Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 493 Xu Shu's Transformation

Chapter 493 Xu Shu's Transformation

Soon, news outside the city spread to Ye County.

In the command post at the head of Ye County, Xu Shu, Yu Jin, Xu Huang, and Zhou Cang gathered together.

"I heard that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao had a big quarrel in the camp, and the two sides decided to part ways. Yuan Shao retreated fifty miles, and Cao Cao was gathering troops, and the order to attack the city was announced."

Xu Shu reached out and knocked on the table, raised his head and said, "What do you generals think?"

Seemingly influenced by Guo Jia, after Xu Shu took charge of the situation alone, he also put military situation as the top priority in decision-making.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

Therefore, Xu Shu spread his eyeliner outside the city, and whenever there was any disturbance in the enemy army, it would reach his ears.

Had a big fight?
Yu Jin frowned and said, "Master Inspector, could this be a trap?"

As the number one military general in Yunzhou, Yu Jin is notoriously cautious, and he always likes to be upright when using soldiers, and rarely takes risks.

So when he heard the news, his first reaction was a trap.

Yuan Shao pretended to have a falling out with Cao Cao, and then Cao Cao came to attack the city, and waited until his side was paralyzed and devoted himself to the confrontation with Cao Cao, and then killed back.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out!"

Xu Shu nodded slowly.

"If this is the case, we must be more careful, and we must also leave room for dealing with Cao Cao, and beware of Yuan Shao's sneak attack."

Yu Jin said in a deep voice.

Makes sense!
Xu Shu nodded.

This is also the safest way.

His eyes suddenly fell on Xu Huang.

"What does Gongming think?"

The difference between a counselor and an independent official is that one just talks and the other needs to do it.

Before that, Xu Shu had always been Yunzhou's left military adviser, and what he needed to do was to advise Guo Jia and analyze various pros and cons.

But now that he has become the governor of Jizhou, he has become a talent for resisting the side, and the way of counselor is no longer suitable.

Therefore, he must stimulate the enthusiasm of his subordinates and obtain the most objective opinions from them.

At this time, Xu Shu had completed the perfect transformation from a counselor to an official.

"Lord Inspector!"

Xu Huang cupped his fists.Said: "The last general has just arrived, and he doesn't know the situation in Jizhou. But I agree with General Yu. The situation is unknown, so it's better to be cautious."

He is also a serious person.

well said!
Xu Shu also nodded, feeling very satisfied with Guo Jia's arrangement.

Jizhou's troops are weak, and they can only take a defensive position against Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's troops, and stick to Ye County to wait for Yunzhou and Youzhou to decide the winner.

This may be a protracted battle, and steady generals must be needed to guard Jizhou, so Guo Jia sent two steady generals to Xu Shu's side.

With the stability of these two people, coupled with Xu Shu's resourcefulness, most of them can keep Jizhou safe.

But not everyone is so prudent. Zhou Cang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Master Inspector, the two generals. The last general doesn't think so. It doesn't matter whether Yuan Shao and Cao Cao broke up for real or fake. Now Yuan Shao retreated fifty miles, leaving only Cao Cao's [-] troops. Cao Cao's men were all Xinna county soldiers, and their combat effectiveness was not strong, and there were few cavalry. We are all veterans with hundreds of battles, and we have nearly [-] cavalry. From the point of view of the ratio, we have the upper hand. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Yuan Shao's retreat, we can concentrate our superior forces and annihilate Cao Cao in one go. In this way, we can easily face [-] Qingzhou soldiers. This is a great opportunity, Mr. Qian Don't let it go so easily."

Through these years of hard work, Zhou Cang has also become a well-known general in Yunzhou. Although he surrendered halfway, his rich military experience has allowed him to grow to the greatest extent.

Now Zhou Cang has become Yu Jin's right-hand man.

Unlike Yu Jin's caution, Zhou Cang is very courageous, which is also related to his good martial arts.

Hearing Zhou Cang's words, Xu Shu was also a little surprised.

This big black man is a little courageous, and disagrees with his superiors, which is really rare in the highly hierarchical army.

"General Zhou, from what you see, how should we fight this battle?"

Xu Shu asked with interest.

Zhou Cang cheered up, pointed to the map on the ground and said: "We can let the cavalry go out of the city overnight and pretend to withdraw. Then hide by the hills in the north. Then when Cao Cao attacks the city, go around and attack his rear route Such a front and back attack will definitely defeat the Dongjun soldiers. Yuan Shao's army is fifty miles away, and only a small number of cavalry can rush back in the first time. It will take a while for the infantry to catch up. During this time , we can calmly eat up Cao Cao's remaining troops, play with Yuan Shao's cavalry head-on, and finally retreat to the city calmly. Even if Yuan Shao returns halfway early, our cavalry returns without success, but they can still be stationed outside as a mobile force far better than nesting in a city."

Xu Huang on the side thought it was true.

In fact, from the very beginning, he didn't quite agree with keeping the cavalry in the city.

The reason why the cavalry is called the cavalry is because it is flexible and maneuverable. Once it is trapped in the city, it loses its due effect. Not only that, the cavalry is also a money-burning thing. If there is no war, the consumption of people eating horse chews every day is not one small amount.It is indeed a waste to put it in the city.

Lord Inspector!

Xu Huang also clasped his fists and said, "General Zhou Cang is right. Apart from other things, the ten thousand cavalry hiding in the city is not very useful for defending the city. On the contrary, it will drag down the supply of food and grass in the city. It may be better to let them out." The final general is willing to lead a large army to station outside, and to be a horn of each other with the inside of the city. When large groups of enemies attack, Xu Huang will lead his troops to avoid them. When small groups of enemies attack, Xu Huang will lead his troops to rape them."

well said!
A smile appeared on Xu Shu's face.

I admire Guo Jia's vision so much.

Yu Jin's cautiousness, Zhou Cang's boldness, and Xu Huang's bravery, the three together are an excellent combination.


A smile appeared on the corner of Xu Shu's mouth.

Although the three have their own strengths, they are still generals after all, and they don't look at the problem so comprehensively.

The order to defend the city was given by Guo Jia. This lord is very strategic and will never fight an uncertain war.

Xu Shu is the only person in Jizhou who can guess Guo Jia's intentions.

Therefore, Jizhou should not only have an independent general, but also Xu Shu who is familiar with the entire battle situation and has a broad vision to guard.

If Yu Jin, Xu Huang, and Zhou Cang are the head of the dragon, the belly of the dragon, and the tail of the dragon, then Xu Shu is the key to the finishing touch.


Xu Shu suddenly said: "Do you know why Yuan Shao and Cao Cao invaded Jizhou?"

The three looked at each other, and they all saw each other's doubts.

Needless to say?

Naturally, they coveted the land of Jizhou.

Tens of thousands of troops came here, surely they didn't come to send blessings?

(End of this chapter)

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