Chapter 504 Despicable Means

Let's say that Zhang Feiyue's horse was straight, and he was about to knock the enemy general off his horse, but when he opened his eyes and saw the approaching person clearly, he almost fell off his horse.

This old man is none other than Zhang Fei's second uncle, Zhang Hong!
"Second uncle, why are you here?"

Zhang Fei couldn't laugh or cry.

This is a battlefield, his second uncle is dying, how can he go to the battlefield to kill the enemy?
"Little bunny!"

Zhang Hong scolded: "You are from Youzhou, it's fine if you don't want to serve Liu Taiwei, how can you attract outsiders to beat your fellow countrymen? It really makes no sense. Little bastard, today the old man will replace you Dad will teach you a lesson."

As he said that, he rushed up on the donkey, and the cane in his hand was slammed towards Zhang Fei without thinking.

The old man was trembling while riding a donkey, as if a gust of wind could blow him down, how could Zhang Fei dare to fight his second uncle?

I had to dodge left and right, and laughed while dodging: "Second uncle, you are always calm, the two armies are fighting for their own masters, don't worry, we only fight Liu Yu and not Zhuojun!"


Zhang Hong said angrily: "Liu Taiwei is a good man, our Zhuojun was so poor before. Liu Taiwei made this place a business center and gave the people of Zhuojun a way of life. Little bastard, tell you, who Anyone who dares to fight Liu Taiwei is the enemy of the people of Zhuo County, the enemy of our Zhang family in Zhuo County."


Zhang Fei couldn't laugh or cry again.

"Second uncle, Liu Yu was the first to attack this matter, and we fought back later. Those merchants all ran out of Yunzhou."

I don't care about that!
Zhang Hong cursed while fighting: "If you enter our Zhuo County, it will be Zhuo County's stuff, and no one can grab it. If you have a conscience, bring your men back quickly, and we will work together with Liu Taiwei."

Zhang Fei was a little depressed.

"Second uncle, you can't be unreasonable!"

Hearing that Zhang Fei said that he was unreasonable, Zhang Hong became a little anxious, and pulled the rattan in his hand towards Zhang Fei without thinking.

"Little bastard, white-eyed wolf, now that your wings are stiff, you dare to argue with your second uncle. What the hell, you got sick when you were young, if I hadn't carried you behind my back and drove the mountain road to find a doctor, you kid would have survived. Damn it Things, don't hide, I will beat you to death."

Zhang Fei was afraid that the old man would accidentally fall off the donkey and die, so he didn't dare to resist, so he had to run away.


After Zhang Fei fled, the Youzhou Army burst into laughter.

Zhang Hong, like a general who has won a big victory, left proudly under the eyes of everyone.


Zhang Fei came to Guo Jia with a flushed face, and he had already greeted Liu Yu's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

Nima has seen shameless people before, but never seen such shameless people.

This bastard is not a good fighter, and he actually got his second uncle up, and it's not like he won't fight if he gets Zhang Fei to fight.

"Zhang Fei is incompetent, I am ashamed of you."

It's not that he doesn't want to fight, but that he really can't do it.

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

I have a new understanding of Liu Yu's despicability and shamelessness.

He had already grasped Zhang Fei's weakness, and used the people of the Zhang family in Zhuojun to block Zhang Fei, making Zhang Fei's hero useless.A tiger gnaws on a hedgehog, but he can't eat it.

"Zilong, you go!"

Guo Jia suddenly ordered.

Zhang Fei was from Zhuojun, and it was easy for Liu Yu to find Zhang Fei's relatives, but Zhao Yun was from Changshan, and he had no relatives in Zhuojun, so it was difficult for Liu Yu to find them.

Zhao Yun clasped his fists and rode his horse into the arena.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong, come here to learn the tricks!"

Zhao Yun was also very angry.

Dianguan Zhang and Zhao are both the top military generals in Yunzhou, even if Zhang Fei is deposed, it will be fine, and he, Zhao Yun, is still there.

Zhao Yun yelled a few times, and the front of the Youzhou Army split open again, and an old lady rushed out.

"Little boy, look at the trick!"

An aunt held a basket in her hand, took out some vegetables and radishes, and threw them one by one at Zhao Yun.


Zhao Yun was also a little dumbfounded.

The Youzhou army is too shameless, the promised fighters actually let the old man and the old lady come out.

Zhao Yun was agile, he swung the spear in his hand a few times, and instantly blocked the thing thrown by the old lady.

"Is there no one left in the Youzhou Army? You actually let these old people go to the battlefield. As soldiers, don't you feel blush?"

The sound was loud.

The soldiers of the Youzhou Army looked at each other with fever on their faces.

They don't know why the coach arranged this, it's just a shame.

But they dare not say.

This is also a military order!
"Hey, isn't this little boy very powerful?"

The old lady opened her mouth and smiled, revealing a mouthful of dark teeth.

"In that case, let's see my old lady's brilliant move!"

As he spoke, he threw away the coefficients of the things in the basket.

In an instant, vegetables, radishes, and rotten eggs rushed towards Zhao Yunfei to take them.

This old woman!
Zhao Yun was a little angry.

It's fine if you don't have the same knowledge as you, and you still rub your nose on your forehead?

Zhao Yun flashed the spear in his hand, turned left, right, up and down, dodging the things thrown by the old lady.

The last shot picked a big carrot, and then threw it back.

The radish hit the old lady on the head and it shattered immediately.

Although Zhao Yun was angry, he was still merciful, and the carrot was about to shatter before it was stabbed.Although it was a bit embarrassing to hit the old lady, it was not lethal.

The old lady suddenly limp and lay on the ground motionless.

The fact that she fell to the ground like this frightened Zhao Yun.

Just now Zhao Yun had shown mercy, the spear first shattered the carrot, and then threw it back.

Could it be that he didn't control the strength well just now, and knocked her unconscious?Or did she have some chronic illness?
Just when Zhao Yun wanted to get off the horse to check it out, the old lady suddenly sat up and took a sip.

A white object flew towards Zhao Yun quickly.

Zhao Yun let out an ah, and hastily raised his gun to block it.

It turned out to be a mouthful of phlegm, which was very disgusting.

Zhao Yun was shocked and angry.

"you wanna die?"

He was getting impatient with the old lady.

Not to mention relying on the old and selling the old, but also using dirty tricks.

The old lady suddenly sat on the ground and danced with her hands and feet.

"Come on, the little boy has beaten someone. You have beaten someone to death. Come out quickly, even the elderly. Do you understand how to respect the old and love the young? How did your mother teach you? How can he kill a thousand knives?" Don't fall off the horse and die."

Crying, howling, and pounding hard.

At this time, dozens of old men and old ladies ran over with a whoosh. They held baskets full of vegetables and radishes in their hands, and kept them while running.

"Little white face, you dare to hit someone. Come on, drag him off the horse for me."

"That's right, don't you know the old man Jingui? Boy, you're in big trouble."

"Kill this bastard and don't let him run away."

(End of this chapter)

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