Chapter 507 Sudden Heavy Rain

Let's say that Zhao Dachui scared away those foolish people, and when he was triumphant, a rider from Youzhou Army flew over.

"The guy who pretends to be a ghost, take a shot at me!"

As he spoke, he stabbed at Zhao Dachui with a spear.

Not everyone was intimidated by Zhao Dahammer, at least Liu Bei had been lurking in Yunzhou for such a long time, so he naturally knew the weight of this golden armored general.

That's why he ordered his subordinates to fight and kill Zhao Dahammer.

Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun patted their horses and rushed over.

Zhao Dahammer is just like a silver gun with a wax head that is useless, not to mention third-rate, not even fourth-rate.

As long as he is not intimidated by his outfit, basically any man can beat him.

Stinky thief, do you dare to sneak attack?
Zhao Dachui became furious and swung the sledgehammer in his hand, but his martial arts were really ordinary, and he was no match for the comer at all.


The visitor stabbed Zhao Dachui's thigh with a single shot, and when he was about to turn his horse's head and kill Zhao Dahammer with more force, the latter suddenly made a strange move, picked up the handle of the sledgehammer and pointed it at the visitor.

"Smelly thief, look at the three flavors of this god general."

The general was stunned for a moment, and then sparks burst out from the handle of Zhao Dahammer.

He couldn't prevent it, and was shot in the eye by the flames all at once.

my eyes!

Lai Jiang dropped his weapon, fell off his horse, and rolled all over the ground in pain.

The eyes are the weakest part of the human body, and once damaged, they will lose their combat effectiveness.

"Smelly thief, do you dare to sneak attack on this general?"

Zhao Dachui was shot in the thigh. He was gnashing his teeth in pain at the moment. Seeing that his opponent was knocked to the ground by his hidden weapon, he immediately rushed forward.

He is not very good at martial arts, but he can still ride a horse.

The royal horse tossed back and forth a few times, but the general stopped moving, and was trampled to death by Zhao Dahammer's horse.

The Youzhou soldier immediately gasped.

What is that thing, how can it breathe fire?
Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei who had just rushed back were also a little puzzled.

Zhao Dachui snorted, and said loudly: "This is a magical weapon bestowed by the gods, it can resist water and fire. Do you want to try it?"

In fact, it is just to put some gunpowder in the hollow hammer handle.

Originally, Zhao Dachui invented this to pretend to be coercive, but unexpectedly, he saved his life in desperation.

The Youzhou soldiers immediately showed a timid expression.

They were really and a little scared.

All right!

Zhao Yun hastily grabbed Zhao Dahammer and pulled him into the formation.

It's almost the same as pretending to be coercive. People obviously don't like this, and they probably have seen through Zhao Dahammer's tricks.

If it hadn't been for a fire-breathing sledgehammer by accident, the person lying on the ground at this moment would probably be Zhao Dahammer.

If I put it on again, I'm afraid it will be worn out.

Zhao Dachui was brought to Guo Jia with a grunt.

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

Although there are some flaws, it can be regarded as a surprise.

Guo Jia stood up and looked at Youzhou soldiers suspiciously.

What the hell is Liu Yu doing?

What is the purpose of his making one after another?
At this moment, there was a sudden burst of thunder in the sky.Then the wind raged and dark clouds rolled in.


Liu Bei suddenly stood up.

He was waiting for this moment.

This place is called Kunlong Beach, and it is a rather wonderful place. As long as it is dry for a certain period of time, there will be a heavy rain.

The heavy rain also came suddenly, without any warning at all.

This is why Liu Bei chose the battlefield here.

Because those who are good at fire must not be good at water. Although gunpowder is powerful, it is powerless when it encounters rain.

After sneaking into Yunzhou for three years, although Liu Bei didn't figure out what gunpowder was, he found the shortcomings of gunpowder.

That's why he decided on a plan, and in the name of Liu Yu, he issued a letter of war and asked Guo Jia to fight in Kunlongtan.

Guo Jia, relying on the lethality of the Yunzhou army and artillery, naturally would not refuse.

In this way, Liu Bei's goal is half completed.The next thing he has to do is to try his best to delay until it rains.

After it rained, all of Guo Jia's gunpowder weapons were useless.

"All troops attack!"

Liu Bei pulled out to meet, and ordered people to beat the marching drum!

Everything is for this heavy rain.

Soon, dark clouds filled the air, and the air became moist in an instant.

That's it!

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

Only then did he understand Liu Yu's purpose. This bastard has been delaying time, waiting for the rain to come.


Zhang Fei's expression became ugly, and he hurriedly said, "I suddenly remembered that this place is called Kunlong Beach. There is no sign of rain at all. We were fooled."

Artillery is Yunzhou's trump card, but this thing is afraid of moisture. Once it rains, the artillery basically loses its effect.

Zhao Yun was also worried.

Artillery can't work, so it can only rely on the original method of competition and consumption.

But this is not good for the Yunzhou army, because the enemy's strength is almost three times that of theirs.


Zhao Yun suddenly said: "You protect the lord to leave here first, and leave the rest to us. Although the Youzhou Army has a large number of people, our Yunzhou Army is not inferior to them."

Dian Wei froze for a moment, then turned to look at Guo Jia.

Although he does not engage in military operations, he also knows that in heavy rain, long-range firepower will not be effective, and he can only fight people.

Fighting people, the Yunzhou Army is at a disadvantage.

If this is the case, it is better to escort Guo Jia to a safe place.

Don't be so nervous!

Guo Jia stood up slowly.

He looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, and he was afraid that it would rain heavily in the next moment.

Sure enough, there is no sign!
Unexpectedly, there is such a magical place in nature.


A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

If it had been before, such a heavy rain would have completely destroyed his artillery system.

But now the birth of the Yunzhou Artillery makes this possibility zero.

"Sledgehammer, put away the thunderbolt cannon, withdraw the artillery, leave only the artillery unit, let the soldiers enter the waterproof mode!"

Guo Jia suddenly ordered.

The only general who was not flustered was Zhao Dahammer, who hurriedly responded.

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "Maybe a little bit, but it may not be what Liu Yu thinks?"

All the generals looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is the time, and this person is still so optimistic.

Soon, under Zhao Dahammer's order, the artillerymen dismantled the Thunderbolt Cannon hidden in the former army and withdrew them.

It's going to rain, and there's no point in these open-flame cannons.

The ten Yunzhou artillery hidden in the front army did not withdraw, and a dozen artillerymen quickly set up tents around to protect the artillery, only the muzzle was exposed.

The advantage of flint ignition and the separation of the barrel and core is that as long as it is not wet by rain, it will not affect its shooting at all.

This artillery was originally made to cope with rainy weather, but it was unexpectedly used so soon.

(End of this chapter)

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