Chapter 497 Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei
From conception to casting, from experimentation to production, Guo Jia spent three years of trial and error, and finally created this kind of Yunzhou artillery that can be fired in bursts and is relatively lethal despite cloudy skies.

Although the power is too far behind the later rear-mounted guns, it can be regarded as an invincible existence in this era.

The generals were shocked to see how the artillerymen were busy and fired continuously.

But Zhao Yun quickly realized the problem.

"My lord, although this artillery is powerful, it still has a big disadvantage. That is, the range is too short, and the effective distance is only fifty paces. It is far inferior to the catapult and crossbow. If I am the enemy, just avoid it." With crossbows and trebuchets at such a long distance, isn’t this artillery useless?”

He was a cavalry general, and he saw the shortcomings of artillery at a glance.

well said!
Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Although Yunzhou Artillery has initially solved the disadvantages of Thunderbolt Cannon, it still has a fatal shortcoming, that is, the range is too short.

The effective distance is only about [-] steps, which is similar to that of cavalry shooting, and far inferior to that of crossbows and catapults.

If it is installed alone, it will definitely be wiped out by the enemy's long-range weapons.

Guo Jia nodded to Zhao Dahammer.

The latter immediately waved the command flag, and ten Thunderbolt chariots were placed behind the Yunzhou artillery.

Through Guo Jia's improvement, the thunderbolt chariot has a relatively long range, which can reach [-] to [-] paces, and the heavy thunderbolt chariot can even reach [-] paces.

That's it!

Everyone immediately understood.

If the thunderbolt cannon and the artillery are mixed, it will be able to solve the disadvantages of the short range of the artillery and the weak lethality of the thunderbolt cannon.

This cannon was built to make up for the lack of Thunderbolt.


Gao Shun took a deep breath, and said word by word: "If our army can be equipped with fifty artillery pieces and three hundred thunderbolt cannons, then only 5000 men will be able to block the [-] cavalry from Youzhou."

Not only him, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun also nodded.

Indeed, with the combination of artillery and thunderbolt cannon, only a small force can fight against a large number of enemy troops and crush them with absolute lethality.

Fifty doors?
Zhao Dahammer beside him couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Guo Jia spent all the copper resources in Yunzhou to cast these ten cannons. In addition, the bronze cannon core also consumed a lot of resources.

To put it bluntly, the cost of these ten bronze cannons is worth [-] cavalry, even with Yunzhou's wealth, it can only reach this point at most.

In addition, the launch and maintenance of the Yunzhou artillery is different from that of the Thunderbolt artillery. It requires specialized talents in order to smoothly put the artillery into actual combat.

Guo Jia selected 100 artillerymen from the active artillery for special training, and it took three years to successfully master the means of launching and maintaining artillery.

It's also a small expense.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "There will be some in the future, but..."

He turned his head to look in the direction of the Youzhou army, and said word by word: "Ten cannons are enough to deal with them."


Although there are 8 people in Youzhou, the [-] Wuhuan cavalry are the most powerful ones, and the rest are not a problem at all.

Therefore, ten artillery plus one hundred thunderbolt guns are enough.

Of course, this is under the premise that it does not rain.


Youzhou military camp.

Gongsun Zan anxiously walked up and down the camp.

He and Liu Yu were inseparable in appearance, so he would not take advantage of Liu Yu's fire, but one day he suddenly received a mysterious letter, so he led his troops here in a hurry.

The owner of this letter is Liu Bei.

He originally thought that Liu Bei had died in Wuji County, but he didn't expect to survive and lurk by Liu Yu's side all the time.

Now it is replaced.

Liu Bei wrote to Gongsun Zan, analyzing the chaos in Yunzhou and his own plan with him, planning to invite Gongsun Zan to send troops to destroy Guo Jia, and then the two will divide Youyun and Yunzhou equally.

The two had a friendship from the same family, and the relationship has always been very good. When Liu Bei died, Gongsun Zan was still sad for a while.Now that he heard the plan of his fellow apprentice, how could he not be happy?
It is said that Gongsun Zan has long been eyeing the two states of Youyun.

After leading the army to Zhuojun, he also investigated the defenders of Anguo, and found that the Yunzhou army had only 3 troops here, so he felt relieved.

This time, Gongsun Zan used all he had to mobilize You Beiping's [-] troops, including [-] Wuhuan cavalry.

This ten thousand Wuhuan cavalry is the trump card of the white horse general Gongsun Zan, and they have made great contributions in several internal and external battles.

What puzzled Gongsun Zan was that Liu Bei kept him on hold and prevented him from attacking Anguo.

This made Gongsun Zan very depressed.

"Your Majesty, someone asked to see you, and said that Mr. Liu Shijun sent you here!"

Report from outside!

Mr. Liu!
Gongsun Zan immediately stood up.

He naturally knew that this Liu Shijun was not Liu Yu but Liu Bei.

"Let them come to see me!"

Gongsun Zan said hurriedly.

During this period of time, he was a little anxious waiting here.

After a while, a man in a black cloak led a few people in.

"Are you sent by Xuande?"

Gongsun Zan looked at the visitor in surprise.

The man suddenly lifted his cloak, revealing a mottled face.

Seeing this, Gongsun Zan couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"You are Xuande?"

He was a little unsure.

"Little brother is Liu Bei!"

Liu Bei clasped his fists and said, "Brother Wengui was disturbed."

The voice was also unusually hoarse.

Gongsun Zan looked at it for a while, then suddenly took a few steps forward, and said sadly, "My dear brother, how did you end up in this situation?"

At the beginning, Liu Bei was a well-known handsome man in Zhuo County.

Her face is like a crown and her eyes are like a morning star. How can she still have half of her former face now?

All this thanks to Guo Jia!
Liu Bei said angrily: "It's a long story, I will explain it to my brother when I have time later."

Gongsun Zan nodded.

He had also heard a bit about Liu Bei, knowing that he failed to seize Guo Jia's foundation, but was killed by Guo Jia instead.

"Xuande, where is Liu Yu?"

Gongsun Zan seemed to have remembered something, and asked hastily.

A sneer flashed across Liu Bei's face, and he said, "Being sick in bed, time is numbered. Now the entire Mushou Mansion is under the control of my younger brother."

it is good!
Hearing this, Gongsun Zan immediately beamed with joy.

Liu Yu is a man who is famous for his reputation and has a small belly. He has long since wanted to work under this person.

Now Liu Bei has replaced him, which is exactly what he wants.

Liu Bei is his own brother, so naturally he will not treat him badly.

Besides, if Yunzhou is captured, the two will have their own territories.


Gongsun Zan couldn't help giving his thumbs up.

"First Guo Jia, then Liu Yu, you replaced them so easily, brother, I admire you very much."

Gongsun Zan somewhat disapproved of Liu Bei's actions, but he still admired Liu Bei's methods.

(End of this chapter)

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