Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 488 The First Virus War in History

Chapter 488 The First Virus War in History
Soon, a plague broke out in the camp of the Wuhuan people.

This plague quickly swept across the entire tribe. Those infected with the disease had fever and chills, and then developed abscesses all over the place, and finally died.

It’s fine if it’s just people who have been bitten. Some people who have not been bitten have also developed this symptom. In just a few days, nearly a thousand people died of the disease, and countless people were infected.The witch doctors in the tribe were helpless at all.

Qiu Liju was seriously ill, and the Wuhuan crowd had no leader. The second person, Ta Dun, had to stand up and issued a cruel order.

The dead are cremated immediately, leaving no roots.Those who were infected were gathered in a tent and sealed off strictly, leaving them to fend for themselves.

But this once again aroused the dissatisfaction of the infected people. They refused to be isolated, and the two sides clashed again.

Ta Dun had no choice but to order the massacre of these people again.

The two sides fought for a while, and except for a small number of Wuhuan patients with mild symptoms who escaped, the rest of them all died under the butcher's knife of their own people.

After a burst of blood, the infected people were finally slaughtered, and the corpses were gathered and burned.

However, at this moment, Wuhuan's vitality has been seriously injured.

More than half of the 10 people have already gone.

Qiu Liju did not survive this catastrophe, and died of illness in the king's tent.

Ta Dun succeeds the leader of Wuhuan and cleans up the mess.

After removing the source of infection, although the situation improved a bit, it still did not stop the plague from spreading.

The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled are the main force of the disease.

As a last resort, Tadun had to order again, leaving behind the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, burning the tents, and withdrawing from Guangyang.

Soon, the camp of the Wuhuan people was burned by fire, and the troops began to retreat, but the scale of the plague had already formed in the troops, and they could not just escape here.

Along the way, there are only discarded corpses.Many people fell to the ground as they walked, and no one looked at them again, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Later, survivors of Wuhuan recalled that this road was the road of blood and tears of Wuhuan people.

It was because of this plague that Wuhuan, who had a chance to become stronger, completely withdrew from the stage of history.


Hearing the tragic situation of the Wuhuan people, Yin Hong of Guangyang heaved a sigh of relief.

everything is over.

The Wuhuan people completely withdrew from the stage of history.

Every medical student showed a look of excitement, but was soon shocked by the tragedy of the Wuhuan people.

It is not an exaggeration to call it tragic.

Everyone's heart is very heavy.

Perhaps, this is the beginning of a new type of war.

Who would have thought that hundreds of thousands of rats could cause 10,000+ Wuhuan people to lose their armor and armor and suffer heavy casualties?

Yin Hong and a few core students knew that those mice were not ordinary mice, but mice with malaria virus caught in Yunzhou.

For the Wuhuan people who do not have artemisinin, malaria is a disaster.

When Guo Jia caught the mice carrying the malaria virus, he did not kill them, but put them in the training room of the medical school to cultivate them.

Mice are animals with strong reproductive ability. After a short period of reproduction, a group of malaria bacteria is formed.

At this time, the Wuhuan people began to invade Guangyang under Liu Yu's instigation. Yunzhou's troops were stretched and there was no extra troops to support Guangyang. In order to repel the Wuhuan people and solve the Guangyang problem once and for all.

Guo Jia thought over and over again before carefully preparing for this virus war.

First of all, Yunzhou's military strength is really insufficient, and it is a bit difficult to deal with the surrounding military forces.

Secondly, he also wanted to solve the hidden dangers in Guangyang once and for all.

Those who are not of our race will have different hearts, and Guo Jia naturally doesn't have to be so polite to the capricious Wuhuan people.

But the use of virus warfare is harmful to the peace after all, and it is impossible to convince Hua Tuo, a master who is compassionate and compassionate.

So Guo Jia decided to hide it from Hua Tuo, and selected a few outstanding students from the medical school to carry out this matter secretly.

Yin Hong and others also entered Guo Jia's field of vision.

So under Guo Jia's secret command, these students came to Guangyang together with the mice with malaria virus in the training room of the medical school.

This time, they will accomplish the feat of the first large-scale virus war in human history.

In order to ensure the smoothness of this mission, Guo Jia specially gave them the greatest authority, and could control the entire army when necessary.

Yin Hong and the others did not disappoint Guo Jia's trust, and soon made a plan when they came here.

With the help of Wuhuan envoys, the carriage carrying a large number of rats was brought back to the Wuhuan people's camp.

Malaria officially broke out among the tribes of the Wuhuan people.

Although they also have witch doctors, but in the face of such a near-extinction disaster, these people's medical skills are simply vulnerable.

Before Kinney was discovered, malaria was basically an incurable disease. Once infected, except for a few lucky ones, basically they could not escape the harvest of death.

The Wuhuan people without artemisinin will soon be defeated.

Yin Hong took a deep breath.

Malaria was successfully induced in the Wuhuan camp. Although it was their victory, it was only the first step.

Next, their task is to prevent malaria backlash.

After all, malaria is a serious infectious disease. Even if the enemy is eliminated, it is not worthwhile to injure one's own people.

"Attention everyone, seal the city gates, inspect the barracks, concentrate on eradicating rats, and strictly prevent infection. This is the most critical time, we must achieve zero casualties, and keep the plague out of the city."

Yin Hong shouted loudly.

Everyone responded in unison, and then each started to get busy.

For the defense against malaria, they are still very confident.

Because Guo Jia and their dean Hua Tuo developed a kind of medicinal wine, taking this medicinal wine, the cure rate of malaria can reach more than [-]%.

In order to prevent the backlash of malaria, this time, they also brought a large amount of medicinal wine, and took preventive measures for the officials in Guangyang in advance.

Of course, as Yunzhou's secret weapon, the formula of this medicinal wine is kept secret, except for Hua Tuo and Guo Jia, even the medical students don't know the formula.

However, the effect of medicinal wine is very good, it can be said that it is the nemesis of malaria.

The plague in Yunzhou was basically cured by this kind of thing.

With this, they are already invincible.

Soon, Yin Hong reported the situation here to Guo Jia, and led a group of his men into intense epidemic prevention work.

This is the biggest effect of their coming to Guangyang.

Medical students, infected mice and Artemisia annua medicinal wine, the three are necessary factors to launch a virus war, and none of them can be dispensed with.

Without the elite students of the medical school in charge, Guo Jia did not dare to launch a malaria war without authorization. It would be extremely bad if it backfired on his own people.

(End of this chapter)

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