Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 489 Wuhuan's Tears of Blood

Chapter 489 Wuhuan's Tears of Blood

"My lord!"

A scout came to report suddenly.

"A lot of tribesmen came outside the door. They came from Qiu Liju's side. I heard from them that a plague broke out in Qiu Liju's camp, and even Qiu Liju himself was infected. They asked us to protect them."

Hearing this news, Cheng Yu was stunned for a while, and then he let out a long sigh.

Sure enough.

When Yin Hong sent out the carriage, he guessed something.

Now these tribes who have fled back have completely confirmed his speculation.

The lord has already attacked these Wuhuan people, and it is deadly.

Only then did Cheng Yu understand why Yin Hong made the officials drink some unpalatable medicinal wine as soon as he arrived. They were taking precautions.


A coldness flashed across Cheng Yu's face.

At the beginning, he cared for these people very much. He not only opened a business to supply them with much-needed salt and iron, but also set aside one after another fertile pastures for them.

But as soon as Qiu Liju came, these people stood beside Qiu Liju, staring at the bridgehead of the Han people.

If the lord hadn't used tricks to disrupt the fighting power of the Wuhuan people, these people might be the vanguard to attack Wubao.

A group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.

Cheng Yu snorted and said, "Don't worry about it, let them fend for themselves."

After this, he was completely disappointed with Huairou's strategy.

Maybe Zhang Liao is right, there is no need to be so polite when dealing with these white-eyed wolves.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

It's still the master who is far-sighted, this carriage is worth a hundred thousand soldiers!

But Cheng Yu was a little confused again, what was in that carriage, and how could it cause the Wuhuan people to be infected with the plague overnight?
Yin Hong was on the top of the wall, but Cheng Yu didn't dare to ask.

It's better to be low-key about this kind of thing.

If it gets out, the entire Yunzhou will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Yin Hong has always been doing professional things like epidemic prevention.

Cheng Yu couldn't intervene.

Even if he can get started, he is unwilling to get involved.

It's better to be low-key about this kind of thing.

He is now doing what must be done.


These two days, Zhang Liao was very depressed.

After being captured by the law enforcement team that day, he was locked in the room, which is called confinement.

The so-called confinement has only a thin layer of wood, and there are only two guards outside the door. If Zhang Liao wants to go out, these will not stop him at all.

But Zhang Liao didn't dare.

Although it is only a thin layer of wood, it represents the military law of Yunzhou.

Guo Jia treats Zhang Liao's kindness as much as a mountain, and even if Zhang Liao Ning dies, he cannot be charged with treason.

But staying here, Zhang Liao was also very unhappy.

The dignified Captain of Guangyang was actually locked in his room and couldn't go out. I have to say that this is also ironic.

When Zhang Liao was extremely bored, the door suddenly opened, and Cheng Yu walked in slowly.

"Wen Yuan, are you still sulking?"

It turned out to be Lord Fujun!
Seeing Cheng Yu coming in, Zhang Liao cupped his fists slightly as a greeting.

Cheng Yu is the prefect, and Zhang Liao is the captain, theoretically his subordinates.

Ha ha!

Cheng Yu clapped his hands, and two soldiers came forward, one holding the wine jar and the other a tray.

"Idle is idle, how about a few drinks?"

it is good!
Zhang Liao was overjoyed.

These days he has really faded out a bit.

The two picked up the wine jue and drank it down.


After drinking several cups in a row, Zhang Liao put down the wine cup and yelled, slightly venting the suffocation in his chest.

"Wen Yuan don't need to be upset, I reckon you'll be out soon."

Cheng Yu put down his wine glass and said with a smile.

Now that Yin Hong has successfully completed the task, the Wuhuan people have also been infected with the plague, and it won't be long before these people will go back home.

Naturally, it was him and Zhang Liao who cleaned up the mess.

go out?

Zhang Liao snorted and gave the wine a heavy meal.

"If it's servility and peace of mind, I, Zhang Liaoning, would rather stay here, out of sight and out of mind."

He is still a little angry now.

Especially when he saw Yin Hong's villainous attitude, he felt disgusted.

The lord is so wise and mighty, how could he send such a villain to Guangyang to govern, it is really unreasonable.

The more Zhang Liao thought about it, the angrier he became.

With a snap, he dropped the chopsticks on the ground.

If it weren't for the distance between Guangyang and Zhongshan, he would definitely take people back to verify the true identities of these people.

Ha ha!

Cheng Yu smiled slightly, and slowly picked up Zhang Liao's chopsticks.

"Wen Yuan, since the lord has his reasons for doing this, we, as subordinates, should understand a little bit."

I know!
Zhang Liao was a little furious.

He said angrily, "I'm afraid that some people will use chicken feathers as arrows."

Guo Jia's warrant must be genuine, but the origin of this Yin Hong is still unknown, especially since Zhang Liao is very upset that this guy is so servile to Wuhuan.

Who knows if this guy is using the lord's warrant to do some illegal activities?

Thinking of this, Zhang Liao couldn't bear it anymore.

"Your Majesty, this Yin Hong is really outrageous, why don't the two of us jointly play the lord?"

He is only the military commander, and Cheng Yu is still in charge of political affairs.

No need!
Cheng Yu smiled lightly.

He picked up the wine jar and served it to Zhang Liaoman.

"Yin Hong is a hero!"

Others don't know, but Cheng Yu knows.

Yin Hong's trip took on the important task of solving Guangyang's border problems once and for all. This task is very dangerous, and the whole process can't be seen.


Hearing this, Zhang Liao was suddenly puzzled.How can this guy be called a hero when he bows his knees?

Cheng Yu suddenly raised his wine glass, and said with some deep meaning, "Some problems can't just be seen on the surface. Yin Hong's visit this time may be worth a hundred thousand troops."

One hundred thousand troops!

Zhang Liao looked at Cheng Yu in shock.

"What do you mean by this? Your Excellency, please speak clearly!"

Cheng Yu drank it down in one gulp, put down the glass, and said nothing more.

Using the plague to eliminate the opponent, although the effect is considerable, but it is out of harmony with heaven, once it leaks out, Yunzhou will definitely be condemned by everyone.

The less you know about this kind of thing, the better.

Cheng Yu came here to comfort Zhang Liao for fear that a shadow would fall in his heart, but for the sake of confidentiality, he was unwilling to reveal the secret inside.


Cheng Yu stood up slowly, and said word by word: "There is something that you may not know. A plague broke out in the camp of the Wuhuan people. Most of the [-] Wuhuan people were infected. Now they, there is no There will be no combat effectiveness. In other words, the alarm in Guangyang has been lifted."

Zhang Liao shook violently and opened his mouth wide.

No matter how dull he was, he thought something was wrong.

Did the plague break out on the Wuhuan people sooner or later, but why did it break out at this time?
Also, the weird carriage was just sent out two days ago, and the plague broke out today.

Zhang Liao's heart trembled, and he looked at Cheng Yu in surprise, who nodded slowly.

"everything is over!"

Cheng Yuruo said something thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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