interrupted his dream.


A Wuhuan general walked into the big tent!

This Wuhuan general Kong Wu was powerful and his voice was so loud that it startled Qiu Liju, who was immersed in a sweet dream.

"What the hell, you bastard, you want to scare me to death."

Qiu Liju scolded: "Thousands of tidy things, talk and fart, don't hang around in front of me if you have nothing to do."

Yes Yes Yes!
General Wuhuan said hastily.

"Liu Yu sent a letter. He asked us to attack Guangyang County, and said that as long as we take down this Guangyang, he will give us a territory."

Qiu Liju suddenly hooked his fingers.

what is wrong!
General Wuhuan stepped forward in a hurry.

Immediately suffered a big scratch.

"You bastard, you're the one who calls you the scumbag? Even if Liu Yu is a squeamish person, it's not your turn to call it, you know?"

Qiu Liju snorted and said.

Yes Yes Yes!
General Wuhuan has long scolded his mother in his heart.


The guy smiled and said: "Guangyang is not a small place, if it really becomes our territory, then we will make a lot of money."

is not that right?

The Wuhuan people have been living in Youzhou all these years, being exploited by Youzhou officials and oppressed by the local wealthy clan. Now they can have such a large territory, which is something to be happy about.

Before he finished speaking, the guy was slapped again.

"Lack of heart, he told us to fight, let's fight? What is Guangyang? What my king wants is the entire Northeast."

Yes Yes Yes!
General Wuhuan didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear that if he spoke up, he would be beaten again.

Seeing that his subordinates were not cooperating, Qiu Liju slapped him again.

"Little brat, I don't let you talk about it normally, you are such a small mouthed bastard, now I want you to talk about it, but you don't want to talk about it now. Do you need to clean up?"


General Wuhuan couldn't laugh or cry.

If you say you are beaten, you will be beaten if you don't.

And let no one live.

This king is really a little mentally abnormal.

Of course, he didn't dare to say this, he still had to keep his head to eat.


He hesitated for a moment and said, "What should we do?"

Qiu Liju stretched out his hand, and the Wuhuan soldier hurriedly took a step back, he was really scared of being beaten.

"Of course we will fight, but we can't really fight. If we do fight, people will die. Although there are few Han people, they are all in the fortress. Although we have many people, it is not cost-effective to fight. How about you take people to kill those Han people? An ultimatum. It means that the strength of the two sides is very different, and the victory and defeat have already been divided. My king will let them leave within three days, otherwise they will break the city and leave no one behind."

Got it!

General Wuhuan is about to go out in a hurry.

Qiu Liju seemed to remember something again.

"You tell the Han people again, that we are also entrusted by Liu Yu, with military orders in hand, and there is a wrong and a debt. If they want revenge, they will go to Liu Yu."


General Wuhuan nodded hastily.

This is called being a whore and setting up an archway. This adult has been with the Han people for a long time, and he has also acquired a cunning character.

come back come back come back!
Qiu Liju stopped his subordinates again.

"Your Majesty, what orders do you have?"

General Wuhuan asked puzzledly.

This bitch has also become, and this archway has also been erected, what else do you want to make trouble with?

"You are telling those Han people that this land will be ours from now on. Liu Yu has already promised us Wuhuan people. If they come again in the future, it will be invasion. Do you understand invasion? We will be rude to them. Let them Highlight the tricks, don't ask for trouble."

Qiu Liju said coldly.

"From now on, this place is the domain of the Wuhuan people."

(End of this chapter)

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