Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 492 Cao Cao's Stubbornness

Chapter 492 Cao Cao's Stubbornness

Cao Cao's [-] troops were stationed in the south of Ye County, and the commander was Xiahou Dun.

Xiahou Dun, styled Yuanrang, was Cao Cao's captain, commanding the army, and his status was second only to Cao Cao.Below him are Xia Houyuan and Cao Ren, and Cao Hong can only be ranked last.

There is a strange thing here. Throughout the Cao and Wei dynasties, the Xiahou family was favored by the Cao family.Cao Ren and Cao Hong are members of Cao Cao's family, Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan are just Cao's in-laws, and now the status of Xiahou brothers is obviously higher than that of Cao brothers.

For example, Xiahou Dun has been in the back of the main town since he joined Cao Cao. He has successively served as the school lieutenant of Zhechong, the prefect of Jiyin, the general of Jianwu, the official to the general, the title of Gao'an Township Marquis, and the posthumous posthumous title of Zhonghou.In the first year of Qinglong (233), he was able to enjoy the temple of Taizu (Cao Cao).

Cao Cao respected Xiahou Dun very much, and all the generals awarded Wei official titles, only Xiahou Dun still received the official title of the Han Dynasty.Xia Houdun wrote a letter hoping that Cao Cao would make him a Wei official, showing that he was loyal to Wei.But Cao Cao believed that Xiahou Dun was a Han official with him and belonged to his colleagues in the Han Dynasty. How could Xiahou Dun submit to Wei's official title.

In the end, after Xiahou Dun still made a strong request, Cao Cao finally agreed to his request and named him a former general of Wei.

Not only that, Xiahou Dun's younger brother, nine sons and two grandsons were all named Liehou.

Another important figure of the Xiahou clan, Xiahouyuan, was also highly valued.Xia Houyuan became the general of Zhengxi, and he was granted the title of Marquis of Bochangting.

In the early days, he followed Cao Cao's conquests. In the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao supervised the transportation of grain and grass, and supervised the generals to quell the rebellions of Chang Xi, Xu He, Lei Xu, and Shang Yao.Later, he led the army to station in Liangzhou, chased Ma Chao, broke Han Sui, destroyed Song Jian, swept Qiang and Di, and Hubu Guanyou.After Zhang Lu surrendered to Cao Cao, Xia Houyuan stayed in Hanzhong and resisted Liu Bei for more than a year. He was attacked by Liu Bei's general Huang Zhong in Dingjun Mountain and died in battle. He was posthumously called Minhou.

Xiahouyuan's sons also held high positions.

This grace is unique.

Cao Cao's grandfather, Cao Teng, was an eunuch and had no descendants. He adopted Xia Housong as his son, and Xia Housong was also renamed Cao Song.

Therefore, Cao Cao is actually a descendant of the Xiahou family. Although he succeeded the Cao surname, he is closer to the Xiahou family in blood.

The fathers of Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan may be close to Cao Cao's father, Cao Song, who is Xiahou's family, so they are more important to Cao Cao.

Cao Ren, Cao Hong and others are actually clansmen of Cao Cao's adoptive grandfather Cao Teng, and the two parties have no blood relationship.

Before Cao Cao made his fortune, he was still looked down upon by the Cao clan. Cao Pi even remembered Cao Hong's reluctance to lend him money and made things difficult for Cao Hong. If the Queen Mother Bian hadn't stepped forward, Cao Hong might have died long ago.

Therefore, in the end of the Cao Wei Dynasty, the Xiahou family was more important than the Cao family.Because they and Cao Cao are family.

Let's say that after Cao Cao fell out with Yuan Shao, he returned to his camp aggressively.

"Yuan Rang, Miao Cai, immediately gather troops and horses, we are ready to attack the city!"

Cao Cao had already made up his mind that this was the best time to deal with Guo Jia, even if that short-sighted guy Yuan Shao didn't fight, he would still fight.


Xiahou Dun hesitated slightly.

He is loyal to Cao Cao, but being loyal does not mean that he will not question Cao Cao's orders.

"Big brother!"

Cao Ren on the side was a little puzzled.

"What happened? Why did you break up with Yuan Shao?"

Cao Hong was also puzzled.

Yuan Shao's family is the fourth generation and third prince, and he himself is the governor of Qingzhou, with many soldiers and horses under his command, it would be unwise to break up with him.

"Don't mention that bastard!"

Hearing Yuan Shao's name, Cao Cao became angry.

This bastard is not only watching from the sidelines, but also thinking about how to annex Youzhou's land afterwards, which is really unreasonable.

People can be shameless, but they have to be kind.


Xiahou Dun clasped his fists and said: "There are 2 defenders in Ye County, and our army also has 2. There is a saying in the art of war, ten to encircle and five to attack. At present, the strength of the two sides is almost the same. Without the help of the Qingzhou Army, the attack It is very difficult for Ye County to win."

Since he can become Cao Cao's general, he naturally has some foundation.

Qingzhou Army?
Cao Cao said contemptuously: "Don't count on them, thank God they don't trip us up behind our backs."

Everyone was slightly moved, as if they had guessed something.

Cao Cao hesitated for a while, and spoke out about the dispute with Yuan Shao in the tent.


Hearing that Yuan Shao was so despicable and shameless, Xia Houyuan, who had a strong temperament, immediately became angry.

"What prestige is the fourth generation and third prince of the Yuan family, yet this Yuan Benchu ​​is so shameless. He really is a despicable villain. My lord has done a good job. We are all reputable men, so how can we behave like villains with him."

Xia Houyuan was born as a knight-errant, with good martial arts skills and a strong temperament.

well said!
Cao Cao patted the table and said, "That's why I parted ways with him. If he doesn't fight, let's fight. After all, we can't be a villain."

Thinking of Yuan Shao's shameless behavior, Cao Cao was very annoyed.

What annoyed him was that Yuan Shao didn't care about the occasion and the time. How could he abolish the government for personal reasons at the critical moment of the merger of Yunzhou and Youzhou?

There is no big picture!

Cao Ren and Cao Hong looked at each other, and they both saw each other's regret.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with what Yuan Shao said?
The two parties are originally in a relationship of mutual use, so it is natural to maximize their own interests.

This elder brother seems to be a little too straightforward.

Without the help of the Qingzhou Army, would the 2 people in Yidong County immediately want to take down Ye County?

Cao Hong suddenly coughed a few times, and said, "Brother, Yuan Shao's handling of this matter is a little unreasonable. But it's no good for us to argue with him. After all, there are many people and strength. Besides, there are 2 people in Ye County. The strength of the army is simply unbearable. Instead of losing troops and losing generals, it is better to wait and see what happens."

Hearing what Cao Hong said, Cao Cao immediately became angry.

He stood up abruptly.

"Are you making me a villain too?"

Just now he had a falling out with Yuan Shao because he didn't want to be a villain, but now his brother actually wants to persuade him to be a villain, how can he not get angry?
Brother, I didn't mean that?
Seeing that Cao Cao was angry, Cao Hong explained again and again: "I mean, the imperial court is the imperial court, and our Cao family is the Cao family. The [-] soldiers belong to the Xiahou family and the Cao family. There's nothing left."

darn thing!

Cao Cao slapped the table fiercely.

"Come here and pull him down for me, and beat him with forty army sticks."

Hearing this, Cao Hong's face changed greatly. He didn't expect that he would also say the disaster when he spoke.



Seeing that Cao Cao wanted to beat Cao Hong, everyone immediately came up to intercede.

After hearing everyone's persuasion, Cao Cao's anger subsided a little.

"If it wasn't for everyone's plea, I would definitely beat you with forty army sticks. Come, send orders, cook food at the third watch, assemble at the fourth watch, and immediately attack the city at dawn!"

(End of this chapter)

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