Chapter 484 The Submissive Messenger

Soon, the loyal general Wuhuan led a team of men and horses to the front of the bridgehead in Guangyang County.

"Listen up, the Han people inside. I am the powerful subordinate of Lord Qiu Liju, the king of Wuhuan. People call Yushu Linfeng suave, handsome, handsome and talented. It looks like Pan An, who is known as a pear blossom crushing a begonia. He sent a little boy nicknamed the Jade Face Little Flying Dragon. So does the turtle."


The soldiers of the Yunzhou Army on the top of the city burst out laughing.

Where does such a living treasure come from?
Little turtle, why don't you call me little bastard?
The soldiers of Wuhuan thought that everyone was overwhelmed by his heroic aura, so they said triumphantly: "This time, I am here by the order of Lord Qiu Liju to give you an ultimatum."

He coughed and said, "Master Liu Yu Liu has already given this place to us Wuhuan people. From now on, this is the territory of Wuhuan. You are all invaders, do invaders understand? That is evil. It is right and wrong, it is to be condemned by all righteous people. Originally, Master Qiu Liju planned to break down the city without leaving any dogs behind. But I am deeply aware of righteousness and the principle of harmonious coexistence of all ethnic groups. Therefore, the former volunteer Here I give you an ultimatum. Get out of Guangyang within three days, otherwise don’t blame us Wuhuan people for being rude. When friends come, they have fine wine, and when wolves come, they have bows and arrows.”

Hearing this little turtle speak eloquently, everyone in the city looked at each other in blank dismay.

Isn't this guy here to be funny?
How much food did Yunzhou spend to build this Guangyang bridgehead?

It's really unreasonable for you to withdraw within three days when your upper lip touches your lower lip.

Zhang Liao said angrily: "Little bastard, listen to me, this is Guangyang County in Yunzhou. You bastards are the invaders. It's best to get out obediently, otherwise our Yunzhou army will definitely kill you. If you don't stay, you bastards will never turn over."

it is good!
Hearing what the chief general said, the rest of the soldiers responded one after another.

"Not only will these bastards not be able to stand up, but they will also smash their tortoise shells to completely wipe out these white-eyed wolves."

"That's right, the Danwan family, it's fine to just stay in Youzhou, but you dare to provoke our Yunzhou army, you really are impatient."

"Smash the shells of the turtles so that they can never turn over."

Everyone roared in unison.

darn thing!

General Wuhuan was furious with Little Turtle.

This is his first mission, and the hateful Han people don't cooperate, it is really unreasonable.

That being the case, he had already made up his mind, and when he went back, he would say it in front of Qiu Liju with eloquence, and he must break the city and kill every single one.

"Master Little Turtle, please stop!"

Just when General Wuhuan was about to go back, a figure suddenly appeared on the top of the city. It was Yin Hong, a student of the medical school.

I saw him cupping his fists, and said with a smile: "God has the virtue of being good at life, if you can't afford weapons, you can't afford weapons. My lord's kindness, we in Guangyang County are very grateful."

Hearing Yin Hong's words, everyone in Yunzhou was stunned.

Since its establishment, Yunzhou Junzi has been known for its toughness to the outside world.

Whether it is the Yellow Turban Army, the imperial army or the Huns, anyone who dares to provoke the Yunzhou Army will have no good end.

What are the Wuhuan people? Can they be stronger than the Huns?
As long as they dare to come, the Yunzhou army will definitely beat them to pieces.

What happened to Yin Hong?

Why did you start to show weakness before the fight started?

Zhang Liao's face darkened, and he was just about to ask a question, but Yin Hong waved his hand, and then kept the question in his stomach.

General Wuhuan, Little Turtle seemed to have regained some face, and immediately laughed a few times.

"It's still you who knows the current affairs, um, yes, my Wuhuan has hundreds of thousands of troops, you only have this few troops, how can you be our Wuhuan's opponent, you should retreat early, so as not to kill yourself."

The adults said yes!
Yin Hong nodded repeatedly, and said with a smile: "Come here, open the city gate and welcome Mr. Little Turtle in."

good good!
General Wuhuan stretched his stomach, and led his men slowly towards the city.

He also felt that with the support of a hundred thousand Wuhuan army, the Han people would not dare to do anything to him?
Originally, Yin Hong humiliated, and the Yunzhou army was a little upset, but due to his status, he didn't get angry.

At this moment, it is really unreasonable to open the city gate to let the enemy in?
Zhang Liao was a little impatient at first.

"Dare to ask the superior, is this what the lord means?"

Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that Guo Jia would compromise like this.

Yin Hong suddenly turned his head and glanced at him, then lowered his voice: "I have my own opinion, you just need to follow the order."

Excuting an order?

Zhang Liao suddenly became a little angry.

"Please forgive Zhang Liao for not daring to accept such an order of humiliating power and humiliating the country."

He was born as a military commander and inherited the tough style of the Yunzhou Army, so he looked down on Yin Hong's timid and fearful behavior.


Yin Hong flicked his sleeves and said: "This is what the lord wants, you dare to disobey? Open the city gate quickly and let them in."

I do not believe!
Zhang Liao bit the bullet and said, "My lord is so wise and powerful, how could he do such a humble thing? I want to communicate with my lord, and ask him personally if it is his order."

He is the captain of Guangyang, commanding the [-] soldiers and horses in Guangyang, directly under Guo Jia's leadership, and has the qualification to report directly to Guo Jia.

Zhang Liao!

Yin Hong's face darkened, and he said, "Are you going to disobey the military order?"

He was also a little annoyed.

Zhang Liao snorted, and said: "At the beginning, I took refuge in my lord because he was tough on the Huns and able to protect the people in the border counties. Now you are bowing down to the aliens, how can I, Zhang Liao, agree?"

Zhang Liao suddenly raised his voice, and said: "Stick to the city gate, and if that fan gets close, shoot and kill him immediately."

The Guangyang garrison was also suffocated at the moment, and they naturally supported Zhang Liao's words.

In other words, since they became the Yunzhou Army, they have never been so useless.


Yin Hong did not explain, and immediately took out Guo Jia's warrant.

"Zhang Liao disrespected the military order, take it down immediately."

Seeing that General Wuhuan was about to approach the city, once he got within range, the defenders would definitely shoot him into hedgehogs.

This person is very critical, success or failure will depend on it.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to use the power in his hand.

The law enforcement team brought by Yin Hong immediately surrounded him.

In order to successfully complete this mission, he also brought many subordinates from Yunzhou.

Who dares!

Zhang Liao's subordinates immediately defended Zhang Liao.

"General Zhang is our leader. We will never agree to anyone who dares to touch a single hair of his hair."

"It's reversed, it's all taken down!"

After all, Yin Hong was a student and didn't have much experience, so he was a little annoyed when he encountered this situation.

The law enforcement team from Yunzhou and Zhang Liao's men immediately confronted each other, and a conflict was about to break out.

(End of this chapter)

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