Chapter 508
There was a clatter of thunder, heavy rain fell suddenly, and the entire river beach entered the rainfall mode.

God helps me too!

Liu Bei was overjoyed, and then drew his long sword.

"Soldiers and soldiers, success or failure depends on one action. Everyone must fight the enemy bravely. If you enter Yunzhou, I will allow you to enjoy yourself for three days."

He wanted to take advantage of the heavy rain to completely wipe out Guo Jia's [-] troops with an overwhelming force advantage.

Liu Bei had already found out clearly that there were only [-] to [-] soldiers in Yunzhou.

3 were stationed in the frontier fortress, and [-] were stationed in Jizhou. Guo Jia only had these [-] troops.

Once these 3 people are eliminated, the entire Yunzhou will be in Liu Bei's pocket.

After occupying Yunzhou, Liu Bei sent his troops north and south to wipe out the remaining troops one by one. Then, he became the overlord of the three states of Youyun and Ji.


Guan Hai, Bian Xi, and He Man rushed over with their army.

Liu Bei became the overlord, and they naturally followed suit.

For a moment, the Youzhou army rushed over shouting, crowding the entire river beach, densely packed like grain in a grain bag.

Seeing the enemy rushing over, the vanguard of the Yunzhou Army remained undisturbed.

They are the elite of the Polu Army, they have experienced countless lives and deaths, and they have long been familiar with this situation.

Two hundred steps, 150 steps, one hundred steps...

Zhao Dahammer took off the outfit, simply bandaged his thighs, and returned to the front of the formation again.

This time, he has changed from a golden armored general to an artillery commander, and he no longer has the previous publicity.

Eighty steps... seventy steps... sixty steps...

The enemy is getting closer.

You can almost see the ferocious expression of the enemy on the opposite side.

It was raining heavily, and the bow and crossbow could not be fired, so they could only fight close to hand.

Liu Bei just wanted to defeat Guo Jia with an absolute advantage.

Fifty steps, artillery ready!

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Dachui's mouth.

The history of not being able to shoot on rainy days has passed.

Now Yunzhou Artillery is a magic weapon capable of fighting around the clock.

The improvement of flint freed the artillery from relying on open flames, and the separation of the gun core and barrel increased the range of firing.


Seeing that most of the enemies had entered the range, Zhao Dachui slowly raised the red flag in his hand.

At this time, he is like a sculpture, standing in the rain, but standing still.

Nearly a hundred artillerymen in ten tents were all staring at the red flag closely.

For them, that red flag is everything.

Thirty steps!
The Wuhuan cavalry rushed to the forefront.

These cavalry are the most effective troops in Youzhou. After years of domestication, they have been integrated into the Han army.

They screamed strangely, holding machetes in their hands, and rushed over on horseback.

It was as if these enemies had become lambs to be slaughtered.

Zhao Dahammer waved the flag fiercely.

Bang bang bang!
The ten cannons roared in unison, and the smoke and flames of the rubble instantly covered a distance of fifty steps.

The soldiers from Youzhou were hit by the sudden falling stones.

The Wuhuan cavalry was the first among them.

The scattering power of the cannon was so powerful that people and horses were basically smashed within fifty steps. Some were lucky enough to survive the gravel and lost their combat effectiveness, lying on the ground wailing endlessly.

With the roar of the artillery, a large area of ​​the enemy's former army fell down in an instant on the river beach, like a strong wind blowing a field of crops.


Zhao Dachui immediately raised the green flag.

An artilleryman around the cannon poured cold water into the small hole of the cannon body, and another artilleryman skillfully picked up the large clip and took out the empty cannon core inside.Replaced with another installed gun core, adjusted the angle, and the whole process was very short.

Seeing that the artillery was almost ready, Zhao Dachui waved the red flag again.

Bang bang bang!
The ten cannons roared again.

Then it's reloading, adjusting, and launching!

The artillery produced a large amount of thick smoke, which blurred the vision of both sides.

Zhao Dachui didn't care about three seven and twenty one, and kept changing the command flag in his hand.The ten cannons kept puffing and puffing.

The soldiers who rushed over were killed like leeks.

Under the ravages of the artillery, flesh and blood could not resist at all.

The Yunzhou Army's artillery fired uninterruptedly, and thick smoke covered the entire battlefield.

The ones behind couldn't see what happened in front, and rushed into the thick smoke one after another.

Bang bang bang!
The artillery is still roaring!

The artillerymen operate mechanically, firing, changing bombs, adjusting, and then firing...

Everyone performed their duties, and they had been doing this kind of training for three years, so there was no difference in the first actual combat.The retreated empty gun core was not idle, and other artillerymen filled it with gunpowder and gravel.

So cycled.

I don't know how long it took, but the sound of the cannon gradually faded away.

After all, this thing is a consumable, and the craftsmanship is a little rough.

After fighting for so long, three of the ten cannons have been severely deformed and cannot be used anymore, and urgently need repairs.In addition, five cannon cores have been completely damaged, and they have no ammunition but cannot be fired.

There are only two cannons that can continue to be used, but after firing these two cannons for so long, the ten artillerymen are basically exhausted and can no longer support the high-intensity labor.

At this moment, the thick smoke has shrouded the surrounding area of ​​the river beach, and inside it is impossible to see the five fingers, and it is impossible to distinguish the enemy from the enemy.

Is it over?
Zhao Dachui looked at the front suspiciously, but he couldn't see anything anymore.

At first, the artillerymen could still watch his red flag operate, but later the fog thickened, and even the red flag could not be seen clearly.

They can only fight on their own.

So as long as it can be fired, it will be fired. Who remembers how many shots were fired.

In the end, the two cannons that were still roaring completely misfired, and one of the gun barrels was completely broken due to frequent use.The other door, though not broken, had run out of ammunition.

Withdraw troops, withdraw troops!
Zhao Dachui let out a loud roar.

The artillery has been fired, and it is useless for them to stay here. It is better to withdraw earlier.

The camp tents had already fallen apart, and the artillery simply set up the tents on the artillery to avoid getting wet from the rain.

At this time, Gao Shun suddenly pulled out his long sword and rushed forward with the Polu army.

He had been paying attention to the battle ahead, and when he heard the sound of the cannon disappeared, he rushed up with his men.

The heavy rain quickly dispersed the thick fog, and Gao Shun's army stopped suddenly when it rushed in front of the artillery.


Gao Shun was completely stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

He had been in the army for so many years, and this was the first time he had seen such a tragic image.

Before their eyes, there was a strange thing half a man tall, and the dead men and horses were all piled up together.

Corpses, full of corpses, crowded one by one, densely packed into a small space like cooked rice.

The blood had already flooded the entire river beach, and the Yunzhou army's feet were not submerged in the red blood, and they didn't realize it.

(End of this chapter)

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