Chapter 498 Provocation
You must know that Liu Yu is a shepherd guard, and Liu Bei can replace him with his own power, which is naturally very powerful.

Gongsun Zan had thought this way a long time ago, but he was always suppressed by Liu Yu and couldn't move.

When he learned that Liu Bei had stayed by his side for three years in order to win Liu Yu's trust, Gongsun Zan was completely in admiration.

No wonder the teacher Lu Zhi looked at Liu Bei with admiration at the beginning, and accepted him as a disciple in an exceptional way. His persistence alone was impossible for Gongsun Zan to achieve.

is it?

Liu Bei smiled lightly.

"Brother, are you praising me or belittling me?"

Since ancient times, it has been shameless to conspire to seize other people's family property. It is a bit out of date for Gongsun Zan to talk about this matter.

Gongsun Zan also chuckled, knowing that what he said was a bit embarrassing, so he changed the subject immediately.

"Brother, since Youzhou has fallen into our hands, the combined strength of our two families is [-]. Why attack when Yunzhou is exhausted?"

He suddenly asked this question.


Liu Bei smiled lightly and said, "Brother, don't be busy with the war! Let me introduce a few people to you."

He said and clapped his hands.

A few tough men from behind stood up.

"Ada pays homage to Grand Administrator Gongsun."

"Ah Er pays homage to Grand Administrator Gongsun."

"Ah San pays homage to Grand Administrator Gongsun."

Ah Da Ah Er Ah San?

Gongsun Zan froze for a moment, as if he felt that these names were somewhat familiar.

After a while, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Brother, your subordinates are serious... Now that you have brought troops here, you need to find some capable subordinates."

Ah Da Ah Er Ah San, it is true that they can't take it out.

Ha ha!

Ah Da sneered, and said: "Master Taishou, don't underestimate us, if you fight alone, you are definitely not my opponent."

Ah Er also sneered, "I can knock you down with one stick."

Ah San snorted, and said, "Prefect Gongsun has such a great reputation, in my opinion, it's just a bag of wine and food."

darn thing!

Gongsun Zan's expression changed drastically. The three of them actually dared to laugh at themselves. They really got impatient.

"Brother, don't be as knowledgeable as them!"

Liu Bei hurriedly said, "They're all country folks, they don't have any manners. Don't take their words seriously."

That's it!

Hearing Liu Bei's words, Gongsun Zan snorted and let go of the hilt of his sword.


He turned his head and glanced at Liu Bei with displeasure on his face.

Since ancient times, officials and thieves have been at odds with each other, why did Liu Bei accept so many fools?
Gongsun Zan's disdain immediately fell into Ah Da Ah Er Ah San's eyes.

"Prefect Gongsun has a great reputation, so he naturally looks down on us."

"That's right, I've heard about the name of General White Horse, but I don't know how much it weighs."

"Hehe, since the prefect Gongsun is the Lord's senior brother, he must have the ability."

The three of you said something to each other, with provocative expressions on their faces.


Gongsun Zan was furious.

He was a military commander with a strong personality, how could he hold his breath in the face of these foolish provocations?

"You guys, how are you talking? You still haven't apologized to the prefect Gongsun?"

Liu Bei suddenly coughed and said.

The three clasped their fists together.

no need!
Gongsun Zan sneered, and said, "Since you want to learn my martial arts skills, follow me to the martial arts arena!"

Said and walked away.

A smile appeared on the corner of Liu Bei's mouth, and he led his men to follow Gongsun Zan to the martial arts arena.

Boom boom boom!
The sound of war drums sounded, and Gongsun Zan put on his horse and came to the front of the battle.

What's the point of this?
Liu Bei pretended to say with a sad face, but his heart was blossoming.

He knew that this senior brother had a violent personality, and he belonged to the kind of person who would blow up at any point.

Therefore, Liu Bei instructed his subordinates to provoke Gongsun Zan, and the latter was really fooled.

Come on!
Gongsun Zan snorted and said, "Come out, let's compete?"


Liu Bei hurriedly said: "Swords and guns have no eyes. If we compete like this, I'm afraid it will hurt our friendship."


A Da also responded: "If we accidentally hurt the prefect, I'm afraid it won't look good."


Hearing this, Gongsun Zan laughed wildly.

He never expected that the majestic Grand Administrator of Beiping, General Fenwu, and Marquis of Ji County would be looked down upon by a few villagers in various ways.

"If you can really hurt me, it's because I'm not good at learning. I can't blame you."

Ah San suddenly said: "There is no evidence for what you say!"

Gongsun Zan was furious again: "The whole army obeys orders, and I will fight them fairly, regardless of life or death."

This person was originally impulsive, otherwise he wouldn't have fought Lv Bu alone in Hulaoguan. Every time he fought, he would also charge forward, fearless of life and death.

General can't!

The two brothers Gongsun Yue and Gongsun Fan beside him hurriedly persuaded him.

"The general is so noble, how can he have the same knowledge as these country people?"

"These people are inferior people, brother, don't take it seriously."

say no more!

Gongsun Zan said angrily: "I, Gongsun Zan, have never been afraid of anyone in all these years since I debuted? If the coach is provoked and avoids fighting, who will use it to move forward in the future?"

He is not afraid of death, and he is also very confident in his martial arts.

It is said that in Youzhou, fighting alone, Gongsun Zan has never met an opponent.

very good!

Ah Da Ah Er Ah San also put on their horses.

"Brother, don't be merciful, teach these three guys a lesson."

Liu Bei began to add fuel to the fire again.

Gongsun Zan nodded and was about to rush out.

Brother wait a minute!

The second younger brother Gongsun Yue on the side suddenly blocked his way.

"How can a few villagers in the district let the elder brother do it, why not the younger brother?"

Said to flatter the horse and come out.

Gongsun Zan also nodded slowly.

It was indeed a bit inappropriate for him to go out in the first battle.

"Hillbilly come out!"

Gongsun Yue is Gongsun Zan's brother, and he also has some martial arts skills.

The sound of kicking, tapping, and tapping sounded!
Ah San rode his horse into the school grounds.

I saw him take out a pair of strange weapons, waving his hands constantly.

Meteor hammer?
Everyone was stunned when they saw this thing.

Cavalry battles generally use long weapons, such as big knives, spears, long lances and big axes, and occasionally short weapons such as swords, but strange things like meteor hammers are still very rare.

Look at the gun!

Gongsun Yue roared and rushed over.

He also grew up on the battlefield, and his martial arts are also very good.

Bang bang bang, the two sides clashed.

Ah San's martial arts was obviously not as good as it was, she dodged left and right, and fought back from time to time.

Seeing this, Gongsun Zan heaved a sigh of relief.

Originally, he thought that these people should have some ability to dare to provoke him, but seeing Ah San's ability, he couldn't help but sneer.

This Ah San can't even beat his younger brother, so how can he provoke him?

Sure enough, he came from the countryside, and he was somewhat lawless.

This time, they must be taught a good lesson.

 Sorry, something happened yesterday, the update was late, and there are still a few chapters left!

(End of this chapter)

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