Chapter 501 The Conspiracy Succeeded

General Yan!
Gongsun Zan's followers mourned, "Kill them quickly to avenge General Gongsun?"

They still dare not accept the fact that Gongsun Zan was killed.

How dare these country bumpkins kill Gongsun Zan?
No matter how you look at it, it is impossible.

Yan Gang's face suddenly darkened, and he said: "This was an accident, not an intentional murder. Everyone should leave."

Gongsun Zan's followers looked at Yan Gang in shock.

Yan Gang!

An old relative pointed at him and said angrily, "What are you talking about?"

Yan Gang said indifferently: "I said it was an accident, and I can't blame anyone. General Gongsun also said it during the competition. Life and death are fate, and you can't blame others."

Gongsun Zan's followers stared blankly at Yan Gang for a while, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

First Ah Er and Ah San injured the Gongsun brothers, and then Gongsun Zan was killed by Ah Da. When Yan Gang rushed over, not only did he not avenge Gongsun Zan, but instead excused the murderer.

Conspiracy, this must be a conspiracy.

Now Gongsun Yue, Gongsun Fan is unconscious, and Gongsun Zan died tragically in the schoolyard. The power of the entire Beiping County soldiers is in the hands of Yan Gang.

Yan Gang!

Gongsun Zan's entourage said angrily, "It's you, it's you who joined forces to kill General Gongsun!"

At this time, they have figured it out.

All of this is a conspiracy between Yan Gang and the man in black.

First, Ah Da Ah Er Ah San provoked them and took the opportunity to seriously injure the Gongsun brothers on the school field and kill Gongsun Zan.

In this way, Yan Gang became the supreme leader.

"Kill them to avenge General Gongsun!"

More than a dozen personal followers shouted and rushed over.


Yan Gang sneered and waved his hand violently.Nearly a hundred bow riders appeared from behind.

He was already prepared.

Brush brush!
After a shower of arrows, most of Gongsun Zan's followers fell to the ground and died immediately.

But there were still several followers who blocked the arrow rain and rushed to the field.

I kill you!

The headed entourage rushed in front of Liu Bei, and was about to stab Liu Bei to death with a gun. Although he didn't know who this person was, he could guess that this was the culprit.

Hurt my lord!

Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San charged obliquely, with big swords, iron sticks and meteor hammers, killing Gongsun Zan's followers in a few rounds.

The rest of the generals were all pale, they were caught off guard by the change in the field, and before they had time to figure out what was what, Yan Gang's bow cavalry was dispatched again.

More than a dozen generals fell in a pool of blood again.

Yu Yu wanted to escape, but he was also chased and killed by Ah Da, Er Asan, and even the unconscious Gongsun Fan Gongsun Yue who was lying unconscious did not escape.

Soon, Gongsun Zan's family was wiped out.


A Da carried Gongsun Zan's head, Ah Er carried Gongsun Fan's head, and Ah San carried Gongsun Yue's head to Liu Bei.

Yan Gang also got off his horse and bowed down in front of Liu Bei.

"My lord, fortunately, my subordinates did not disgrace their orders, and have already wiped out the coefficients of Gongsun Zan's subordinates. Now the [-] army has fallen into our control."

very good!

Liu Bei nodded in satisfaction.

As early as two years ago, he began to slowly infiltrate the subordinates of Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan, and Yan Gang had been bought by him long ago.

Liu Bei got off his horse and came in front of A Da, looking at the head of Gongsun Zan in his hand.

"Brother, now you know why I didn't let you do it. Because I think it's better to keep this army in my own hands. After all, you are a little worried about commanding me, so it's better to take it back yourself."

He patted Gongsun Zan on the face with his hands.

"Why do you say this? I have already said not to compete, but if you insist on competing, this is not a disaster. People can be shameless, but they have to know that heaven and earth are great."

In fact, from the very beginning, Liu Bei had no intention of keeping Gongsun Zan alive. He took a fancy to the [-] army in Gongsun Zan's hands.

That's why they dug a deep hole for Gongsun Zan's reckless temper.First, let Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San provoke Gongsun Zan and run him into a martial arts competition.In the competition, he injured Gongsun Zan's left and right arms successively, and then Ah Da won by surprise and chopped Gongsun Zan with one knife.

In this way, Gongsun Zan's subordinates were leaderless, and Yan Gang, who had been bribed long ago, came forward to cooperate internally and externally, and command the command of those county soldiers in one fell swoop.

Gongsun Zan never thought that the first thing Liu Bei, who was as close as a brother, would plot against him was the first thing he did when he met him.

Only Liu Bei, who is familiar with his weaknesses, can wipe out the Gongsun brothers in one fell swoop and take command of an army of [-].

Yan Gang had already made preparations to wipe out Gongsun Zan's confidantes.

Since then, the [-] army coefficient has fallen into Liu Bei's hands.


"Congratulations, lord!"

Yan Gang took out the soldier talisman and handed it to Liu Bei respectfully.

"This is the talisman of the soldiers of Youbeiping County. Now the [-] troops have fallen into our hands."

He is Liu Bei's nail placed beside Gongsun Zan.

very good!

Liu Bei caressed this soldier talisman carefully.

Among the Youzhou army, Gongsun Zan's soldiers and horses are the strongest, especially his Wuhuan cavalry, which Liu Bei has been coveting since he sneaked into Youzhou.

Today I finally got my wish.

In this way, counting Liu Yu's army and horses, Liu Bei already has an army of [-], of which [-] are elite Wuhuan cavalry.

If you don't call it, it's a blockbuster!
This is the portrayal of Liu Bei.

Who would have thought that Liu Da'er, who died tragically in Anguo, would now be the Lord of Youzhou again?
Congratulations, my lord!

Ah Da Ah Er Ah San also clasped their fists together, admiring the lord in their hearts.

In just a few months, this lord became the lord of Youzhou.

very good!

Liu Bei nodded.

The reason why Gongsun Zan was able to be eliminated smoothly was that these three people did a great job.

"Gongsun Zan is finished, and you don't have to hide it anymore. From today, you will restore your names."

"Guan Hai, now I order you to be the commander of the cavalry, to command all the cavalry."

"He Man, now I order you to be the commander of the infantry, to command all the infantry."

"Bian Xi, I now order you to be the pioneer in the front line, open roads and build bridges when encountering mountains and rivers."

Ah Da Ah Er Ah San stood up one after another, they were all former generals of the Yellow Turban Army.

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, all three of them hid in the mountains and made a living by plundering.

Later Liu Bei found them, persuaded them, and became his subordinates.


Liu Bei's eyes fell on Yan Gang.

"Appoint Yan Gang as the logistics chief, responsible for all logistics affairs of the entire army."

A look of disappointment flashed across Yan Gang's face. He was willing to make such a great contribution to him, and Liu Bei would also give him some benefits. Now he only gave it to a logistics manager.

Liu Bei ignored Yan Gang's dissatisfaction.

Although he is insidious, he still has some ability to know people. Yan Gang's talent is average, and he is not a talent for commanding troops at all, so he beat this person back to do logistics.

just now!

Liu Bei took a deep breath and said word by word: "Merge the two armies and prepare for battle."

(End of this chapter)

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