Chapter 499
Seeing the pussy appearance of his opponent, Gongsun Yue cheered up.

His martial arts were taught by his elder brother Gongsun Zan, and he was well-known in the army. This Ah San was obviously not his opponent.

To dare to provoke my elder brother with this little ability is really beyond my control.

"You country bumpkin, it's too late for you to get off your horse and kowtow to my brother to make amends. Otherwise, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world."

Gongsun Yue said aggressively.

Ah San seemed to be getting more and more frightened, and began to be timid.

In the end, he just turned around and fled.

Where to escape?
Seeing that Ah San escaped, Gongsun Yue immediately chased after him. Now that he was sure of winning, it was time to cut the enemy under his horse with all his strength, so how could he let him escape easily?

Just when Gongsun Yue was about to catch up, Ah San suddenly threw her body back and waved her right hand, a black shadow came towards Gongsun Yue.

This is the magical effect of the Meteor Hammer, suitable for feigning defeat and sneak attack.

Gongsun Yue was caught off guard, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and block it with a gun.

Gongsun Yue's tiger's mouth burst, and he couldn't hold the spear, and was knocked flying all at once. Then the second hammer came again, and immediately hit Gongsun Yue's chest, knocking him off his horse.

Everyone was taken aback, especially Gongsun Zan, who never expected this result.

Gongsun Yue fell off his horse, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out.

Gongsun Zan was furious. This country bumpkin dared to hurt his brother, and he wished he could beat the bastard to death, but he had already made a promise beforehand.

Ah San said triumphantly, "This is what makes soldiers not tire of cheating! You don't even understand this, you are really a fool."

darn thing!

Gongsun Fan was furious, and he rode his horse to the arena immediately.

"Don't leave, little thief, I want to avenge Brother Yue!"

As he spoke, he rushed over with a big knife in his hands.

He is a strong warrior, and the big knife in his hand is quite heavy.

Before Ah San could answer, a figure suddenly rushed over.

"Two against one shameless!"

It was Ah Er. He took a thick iron rod and rode his horse to the field.


When the weapons intersected, the two shook their hands and looked at their opponents in surprise.

This round was evenly matched.

Traitor, kill me again!

Gongsun Fan was furious, and slashed at Ah Er with a big knife in his hand.

Ah Er was not to be outdone, and went up to him with the iron rod in his hand.

Another bang!
The two each took a step back.

This battle is a draw again.

Gongsun Fan looked at Ah Er in surprise. In the Youzhou Army, his strength was considered acceptable, that is, he was only slightly inferior to Gongsun Zan.

Now it's really disappointing to have a tie with an unknown person.

"Is it that much?"

Ah Er said with a sneer.

darn thing!

Gongsun Fan was angry again.

He turned his horse around, and the big knife in his hand rushed towards the opponent.

Ha ha!

Ah Er was also full of energy, and the iron rod in his hand blocked Gongsun Fan's moves one after another.

The two fought for more than ten rounds, but they still couldn't tell the difference.

Gongsun Zan frowned suddenly, and then shouted: "Don't compete with him for strength, but distance yourself from him and compare moves."

After all, he was a strong general in Youzhou, so he could tell at a glance that Ah Er seemed to be just stronger, and his tricks were not as good as Gongsun Fan.

Hearing his elder brother's reminder, Gongsun Fan cheered up, and opened a distance to win with tricks.

As a child of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Fan's skills are also very good, and his tricks are also learned from the army, which has a great practical effect.

Sure enough, under Gongsun Fan's attack, Ah Er's iron rod was a bit out of order.

But although he blocked the opponent's attack, his whole body was like a small boat in the wind and rain, and he was about to be overturned to the ground.

Gongsun Fan was very excited, and immediately stepped up his attack, hoping that after one round of attack, he would be able to knock him down and avenge Gongsun Yue's defeat.



Oh my!

Ah Er babbled nonsense, but waved an iron rod to cover it.Although he seemed to be in a hurry, he guarded the door very tightly, and Gongsun Fan couldn't do anything to him for a while.

After a while, Gongsun Fan lost some strength, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted, hoping to defeat the enemy before his strength was exhausted.


Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Gongsun Fan tried his best but failed to kill Ah Er, so he had to make a feint and turn his horse back.

But how could Ah Er let him escape so easily, he shouted loudly, and the long stick flew out and hit Gongsun Fan in the back.

Gongsun Fan let out a scream, got off his horse upside down, and rolled on the ground for a while without moving.

After losing both battles, the faces of You Beiping soldiers were dull, and Gongsun Zan's face became extremely ugly.

"You two..."

clap clap!

Suddenly Liu Bei leaped over and slapped Ah Er Ah San each.

"It's enough for the contest to be as far as it goes. Why do you want to use a heavy hand? How about hurting the lives of the two generals?"

He said sharply: "See if I don't chop off your dog's head when I go back."


Gongsun Zan said with a gloomy face, "You have taken in a good subordinate!"


Liu Bei hurriedly said: "These three are reckless men who have never seen the world in the countryside. You must not be as knowledgeable as them. Let this matter stop here, and please don't hurt your friendship."

Ha ha!

Gongsun Zan suddenly laughed, a little coldly.

"The two country brats beat my Gongsun son to the ground and vomited blood. If I, Gongsun Zan, didn't stand up, what face would my Gongsun family have to gain a foothold in Youzhou?"

He suddenly shouted loudly and said, "Bring me a lance!"

Among the many long weapons, the horse lance is a relatively unique weapon. It is a heavy cavalry weapon and a heavy boutique version of a spear.

The horse lance is divided into two parts: the lance front and the lance pole. The lance blade is very long, much longer than ordinary guns and spears.

Moreover, the lance is not an ordinary thing, but it is made by taking the trunk of high-quality tough wood, peeling it into uniform thickness, and gluing it together.

The most tough wood is zhe wood for bows, followed by mulberry, oak, and rattan, and bamboo is the worst.Soak the noodles in oil repeatedly.The bubble is no longer deformed, no longer cracked, and the first step has just been completed.And this process took nearly a year.After a year, take out the strips and let them dry in the shade for several months.Afterwards, they are glued together with high-quality glue paint to form a thick and eight feet long, and the outer layer is wrapped with hemp rope.After the hemp rope is completely dry, it is coated with raw lacquer and wrapped with Gebu.

Put raw lacquer on the Gebu, dry it layer by layer, and wrap it up layer by layer, until it is cut with a knife, and the lance makes a metallic sound, but it does not break, so it is considered qualified.Then remove its head and tail, and shorten it to about Zhang Liu.The front is equipped with a fine steel lance head, and the rear is equipped with a red copper lance.Continuous adjustment, the qualified standard is to hang a hemp rope at the end of the lance two feet away, and the entire zhangbama lance can be held in midair like a scale beam without falling or falling at both ends.In this way, the military commander can keep the tip of the spear forward without any effort while riding on the horse.

The lance thus produced is light, tough and strong.The generals can use their horsepower to charge directly, or they can wave them up for melee combat.It's just that the whole lance takes three years, and the success rate is only [-]%, so the cost is astonishingly high.

A good horse spear can make the equivalent of ten hard bows.

However, the value of Ma Chan is extremely high, and it is simply not something that ordinary generals can equip.

(End of this chapter)

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