Chapter 506 Shameless Way
"Little bastard from Yunzhou, you have the ability to come out, what are you doing hiding behind?"

"That is, have the ability to step over us."

"If you don't have the guts, go back to Yunzhou and don't provoke us in Youzhou."

Let's talk about those old men and old ladies scaring off the two generals in Yunzhou one after another, what about Zhenghuan who is making a fuss in front of the battle now?

The Yunzhou army had already received Guo Jia's order and ignored it.

Seeing that everyone didn't come back, these people made more trouble.

Anyway, they are old people, anyway, they can be disrespectful to old people, anyway, they can be old and shameless.

What are you doing!
There is a kind of helplessness called disrespect for the old.

There is also a kind of sadness called old but not dead is a thief.

Anyone who has experienced it knows the pain.

Anyway, a shameless person, what can you do?

Suddenly, a sound of hoofbeats was heard.

There are people again!

The old man and old lady were shocked and excited again.

It is said that they were benefited by Liu Bei, and they were disgusted that the Yunzhou Army came before the battle.

These old men and bosses showed off their power and won two games in a row. Now their self-confidence is a little inflated.

Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei, the famous generals in Yunzhou, are vulnerable to old people like them.

How many come here today, how many they want to drive away.

The toad jumps on the feet, it doesn't bite, but it bites.

The old man and the old lady started to do warm-up exercises, ready to beat people away with all their strength.

Because Liu Shijun promised them that as long as they can drive away the enemy, they will be rewarded greatly.

At this moment, they drove away two of them in a row, and many people began to calculate how much reward they could share.

For them, the more victories, the better.

Just as they were waiting, Zhao Dahammer Shi Shiran appeared on the stage.


Seeing someone rushing out from the opposite position, the senior team rushed up immediately.

But when he saw the appearance of the person clearly, he was immediately frightened.

Oh my God!

The person who came was wearing a golden armor, holding a large silver hammer, his face was painted pale, and under his crotch was a strange thing that looked like a dragon, a dragon, a phoenix, and not a phoenix, just like the golden armored god who came out of the temple.

Zhao Dachui roared, and said: "This god general is the great guardian god who sat down with the Emperor Donghua. You and the other small people dare to block the way of this god general. It is an unforgivable crime. Get out of here, otherwise this god will Beat you to a pulp with one hammer."

As he spoke, he swung the sledgehammer in his hand with a whirring sound.

Everyone couldn't help being surprised, couldn't help but started to back away, and what's more, they sat on the ground.

They are just common people, and they have never seen such a formation before.


Seeing everyone's pustules like this, Zhao Dachui immediately became very proud.

He didn't pretend to be aggressive for a long time, but he was really itchy.

Ray comes!

Zhao Dachui let out a loud shout, and the sledgehammer pointed at the sky obliquely.

The artilleryman behind him would also agree, and immediately fired an enhanced version of the shell.

A bright light flashed in midair, and there was a loud noise, like thunder.

Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale, and the old lady was paralyzed on the ground and couldn't move. The timid ones even shed urine.


Zhao Dahammer pointed again, and an incendiary bomb shot into the sky, and exploded to form a cloud of fire.

Everyone's face was pale, their bodies were trembling, and what's more, they hurriedly kowtowed to Zhao Dahammer.

There was a sound of kowtowing for a while.

"God forgives sins, God forgives sins."

"I deserve to die for my crimes. I received Liu Yu's money, so I made things difficult for the Yunzhou army in front of the two armies. Please forgive me, God."

"Great God, please forgive me, we will never dare again."


Zhao Dachui laughed a few times triumphantly, willing to spend a lot of effort to deal with them, but he didn't expect these foolish people to be so pussy, he would kneel down and beg for mercy before his trump card was released.

No fun!
Zhao Dachui shook his head, he was a little upset with this forced act.

But I can't take care of it.

"Don't hurry up!"

He roared angrily, and struck with a sledgehammer.

Everyone turned around and ran, scrambling and running into the formation, fearing that one of them would be beaten to a pulp if they were too slow.

After just a while, there was no one in front of Zhao Dahammer, leaving only excrement and urine on the ground.


Zhao Dachui laughed triumphantly again.

Who else?
This guy hits the hammer immediately, and there is a tendency for one man to be the one who is in charge.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia couldn't help showing a smile.

After not seeing each other for three years, Zhao Dahammer's pretentious skills are even more perfect.

The whole performance went smoothly and smoothly, without the slightest bit of falsehood.

This level is simply not something that can be achieved by pretense.

In addition to pretending to be forceful, you must also be dedicated.

Zhao Dachui is the most dedicated actor Guo Jia has ever seen.

I'm afraid this guy sometimes can't tell whether he is pretending to be aggressive or showing the truth.

"Sledgehammer, good job!"

Zhao Yun gave a thumbs up.

It is said that since Zhao Yun's debut, he has never lost before the two armies.

These old men and old ladies actually let him taste the first defeat in his life, which made him very upset.

But the birth of Zhao Dahammer immediately killed these annoying old men and old ladies.

Compared with martial arts, Zhao Yun beat Zhao Dahammer by a few blocks, but compared to pretending to be aggressive, Zhao Yun was ashamed.

If you want to ask which one is better at pretending, Zhongshan, Yunzhou is looking for a sledgehammer, but others are not good at it.

"Being shameless, Liu Yu is far worse than Zhao Dahammer."

Zhang Fei smiled and said to himself.

Speaking of being shameless, Zhang Fei only recognized Zhao Dachui.

This guy can be regarded as unprecedented.

Compared to him, Liu Yu simply couldn't get on the stage.

Liu Yu thought that the common people disgusted the Yunzhou army, which was shameless enough, but the strong have their own strong hands, and the moment Zhao Dahammer appeared, he scared the crap out of these people.

It is clear at a glance which is strong and which is weak.

Fortunately, there is such a number one person, otherwise today's affairs will be a little difficult.

"Well done the sledgehammer, you made a great contribution today!"

Zhang Fei shouted at the top of his voice.

Although the Yunzhou army is extremely powerful, it still can't do the killing of civilians.

Zhao Dachui successfully dealt with these old men and old ladies, saving the Yunzhou Army from a great trouble.

my day!

Gao Shun on the side was dumbfounded again.

Is that okay?

He finally knew what the Golden Armored God would be.

Two shells pretended to be Thunderfire.

This Golden Armored God General is completely a fraud!
For liars, Gao Shun is still a little shameless.


It seems that this method is still very effective against those old men and old ladies, at least it is easier than massacring all the way.

Yunzhou is really full of talents!
Gao Shun couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and couldn't help but cast his eyes on the lord who admired him.

Only this lord knows how to use it well, and can use shameless to attack shameless, and break the opponent's tricks.

But then again, even if Guo Jia knows how to make good use of it, there must be such a person.

Zhao Dahammer!
Gao Shun also gave a thumbs up in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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