Chapter 487 Ah, Mouse
It was getting dark already.

The little tortoise studied it carefully for a while, but still couldn't find the door of the car, so he felt a little anxious.

If you can't find the door, this car will become a joke.

When he went out this time, it was of course fruitless.

Now the little tortoise regretted it a bit. He should have asked that Han leader for advice.

"Let me search carefully! If I can't find it, I won't have dinner tonight."

He got a little ruthless.

The subordinates immediately surrounded the carriage and began to toss and turn.

Some people got under, and some people climbed on the roof.

"My lord, there are many small holes on the roof, it must be the door of the car."

Someone exclaimed in surprise.

Small hole?

The little tortoise looked suspiciously at the small hole on the top, and suddenly hooked his finger at the man.

The man came to him in a hurry.

The little turtle suddenly slapped him and knocked him to the ground.

"Damn it, you can get in such a small hole?"

Yes Yes Yes!
The man rolled and crawled out.

At this time, another Wuhuan soldier suddenly said pleasantly: "My lord, I found it. There is a handle under the carriage, which may be the door."

The little tortoise lay on the ground and took a few glances, and found that there was a small door on the base, which could only allow a dog to enter and exit at most. , I can’t find it tonight, so don’t sleep.”

Yes Yes Yes!
Everyone continued to search for the portal.

The little tortoise's eyes fell on the doorknob, hesitated for a long time, and then stretched it out.

Although this portal cannot be entered by people, it seems to be able to open it.

He held the handle with his right hand and twisted it vigorously for a while. The handle was so strong that he couldn't unscrew it by himself.

"Aren't you coming to help soon?"

cried the little turtle.

Several soldiers worked hard together, and Kan Kan unscrewed the handle.

one two Three!

The little turtle pulled hard, and the small door was opened a crack.

"My lord, open it, open it!"

He shouted a few times excitedly, attracting many gentry again.

Qiu Liju who was inside the tent also came out, and excitedly said, "What's inside?"

He also looked forward to it.

The little turtle took a deep breath, and opened the small door violently.

Everyone lay on the ground and looked up.

The moment the small door opened, there was a hula sound, and a black stream leaked out from inside.

The little tortoise was the first to bear the brunt, just screamed a few times, and was immediately submerged by the black current.


Everyone's face changed drastically.

Only then did they see clearly that the black stream was one mouse after another.Dense crowds poured out from the carriage, and ran around frantically.

The crowd couldn't retreat in time, and was immediately submerged by the rat flow, and they let out waves of screams.

These mice seemed to be frantic with hunger. After they came out, they saw people biting people and things, and soon the whole king's tent fell into chaos.

"Don't panic, don't panic, gather torches and kill rats."

Qiu Liju shouted.

After all, he is a Wuhuan headman, so he is quite quick-witted.

But those Wuhuan people were frightened by so many rats, they only knew how to run away, how could they care about exterminating rats?
darn thing!

Qiu Liju pulled out his scimitar and killed several mice at his feet.

"Guards, guards, come out to kill rats!"

He yelled a few times.

Beside Qiu Liju is an elite Wuhuan Guard, which is responsible for protecting his safety.

In Youzhou, the reason why Qiu Liju was able to maneuver freely was due to this extremely powerful army.

Hearing Qiu Liju's shout, the guards rode their horses and rushed into the camp.

These mice were trapped in the carriage for some days, and they used their own kind as food to kill each other every day, and their temperament became very manic.An astonishing destructive force erupted.

The Wuhuan Guards, who were rampant in Youzhou, encountered angry mice and were completely defeated.

Soon a group of guards turned their backs and fell into the hands of the rats.

Stupid, stupid, start a fire, don't you know how to start a fire?
Qiu Liju yelled angrily.

Mice are afraid of fire, how many can you kill with a weapon?

But the surrounding chaos, who can hear it?

At this moment, a big mouse suddenly jumped onto his back and bit his neck hard.

Qiu Liju yelled, covered his wound, and said angrily, "I'll burn these bastards to death! Don't let any of them go!"

The guards took out the kerosene, lit it, formed a circle, and started a vigorous rodent extermination campaign.

10 people were mobilized together, and after midnight, most of the mouse army was finally wiped out, while the other half took advantage of the chaos to escape.


darn thing!

While covering up the wound on his body, Qiu Liju cursed at the little turtle.

At this moment, the little turtle can no longer hear it.

He was lying on the ground when the rats were released, and was instantly overwhelmed by the rats.

A mouse that has been starving for days suddenly encounters a living thing, how can it easily let it go.

So this fellow was almost eaten up by rats, so naturally he was just one.

Although the little tortoise died, Qiu Liju was still puzzled.

If it wasn't for the carriage that this bastard brought back, how could they have suffered such a disaster?
After such a commotion, not many of the entire tribe were killed by rats, but at least thousands were bitten, and the horses also suffered a lot of losses.


Qiu Liju was furious.

Only then did he realize that the little turtle had been fooled by the Han people.

Most of these rats were carefully prepared for them by the Han people.

"Rise up troops immediately, attack the Wubao of the Han people, and take down the city without leaving any dogs."

Qiu Liju was completely enraged.

Although the carload of mice didn't cause too much damage, it made Qiu Liju lose face.


The general on the side hastily advised: "Our army has been newly plotted, and morale is low. Besides, it is getting late now, and the soldiers are exhausted after all the commotion. Why don't we rest early tonight and get enough energy?" Spirit, I will settle accounts with the Han people tomorrow.”

Hearing that what the general said made sense, Qiu Liju nodded resentfully.

It is really inappropriate to attack the camp of the Han people now.

However, Qiu Liju couldn't swallow this breath.

"Well, everyone has worked hard today, go back and have a good rest. Tomorrow morning, let's attack the city."

Everyone responded in unison, and then went back to rest.

Damn Han people!
Qiu Liju gritted his teeth and said, "See how I will deal with you tomorrow!"

Then he walked into the tent.

If he knew that he would never stand up after lying down like this, he would definitely regret following the general's advice.

Soon, those Wuhuan people who were bitten by the rats had a fever, including Qiu Liju, the head of Wuhuan.

And this number grew bigger and bigger, and it didn't take long for the entire tribe to be paralyzed.

(End of this chapter)

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