Chapter 494

Xu Shu was very clear about Yunzhou's current situation.

The origin of all this is due to Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, the Taiwei of the dynasty. It was this person who used repeated tricks to bring the mighty Yunzhou into decline.

Not only that, Liu Yu also united Wuhuan, Yuan Shao, and Cao Cao to deal with Yunzhou.

The battle started in the frontier fortress, Yunzhou and Jizhou.

The Jizhou battlefield is just a part of the entire Yunyou battle, and the real contest is still on the Yunzhou battlefield.

Therefore, Jizhou is only an auxiliary battlefield. It can be seen from Guo Jia's deployment of troops and generals here that he does not want to expand the war here.

"Look, generals!"

Xu Shu pointed at Guangyang, Zhongshan Anguo and Ye County.

"During this time, we were invaded by surrounding areas at the same time. Wuhuan people invaded Guangyang, Youzhou soldiers entered the border between Zhuo County and Anguo, and Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's coalition forces also attacked the city of Ye County. Do you think this is accidental? "

The difference between a general and a commander-in-chief is the overall situation. Obviously, these three people cannot be compared with Xu Shu.

But they also felt it was no accident.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world, the three families attacked Yunzhou and Jizhou at the same time, it is definitely impossible to say that there is no connection.

"It goes without saying that it must have been discussed together."

Zhou Cang said angrily.

Although Yu Jin didn't speak, he nodded.

From a military point of view, this is almost impossible.

It's Youzhou!
Xu Huang nodded and said, "All of this is Liu Yu's conspiracy in Youzhou. Wuhuan people, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are all instigated by him."

After all, he came from Yunzhou. He has experienced the plague and the escape of businessmen, so he knows a little about the conspiracy in Youzhou.


Zhou Cang yelled, "I've seen this fellow not pleasing to my eyes for a long time. At the beginning, Chen Bing hadn't settled with him for the matter on the border, but now he's playing tricks again. My lord will definitely not let him go."

Xu Shu smiled slightly, and said, "My lord is wise and powerful. With him sitting in Yunzhou, Liu Yu will definitely not please Liu Yu. So we can put our hearts in our hearts. Who is our lord's opponent in the world?"

The three of them agreed deeply.

Guo Jia's ability has already surpassed the level of evildoers, not to mention marching, fighting and giving advice. So far, the Yunzhou Army has never suffered a defeat.

The emergence of gunpowder made the surrounding troops know what despair is.

That simply cannot be resisted by human beings.

This kind of big killer capable of changing the situation of war was invented by this monstrous lord.

Liu Yu's strength was simply vulnerable to the Yunzhou Army.

"We don't need to worry about the battle in Yunzhou. Guangyang County has Cheng Yu in town and the location of Wubao. Most of the Wuhuan people can't take advantage of it. Let's focus on Jizhou. General Zhou and General Xu The opinions are very good, but there is also a problem, that is, it is too risky."

Xu Shu suddenly turned to Zhou Cang.

"General Zhou, as you said, if we did not defeat Cao Cao by concentrating our superior forces, and Yuan Shao led his troops, the cavalry was already outside, and it would not be so simple to withdraw. loss."

Zhou Cang nodded.

But don't take it seriously, how can there be no damage in war?
General Xu!
Xu Shu's eyes turned to him again.

"If you put the cavalry outside the city, although you can reduce the consumption of food and grass, the number of troops in the city will be greatly reduced. What if Yuan Shao and Cao Cao lined up to guard against you while attacking the county fiercely? Are you cavalry on the move? Or do you not move? If you use cavalry to attack the opponent's line of troops, you will definitely suffer heavy losses. But if you don't move, Ye County will definitely be attacked with full firepower."

Not bad!

Xu Huang also nodded.

But he was a little unconvinced.

"Lord Inspector, all wars are risky. If you want to avoid risks, you have to stop fighting."

Is there any risk in fighting?

Xu Huang also felt that the governor was too careful.


Xu Shu suddenly said seriously: "As I said just now, the real battlefield is in Yunzhou, and our side is just an auxiliary battlefield. The Youzhou Army is definitely not our Yunzhou Army's opponent. We just need to hold on to Jizhou and wait for the lord to eliminate it." Without Liu Yu, the Jizhou battlefield will naturally win without a fight. Once we take the risk to attack, if there is any mistake, it will definitely attract the energy of the lord, so that he cannot deal with Youzhou soldiers with all his strength."

He took a deep breath and continued: "Let me ask, what would you do if you sat in my position? Are you willing to take the risk and not afraid of sacrifice to agree to the two coalition forces, or bear the humiliation and bear the burden and cooperate with the Lord to attack Youzhou?"

As a decision maker, the first thing to consider is the risk, and then the benefit.

Sometimes, for the sake of the overall situation, we have to be cautious, not seeking merit but seeking no fault.

This also involves an economic issue.

In exchange for the greatest benefit at the least cost, this is what a qualified commander should consider.

Although we won the battle, the investment and harvest are not proportional. This is also an economic defeat.

Xu Huang and Zhou Cang stopped talking.

In terms of the overall situation, they are much worse than Xu Shu.

However, after listening to Xu Shu's analysis, they also felt that being cautious would be beneficial to the overall battle situation.

Seeing that the three generals stopped talking, Xu Shu smiled again.

Although decision makers can rely on the power in their hands to suppress the different opinions of their subordinates, but that is only a last resort, and the most important thing is to convince their subordinates.

In this way, we can work together in the process of implementing the plan.

Now, he has successfully convinced three of his subordinates that for the next time, he just needs to stick to the city and wait for Yunzhou to decide the winner.

First Yunzhou and then Jizhou, this is also Guo Jia's strategy.

Although this strategy was not clearly stated, Xu Shu still perfectly interpreted this concept.

"The official accepts his fate"

Xu Shu suddenly stood up.

After a while, Yu Jin, Xu Huang, Zhou Cang and other generals all stood up.

"Appoint Yu Jin as the commander of the city defense, and be responsible for the entire battle of the city defense."

"Appoint Zhou Cang as the commander of the former enemy, and be responsible for all the affairs of the former enemy."

"Appoint Xu Huang as the logistics commander, responsible for maintaining law and order in the city, and responsible for supervising the people and providing assistance for the battle at the head of the city."

The three clasped their fists together.

Yu Ban's soldiers are calm, both offensive and defensive, and Zhou Cang is assisted, so it is no problem to guard Ye County.

Xu Huang's subordinates are all cavalry, and it is too wasteful to use them to defend the city. You must know that cavalry is a thing that burns money, and Yunzhou is rich and powerful, and can support so many cavalry. It's really not worth the candle.

Although the cavalry cannot go up the city wall, they can maintain law and order in the city, and they can also dismount to do some auxiliary work.

just now!

Xu Shu's eyes flashed brightly for a while.

"The defense of Jizhou is just the beginning."

(End of this chapter)

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