Chapter 496 The Artillery Comes Out
Boom, the cannon let out a roar and burst into flames.

Meteors of rubble flew out, and half of the crown of a small tree fifty steps away was cut off in an instant.

After firing a shot, an artilleryman immediately stepped forward, took out the sleeve inside forcefully, and replaced it with another inner tube that was exactly the same.


Zhao Dachui raised the flag again.

The artilleryman pulled the rope, and the artillery roared again.


The generals couldn't help being taken aback, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They have seen the power of crock bombs.

To be honest, it looks amazing, but the lethality is still somewhat lacking.

In the next few wars, not many people were killed in the bombing, and there were not as many people trampled to death by the enemy in a panic?

Far less powerful than incendiary bombs.

But this kind of cannon that can spit fire completely stunned them.

Judging from the attack on the little tree, almost everything can be swept away within fifty steps.

Is this still a cannon?
Zhao Dachui stunned the crowd when he saw a cannon, and couldn't help but said triumphantly: "How about it, the magical soldiers I brought down from the fairy mountain are really powerful."

Everyone was indeed stunned, but not because of Zhao Dahammer, but because of the metal cylinder in front of them.

This thing can cut off half of the tree crown at once, if it hits a person, wouldn't it be shattered in an instant?
Everyone came to the cannon body in surprise, Gao Shun couldn't help but reached out and stroked it for a while.

Just after firing the cannon, the cannon body was still steaming.

"This thing is really powerful. If the enemy charges in front of the formation, it will be invincible. How can it be used?"

Gao Shun, a general in charge of the army, immediately realized the value of artillery.


Zhang Fei also circled around the new type of artillery a few times.

With a sudden movement, he immediately set up his horse stance, and stepped forward one, two, three to hug this thing.

hey yo!

Zhang Fei roared, his face turned from white to red, and from red to black, but he could only turn half of the wheel.

Good guy!
He let go abruptly, panting, "It's so heavy!"

Zhao Yun was extremely surprised.

He is very clear about Zhang Fei's strength.Zhang Fei has practiced martial arts since he was a child. He has a strong body and can lift a millstone weighing hundreds of catties, but he can't lift this small cannon.

"Third brother, let's try together!"

Zhao Yun is also a little eager to try.

The two each held the head and tail of the cannon.

120 three, up!

The combination of the two managed to raise the cannon barely.

But it's just lifting it up, and it's a little powerless to try to lift it up again.

The two left the cannon carriage panting at the same time, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and sighed sincerely.

"Immortal artifacts are naturally not something you mortals can bear."

Zhao Dachui said triumphantly.

"Shut up! Talk nonsense again, I will tear your cowhide apart."

Zhang Fei is upset right now.

Seeing that Zhang Fei was angry, Zhao Dachui closed his mouth.


Gao Shun respectfully said: "What kind of weapon is this, and what is its name? It is so powerful? If it can be armed to the infantry, it will be invincible."

This is artillery!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.


Everyone couldn't help but nodded.

This thing can catch fire, and it is called a cannon, which is naturally worthy of its name.

Although the projectile crock bomb is ahead of the pack, its shortcomings are also obvious. It is not powerful enough to be used on rainy days, and its lethality is not strong.

In order to solve these problems, he had the idea of ​​making artillery.

After getting married, Guo Jia began to prepare for this matter.And let Zhao Dachui take full responsibility for this matter.

But making cannons is not an easy task. First of all, good steel is needed to make cannons, but steel is a luxury for the technology of this era, and it is usually used to make weapons and armor.

Although rough iron can also make cannons, it is too clumsy and extremely unstable, and it is easier to explode the chamber.

After much deliberation, Guo Jia decided to cast the cannon in bronze.

Although bronze is expensive, it has good ductility and strong plasticity. More importantly, it is much lighter than cast iron, and it is easy to obtain materials.As a border trade center in Yunzhou, copper and tin are still easy to buy.

The caliber of the gun directly determines the power, but it also increases the load.Although the large-caliber bronze cannon is powerful, its weight has become a problem. The giant large-caliber cannon can only be placed in a fixed place like the fortress at the head of the city.

But to defend the city, it is enough to have crock bombs and giant catapults.There is no point in adding artillery.

What Guo Jia urgently needs is a lightweight and relatively powerful artillery that can be transported flexibly.

Another difficulty arises.

It is still very difficult to increase the caliber of the artillery and reduce its weight. This is still very difficult in the late Han Dynasty without gun steel and cast iron technology.

But this is not difficult for Guo Jia. The bronze gun body can be thinner, and auxiliary materials can be added to the outside to fix the gun body.

Guo Jia recalled the earth cannons used by the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War. It was a kind of earth cannon with pig iron as the inner diameter, wrapped with trees on the outside, and fixed with straw ropes or iron sheets.

This kind of gun can't talk about shooting accuracy, but it is lighter and stronger than pig iron guns.

In addition, the reason why the earth cannon is inefficient is because it is inconvenient to load.

In view of this, Guo Jia specially made a cannon with separate propellant and barrel, and equipped it with a stone firing device, which eliminated the step of igniting with an open flame.

In other words, the gun barrel is the gun barrel, and the gun core is the gun core. The gun core is made of a thin bronze tube, which can be filled with gunpowder gravel and shells.

When firing, you only need to put the gun core into the barrel and fix it, and the gun core and the gun barrel are tightly seamed, thus avoiding the risk of being blasted, and then ignite it with a stone.After firing a shot, the gun core and the gun barrel will stick together. At this time, just pour water on the gun barrel to cool down, you can easily take out the empty gun core, and then replace it with another gun core. .

In this way, loading becomes much simpler. As long as there is a spare gun core, it can continue to fire and form continuous firepower.

The gun core is easily deformed and broken, and it is a consumable item, but as long as the remaining gun core is recovered and recast, it can be reused.

After repeated research, this kind of artillery with wood-skinned bronze and separated body and core has finally come out.

There were also many mistakes during the period, and some craftsmen and artillery also gave their lives.

After three years, the technology of this kind of artillery finally became perfect, and it was put into production soon.

Guo Jia named this gun the Yunzhou artillery.Renamed the original Projectile Cannon Cart to the Thunderbolt Cannon.

What Zhao Dachui brought was the first batch of ten Yunzhou cannons, which weighed more than a thousand catties and were transported by horse-drawn carriage.The gun core is filled with granular black powder, and the shells are mainly crushed stones for close-range killing.In addition, each gun is equipped with more than a dozen bronze gun cores, which can provide continuous artillery fire for at least ten guns.

(End of this chapter)

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