Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 486 The Complacent Little Turtle

Chapter 486 The Complacent Little Turtle
General Wuhuan, who was on a mission for the first time, returned home with a full load. Not only did he get a lot of jewelry, but he also brought back a large carriage for Mr. Qiu Liju.

Although I don't know what's inside, but it looks very heavy, probably something good.

In this way, he must be rewarded.

Therefore, the little tortoise didn't delay too much, and let someone drive a carriage to leave Wubao in a hurry.

Seeing the carriage slowly driving away from Wubao and gradually disappearing from sight, Yin Hong finally put his heart in his stomach.

all the best!
Then they waited for them to open the carriages in their camp.

Thinking of this, Yin Hong took a deep breath and said: "Come here, close the city gate and prepare for defensive work. Without my order, no one can go out."

He looked up at the sky, and said to himself: "I hope I can support the past smoothly."

Cheng Yu's heart beat wildly when he heard this.

He seemed to have guessed something.

"On business!"

When Yin Hong was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by Cheng Yu.


Yin Hong looked at Cheng Yu puzzled.

The latter hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "What's in that?"

He was already suspicious.

Cheng Yu was originally a top-notch counselor today. Although he has been developing in the direction of an internal affairs talent, his busy government affairs have not abandoned his wisdom.

Originally, it was a bit strange for Guo Jia to send these medical students here.

The carriage was even more weird.

Now, this Yin Hong looked as if he had been released after sending the carriage out, no matter how slow Cheng Yu was, he could still guess something.

Yin Hong's expression darkened suddenly, and he said: "Mr. Cheng, there are some things you should ask about, and you should not ask about things you shouldn't. Knowing too much will not do you any good."

He took a few steps forward and looked at Cheng Yu with great interest.

"You're a smart man, some things will rot in your stomach even if you think about them. Nothing happened here, we've never been here, do you understand?"

Say it, turn around and walk away.

it is as expected……

Cheng Yu's heart trembled, and he stared blankly at Yin Hong's back.

He realized a problem again.

The prefect of Guangyang seems to be going to the end.

Because from now on, most likely there will be no Wuhuan tribe.

Without enemies, there is no need for him, the prefect, to exist.

In this way, maybe this place will really become silent.


A moment of confusion flashed in Cheng Yu's heart.

Is it really good to do this?
If the people in other states and counties knew about it, wouldn't the reputation of the lord and Yunzhou be ruined forever?

At this time, Cheng Yu once again understood the difficulties of Yin Hong and the others.

They are not unwilling to explain, but unable to explain.

Because this kind of method is against the law of heaven, once it is exposed, it will be condemned by everyone.

So they would rather let their own people misunderstand than reveal the slightest intention of coming.

But Cheng Yu had to admit that this might be a once-and-for-all solution.

Solve the problem of the Wuhuan people in Guangyang once and for all.

Although a little cruel.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu took a deep breath again, he decided to be an unknown hero like Yin Hong and others.


Let's say that Wuhuan's general, Little Turtle, happily drove the carriage back to Qiu Liju's camp.

"Your Majesty!"

As soon as this guy got out of the carriage, he came to Qiu Liju in a hurry.

"Great joy, great joy!"

He crawled to the front of Qiu Liju.

"The Han people have promised to withdraw their troops!"

Qiu Liju was stunned, looking at the little turtle in surprise.

In fact, although he said so, he didn't expect this little turtle to be able to do it?

He just wants the Han people to know that Liu Yu is the black hand behind it.

In case of any accidents in the future, the Han people will first go back to trouble Liu Yu instead of Qiu Liju.

How could the Han people agree to retreat so easily?
What about fools?

Besides, although the Han people are few in number, they occupy a favorable Wubao. Once the two sides start a war, it is really not certain who will win and who will lose?

Qiu Liju's first impression was that the little turtle was lying.

How could the Han people retreat so easily?
But when he saw this guy driving a carriage back, he was also a little puzzled.

"Your Majesty!"

The little turtle offered the treasure and said, "It's all thanks to the little three-inch tongue."

At the moment, he explained how he was so wise and powerful that he persuaded the Han leader to retreat.

This guy has a bit of a talent for making up stories, and he talks clearly and clearly, how tough the Han people are, and how he understands them with reason and moves them with emotion.

In the end, the Han people were defeated by the little turtle's three-inch tongue, and agreed to retreat.

But he tactfully put forward a request, that is, Qiu Liju has a grace period for a few days.

no problem!

Without even thinking about it, Qiu Liju said: "As long as they are willing to leave, it doesn't matter if they have a few more days."

In his opinion, it is best not to fight.

In this way, the Wuhuan people will not have any sacrifices.

Besides, he was not willing to use the blood of the Wuhuan people to extract chestnuts from Liu Yu's fire.

Your Majesty is wise!

The little turtle hurriedly patted a flatterer.

"The little one said the same thing, but they didn't agree so happily. Once they agreed, they would naturally not give any benefits."

Your Majesty please look!

The guy smiled and pointed to the carriage behind him.

"On this hesitation, I got a carriage. Not counting the contents of the carriage, just look at the carriage. Do you think it is a good thing?"

Of course it's a good thing!
Qiu Liju patted this guy on the head, and said with a smile: "Which one of the Han people's things is not good? Boy, you really have yours."

He stepped forward and looked at the carriage carefully.

It has to be said that the entire carriage of this carriage is made of metal, which is very strong.

Qiu Liju is planning to use it as his own car in the future.

It would be unreasonable for the dignified future King Wuhuan to not have a decent car.

After turning around, Qiu Liju suddenly discovered a problem.

Why is there no door to this carriage?
How can people sit if there is no door?
The majestic King Wuhuan can't sit on the carriage, right?

"Little turtle, where's the door?"

Qiu Liju asked in puzzlement.


The little turtle couldn't help scratching its head.

When I came here, I was only interested in being happy, and forgot to ask the Han man.

If there is no door, it is really a big problem.

Your Majesty need not be afraid!
The little tortoise volunteered and said: "Study and study carefully, you must find this door and get out the things inside!"

As he spoke, he led his men around the carriage and began to study.

Hearing that the little tortoise brought back a carriage, Wuhuan soldiers from the surrounding camps also came to watch.

Wuhuan are all barbarians, they don't have so many rules, soon Qiu Liju's king's tent was crowded with warriors watching the excitement.

They all looked curiously at this strange carriage brought back from the Han people!
(End of this chapter)

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