Chapter 491 Jizhou Battlefield

Ye County, Wei County, Jizhou.

The city was filled with darkness, all of which were the coalition forces of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

Just three days ago, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao led their troops to invade the border of Jizhou.

Jizhou has experienced several turmoil in recent years, and its foundation has been tossed out, especially its military strength, which is very empty.

Except for Wei County, the rest of the counties are basically useless.

Yuan Shao had [-] soldiers, led by Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and marched out of the plain.Cao Cao sent [-] soldiers out of Dongjun.

The two sides, one south and one east, entered Jizhou in two ways. It didn't take much effort at all, and they pushed all the way to Ye County.

The city of Ye County is tall and thick, and there are more than 2 Yunzhou troops stationed there. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, who had just suffered a loss in Mengjin, dared not be careless, and set up camps at the south gate and east gate respectively.

They have already received the news from Youzhou, and they are taking action together to deal with Guo Jia.

But on the issue of whether to fight and how to fight, the two had disagreements.

Cao Cao believed that he should cut through the mess quickly, take down Jizhou quickly, cut off Jizhou's support for Yunzhou, and support the battle between Yunzhou and Youzhou in disguise.

But Yuan Shao was a little selfish, he didn't want to compromise his own strength to take advantage of Liu Yu's fire.

Compared with attacking Jizhou, he is more inclined to besiege rather than attack, and sit back and watch the two states of Yunji fight each other.

If Youzhou wins, Yuan Shao will naturally swallow Jizhou in one go.

If Yunzhou wins, Yuan Shao will calmly return to Qingzhou and make other plans.

In a word, if you don't see a rabbit, don't scatter an eagle.

But this view was opposed by Cao Cao.


Cao Cao said earnestly: "Your position as governor and my position as prefect were both recommended by Lieutenant Liu. From this point of view, we owe him a favor. Besides, the strength of Yunzhou is not unknown. In the bitter cold of Youzhou, although Liu Taiwei has some means, how can he be an opponent in Yunzhou? The reason why he tried his best to help us is to deal with Guo Jia together. Only when we work together can we have a chance to win .If we sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, Liu Taiwei is definitely not Guo Jia's opponent. When Guo Jia defeats Liu Taiwei, we will no longer be able to compete with Yunzhou."

As the founder of the later Cao Wei, Cao Aman still had some strategic vision.

Yunzhou has strong soldiers, strong horses and rich horses, which can rival the enemy's country.

The surrounding princes count as one, and none of them are opponents of the Yunzhou Army.

If it hadn't been for Liu Yu's repeated tricks to destroy Yunzhou's border trade and burn Yunzhou's food, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao would not have dared to face Yunzhou with their strength.

Now that Yunzhou is in trouble, it is a good time for everyone to kill Guo Jia in one go.

Now Yuan Shao has a small belly and only thinks about himself. Once he misses the opportunity, he will lose the opportunity to disintegrate Yunzhou forever.

"Meng De, you are still too impulsive."

Yuan Shao said disapprovingly: "What kind of friendship does Liu Yu have with us? We are in trouble, why does he help us? Didn't he want us to attack Jizhou for him to relieve the pressure on Youzhou. He just asked us to help him out of the fire. So, he Helping us is actually for yourself. This is called mutual use. It’s not about being kind or not. Besides, our brother is also a famous figure. Why should we sacrifice the reputation of Liu Yu? I think it’s better to be safe That's good. Waiting for Youzhou and Yunzhou to decide the outcome, it won't be too late for us to do it."

No way!

Cao Cao hastily said, "Yunzhou is weak right now, and this is the time to take advantage of his illness to kill him. Besides, there are only [-] people in Jizhou right now, and our combined strength exceeds [-], and we can add another [-] at any time. [-] against [-], how can we be invincible? Once we miss the opportunity and let Yunzhou survive, it will not be so easy to deal with Guo Jiake."


Yuan Shao was a little unhappy.

"Listen to me on this matter, brother will not let you suffer. When the time comes, when Yunzhou and Jizhou are both defeated, we will fight together. If Youzhou loses, we will swallow Youzhou. If Yunzhou loses, we will swallow Jizhou .In this way, there will be no loss, and the greatest results can be achieved, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"


Cao Cao was angry and anxious.

He never expected Yuan Shao to have such an idea.

Yunzhou defeated Tunjizhou, and Youzhou defeated Tunyouzhou.He had a good plan.

How could this be worthy of Liu Yu who was fighting against Guo Jia on the front line?

Cao Cao said sternly: "A gentleman can do something, but he can't do it. Liu Taiwei trusted us, so he joined forces with us. If we want to annex Youzhou, how can we not let the soldiers of Youzhou feel cold? In the future, who will Can you see the two of us again?"


Yuan Shao didn't expect Cao Cao to be so stubborn, so he stood up immediately.

"I am the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, listen to me."


Cao Cao's temper also came up.

"At the beginning, I supported you as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces to attack Jizhou. If you don't plan to attack Jizhou, then we will part ways."

"Cao Aman, don't go too far."

Yuan Shao was angry, and the two grew up naked since they were young, and they have a very good relationship.

In the circle of youths in the capital, Yuan Shao is the big brother who will never let him go, and Cao Cao has always been his younger brother.

Even when he became an official, Yuan Shao was a Marquis of the Northern Army, and Cao Cao was a lieutenant of the Dian Army, and they had always been his subordinates.

Now because of this matter, this little brother actually wants to part ways with him, it is really unreasonable.

Yuan Benchu!
Cao Cao's strength also came up.

"This is the critical time, you must not be stupid!"

I am stupid!
Yuan Shao was furious.

He kindly saved Cao Cao's strength, but this guy didn't know what was good or bad.

"I am the governor, and you are the prefect. You must listen to me in this matter."

"It's true that you are the governor of Qingzhou, but that's also the governor of Qingzhou. We can't control Yanzhou."

"Bastard, it's really beyond your control to fight Ye County with this little force."

"It's better to be overconfident than you, a timid selfish bastard."

"Cao Aman, how dare you call me an asshole?"

"Yuan Benchu, you were the one who called me an asshole first."

Crackling, the two immediately flipped the table.

Soon the noise of the two alarmed the people outside.

Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Ju Yi, Chun Yuqiong, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong all walked in.

What's going on, what's going on?

The camp was in a mess, except for two Yuan Shao and Cao Cao who were looking at each other angrily.

"Assemble the army and retreat fifty miles, leave them alone!"

Yuan Shao waved his sleeves.

Even so, he didn't bother to ask about Cao Cao's affairs.

"Assemble the army and prepare to attack the city. Without Butcher Zhang, we can't eat hairy pigs."

Cao Cao also said angrily.

He was also a little upset with this selfish Yuan Shao.


The generals were a little puzzled.

The relationship between the two is very good, if you can wear a pair of pants, how can you break it?
(End of this chapter)

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