Chapter 502

Guo Jia didn't know about the movements of the Youzhou Army, and he was currently studying how to arrange troops.

The birth of the cannon made Guo Jia feel a little relaxed.

This kind of artillery that can fire in bursts is simply a nightmare for infantry.

Ten cannons can block a distance of fifty steps in depth and thirty steps in width.

Within this area, people and horses are all scorched earth.

Coupled with a hundred thunderbolt cannons, it is enough for the Youzhou army on the opposite side to drink a pot.

There was a burst of arrows not far away!
There is a situation!
Dian Wei immediately came to Guo Jia.

"Fifty miles to the east, the enemy has been discovered!"

Now Dian Wei has become Guo Jia's full-time deputy, not only undertaking the security work, but also the terminal for message transmission.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

The Youzhou Army finally couldn't bear to show up.

That's fine, he didn't bother to wait any longer, to destroy this team, he had to go south to deal with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.


Another loud arrow came.

This time Dian Wei immediately reported: "Youzhou Army sent people here."

Send someone?

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the hell this Liu Yu was doing.

Is there anything else to say?
This time the riot in Yunzhou was entirely caused by him, okay?
Even if he begs for mercy now, Guo Jia will not let him go.

"Let them in!"

Guo Jia said calmly.

He really wanted to know what Liu Yu wanted to say.

After a meal, the envoys from Youzhou came to Guo Jia under the surveillance of the Tiger Guards.

"My humble servant Liu Shijun of Youzhou is here to challenge General Guo."

As he spoke, the messenger took out a letter.

Hearing this, Guo Jia suddenly burst out laughing.

This Liu Yu had already attacked Yunzhou behind his back, the plague, bewitching merchants and big households in Yunzhou to flee, blocking the grain roads in Yunzhou, and sending profiteers to attack Yunzhou's grain reserves.

Every move is aimed at the vital points of Yunzhou.

Now it is joining forces with Wuhuan, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao to jointly attack the two states of Yunji.

Just at the border between Youzhou and Yunzhou, [-] troops were assembled.

This is already an undeclared war.

Now what makes Guo Jia amusing is that this Liu Yu actually sent someone to fight in a big way?
Could this guy be out of his mind?
Thinking of this, Guo Jia sneered, "What did Liu Yu say?"

He was too lazy to accept the gauntlet.

The messenger cleared his throat.

"My lord guards the side of the land and holds the position of Taiwei. He is loyal to the court and loves the people under his jurisdiction. Now there is an evil neighbor Guo Jia who innocently interrupts the road between the two states, arrests Youzhou businessmen, extorts property, and kills Zhongliang .My lord, as the Taiwei of the current dynasty, naturally cannot tolerate this. So I led the troops here, hoping that you can rein in the precipice, let go of the trade route, and let the Youzhou merchants return to their hometown. Otherwise, the city will be broken and you will be tied up. Bind the capital to ask the crime."


Hearing this, Guo Jia laughed again.

Isn't this a typical villain who sues first?

You said that you first attacked me secretly, then acted innocent in front of everyone, and then occupied the commanding heights of public opinion with an awe-inspiring appearance of supporting justice.

Guo Jia wanted to ask a question.

Want to show some face?
No one is shameless anymore.

Stealing other people's achievements, in the end you have to blame others for tired of you.

This is really unreasonable!


Dian Wei and others immediately surrounded him and looked at the messenger viciously, waiting for Guo Jia's order to tear him to pieces.

But Guo Jia did not have the same knowledge as an envoy.

"Go back and tell Liu Yu! Put away that shameless face, even if he persuades the gods to come this time, he won't be able to save him."

With that said, Guo Jia stood up slowly.

"If you want to fight, then fight."

If you want to fight, then fight!
Hearing this, the Yunzhou sergeant was boiling.

This sentence is worth ten thousand rhetoric.

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

All the generals shouted in unison.

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

All the soldiers also shouted in unison.

They were already moved by the lord's disdain for the world, and they chanted this slogan unanimously.

Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, and the sound shook the sky.

The envoy of Youzhou retreated again and again in shock, and finally sat down on the ground.


Everyone laughed again.

Guo Jia also couldn't help laughing.

"Go back, I won't embarrass a small fish or shrimp!"

What he has to deal with is the entire Youzhou army, and it is useless to kill this envoy!
The messenger's face was pale, and it took him a while to gather his composure.

"In this case, please accept the challenge. Tomorrow at noon, Bailihetan will fight to the death."

The Baili River Beach is an abandoned riverbed on the border between Youzhou and Yunzhou. It is very wide and suitable for large-scale military use.

This is the official declaration of war from the Youzhou Army to the Yunzhou Army.


Guo Jia couldn't help laughing again.

In the afternoon, it was all done by the sour scholars in the past, and now it is an undeclared war. Who is still doing this?

This Liu Yu is really sour.

Perhaps, until now, he has not forgotten to pretend.

it is good!
Guo Jia nodded.

"At noon tomorrow, it will be a showdown!"

Now that the Youzhou army declared war, he would naturally have to fight, and if he didn't, his reputation would definitely be damaged.

This time, he wanted to completely defeat Liu Yu, and he didn't even have a chance to pretend to be aggressive with him.

Seeing that Guo Jia agreed, the envoy breathed a sigh of relief, clasped his fists together, and left.

It is not a golden rule that the two countries should not kill their envoys when they are fighting each other. When they meet a commander with a bad temper, it is possible to behead an envoy to stand up.

This time, he has taken a big risk.

After all, they didn't embarrass him, so why don't you go back quickly?
It's good to be alive!

This is the emotion in the heart of the messenger.


After the envoy left, Zhang Fei suddenly said: "What the hell is this Liu Yu doing? He has poked a weapon in our chest, and he is still pretending to fight? I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people." of?"

He couldn't help but clasped his fists and said, "Zhang Fei is willing to lead a team of people as the vanguard, meet this old boy for a while!"

Being teased by Youzhou people one after another, Zhang Fei was already furious.

Especially Liu Yu, actually sent Zhang Fei's folks to embarrass him, which made Zhang Fei very upset.


Zhao Yun also frowned and said: "Since ancient times, soldiers have never been tired of deceit, and Liu Yu's big fanfare in the fight, is it to anesthetize us and attack the west?"

There is such a possibility!
Guo Jia nodded.

What are you afraid of?
Zhang Fei was a little upset.

"Their [-] army is no match for our artillery. As long as they dare to come, we can beat them to pieces."

After seeing the power of the artillery, Zhang Fei no longer paid attention to other troops.

"Third brother, don't be careless!"

Zhao Yun said tactfully.

Zhang Fei said displeasedly, "You are being too careful. Let me tell you, fourth brother, where is your courage?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel unexpectedly, Guo Jia stood up hastily.

"Hehe, Yide doesn't have to be angry!"

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

Guo Jia also felt a little strange about Liu Yu's actions.

But it was weird, he didn't take it seriously.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are useless.

(End of this chapter)

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