Chapter 503

"Guo Jia agrees?"

Hearing the news, Liu Bei stood up excitedly.


Yan Gang on the side was a little puzzled.

"We have a lot of people, and there are few soldiers in Yunzhou. Wouldn't it be a disadvantage for them to fight head-on? What is this Guo Jia thinking?"

The reason why Yan Gang is relied on by Gongsun Zan is also because he has some military qualities.

This kind of frontal combat naturally means that the more troops there are, the more dominant they will be.

The Youzhou Army has [-] troops, and the Yunzhou Army has only [-]. Once a frontal battle is fought, Youzhou can completely fight around the Yunzhou Army.

Under normal circumstances, it is best for the Yunzhou army to take a defensive position, and use the camp or city as a geographical advantage to be able to hold a stalemate with the superior force.

This Guo Jia readily agreed to a decisive battle on the wide ground, either very confident or with some conspiracy.

Ha ha!

Liu Bei had a smile on his face, but the scars all over his face looked horrific.

The reason why he bothered to arrange such an event in the afternoon was to paralyze Guo Jia.

"Yan Gang, do you think the Yunzhou Army is not our opponent?"

Liu Bei asked suddenly.

Yan Gang was stunned for a moment, and said: "If you charge on the flat ground, his 3 people are indeed no match for us. Our strength is almost three times that of theirs, and the cavalry is also three times theirs. In an encounter, they are indeed no match. "

Ha ha!

Liu Bei suddenly laughed out loud, tears almost flowed out.

Why is the lord laughing?

Yan Gang was a little confused.

Encountered in the plain, 8 people fought 3 people, and the cavalry was three times that of the opponent. Even if it was a fool, they could win.

8 people beat 3 people, more people bully fewer people, there is nothing wrong with that!

"Don't underestimate Guo Jia!"

Liu Bei said something meaningful!
Speaking of this name, the corners of Liu Bei's mouth suddenly twitched for a while. He touched his face, and his eyes suddenly became resentful.

At the beginning, he just underestimated Guo Jia and underestimated his courage and determination.In the end, I failed and fell to this end.

When this man was just a prefect, he dared to kill the governor of the assassination department on the spot.

Because of a little dispute, he dared to attack the court's military camp.

And Liu Bei himself paid too much attention to the court and his own means. At the beginning, he also spent a lot of money to make friends with Guo Jia's subordinates and the governor of Jizhou, in an attempt to connect up and down to evacuate Guo Jia, and easily obtain Guo Jia's family business.

But what he didn't expect was that Guo Jia didn't pay attention to this at all, but crushed Liu Bei with absolute strength.

This made Liu Bei realize that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are scum.

So, this time, he endured for three years, carefully considered the multi-party alliance, and finally pushed Yunzhou to a dead end.

Everything is ready, just one battle away.

In the original battle, Liu Bei had [-] troops, while Guo Jia had only [-].

With [-] against [-], the Youzhou Army has already secured victory.

But Liu Bei knew that if he fought head-on, the [-] army would definitely be the opponent of the [-] Yunzhou army.

Because Guo Jia has a big killer in his hands - a cannon!
This kind of thing has shown great lethality in several battles of the Yunzhou Army, which shocked Liu Bei who was hiding in the dark.

At the same time, Liu Bei also knew that Guo Jia had a secret workshop specializing in the production of this mysterious weapon.

In the past three years, he has infiltrated this organization countless times, but unfortunately all ended in failure.

For this big killer, Yunzhou has done a good job of keeping it secret, and Liu Bei has never had a chance to infiltrate it.

If the Yunzhou army took out this big killer, the [-] army of the Youzhou army would not be an opponent at all.

So Liu Bei must be prepared.


On the second day, the two sides formed a battle on the river beach.

The [-]-strong army of Youzhou Army was divided into three parts: the front, the front, the front, and the middle. He Man led [-] infantry as the front army, Liu Bei personally led the middle army, and the rear army was handed over to Yan Gang.

Guan Hai led [-] cavalry to form the left and right wings, and Bian Xi led [-] infantry to support them in the center.

On the other hand, the formation of the Yunzhou Army is very random, and the front is dominated by the [-] Polu Army led by Gao Shun.

Zhao Yun led [-] cavalry on the left flank, and Zhang Fei's [-] county soldiers were on the right flank.

The Polu Army is the elite infantry of Yunzhou, with neat armor and equipment, and the soldiers are also high-spirited.

They have never lost a battle.

Soon, noon has arrived.

The Youzhou army waved the chess pieces.

A warrior suddenly rode out.

"Yunzhou is rebellious, will you dare to fight?"

Fighting generals before the battle has always been a means of boosting morale.

But what Guo Jia didn't expect was that the Youzhou army dared to fight against generals?

You must know that Guan Er and Zhang San have already been taken into his pocket by him. How can there be any decent generals in Youzhou now?


Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei immediately came out to challenge, especially Zhang Fei, who hadn't competed with anyone for a long time, and now he really couldn't bear it.

it is good!
Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "Yide, let the Youzhou army see your abilities."

As soon as Zhang Fei patted his horse, he rushed to the front of the formation with a gust of wind and lightning.

At this moment, Zhang Fei did not use the Zhangba Snake Spear as usual in history, but was holding a horse lance.

As mentioned earlier, the horse lance is a luxury item, and the use of the lance has been practiced since childhood, and it is really unaffordable if you have no family.

Zhang Fei can be regarded as a moderately powerful man in Zhuojun, with a lot of wealth, and it is not uncommon for Zhang Fei to use a horse.

"Zhang Fei from Yan is here, who dares to fight!"

Zhang Fei's voice is notoriously loud, and this shout was like a thunderbolt.

The former army of the Youzhou Army was immediately hummed.

Zhang Fei!

Hearing this name, a flash of regret flashed across Liu Bei's face. He had heard of Zhang Fei's name when he was still in Zhuojun.On the eve of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Liu Bei originally planned to use his perfect tongue to persuade Zhang Fei to sell his property and follow him to make contributions, but he met his nemesis Guo Jia.

Guo Jia changed his fate with a few words.

Since then, I have missed the two of Guan and Zhang.


Liu Bei shook his head, one wrong step, one wrong step.

Now Zhang Fei has become a famous general in Yunzhou, but he can only hide in the shadows.

"Come on, let them out."

Liu Bei said something contemptuously.

Although Zhang Fei is brave, he will definitely lose this battle.

Boom, boom, drums sounded.

The former army in Youzhou opened a passage, and an old man rushed up on a donkey.

This person was dressed in nondescript manner, had neither armor nor weapon, and only held a cane in his hand.

Why did the Youzhou Army send such a person up?
The thief will see the trick!

Zhang Fei didn't think much about it, he rode his horse straight and was about to charge forward.

No matter who comes up, he will shoot one result.

Speaking of these years, he hasn't done much credit under Guo Jia's subordinates yet.

Now that the opportunity came, how could Zhang Fei let it go?
When he clearly saw the person coming, his expression changed drastically with a sudden ahh, and he almost fell off his horse.

(End of this chapter)

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