Chapter 509 The Death of Youzhou
The heavy rain quickly washed away the thick fog, and the scene before the battle fell into the sight of both sides.

Whether it was the Yunzhou Army or the Youzhou Army, they were all staring blankly at the moment, forgetting what they were going to do next.

Some soldiers didn't even know that their weapons were dropped, they just stared at the tragic scene in front of them.

Corpses, all corpses.

They were all the Youzhou former army rushing over.

These people were arrogant and high-spirited a moment ago, but now they are all lying in the icy rain.

Everyone's minds went blank.

The [-] cavalry were just gone.

For a while, I lay on the beach.

Fear covered the faces of all the Youzhou soldiers, and they looked at the gun barrels standing upright in horror.


I don't know who shouted, turned around and ran away.

He would rather die than fight these demons.

A deserter ran away, instantly like a collapsed domino.

The Youzhou army all roared, nodded and ran away.

Their greatest thought at the moment is to run as far as possible, leaving this place shrouded in terror.

stop, stop!

Liu Bei shouted hoarsely: "They have run out of guns, why are you running away, we still have 6 people, 6 people fight 3 people and two people fight one, can't we still win?"

It's a pity that no one listens to him now.

There is a thing in the world called fear.

This stuff is contagious.

In an instant, the [-] Youzhou troops were infected with fear, and all of them turned around and ran away without any intention of resisting.

In a flash of fire, [-] cavalrymen lay on the ground.

Is there anything more terrifying than this in the world?

The lethality of artillery has completely crushed their cognition.


The Yunzhou army was also a little dumbfounded.

Except for Guo Jia, the rest of the generals saw the power of artillery for the first time.

This is really too tragic.

Although they are opponents, the generals still feel a little bit sad.

If they were to charge instead, they would probably end up in the same way.

good chance!
Seeing this, Zhao Yun's eyes lit up immediately.

The cavalry of the Youzhou army is finished, and the rest are infantry, and these infantry have no fighting spirit at all. At this time, the cavalry rushed up and could easily wipe out the 6 people.

Go on!

Guo Jia waved his hand.

The artillery wiped out the enemy cavalry, and by the way, also destroyed the cognition of the remaining 6 people. The victory has been won, and the next step is to expand the victory.

Of course, this kind of thing is left to Zhao Yun's cavalry.

Facing the defeated infantry, the cavalry is the most effective killing tool.

Zhao Yun immediately took orders.

"Baima Yicong, listen to my order now, drop the protective gear, drop all the heavy objects, and catch up with light clothes."

As he spoke, he took the lead in prancing his horse and holding out his gun, and chased after him.

As long as the cavalry from Yunzhou overtook them, the infantry from Youzhou would be finished.

"Zilong, wait for me, I'll go too!"

Zhang Fei flattered his horse and chased after him. He was too useless when he was fighting generals just now. Now that the overall situation has been decided, Zhang Fei also wants to show his performance.

Guo Jia frowned suddenly.

He stood up slowly, looking at the Liu Zishuai flag in the direction of the Youzhou Central Army, and a man in black stood under the flag, looking at Guo Jia just like that, with a vicious gleam in his eyes.

"Yide, wait for someone to catch that man in black."

Guo Jia pointed to the front.

For some reason, he always felt uneasy when he saw this person's eyes.

Zhang Fei hurriedly responded, and rushed towards the enemy's central army with his men.


"My lord, let's go!"

Guan Hai and Bian Xi rushed to Liu Bei's side.

Now that the situation is over, they had no choice but to keep Liu Bei safe and retreat.

Seeing that everyone around him had fled, Liu Bei suddenly swayed and almost fell to the ground.

Three years of hatred, three years of forbearance, and three years of planning.

Liu Bei wanted to return as a king, defeat Guo Jia, seize Yunzhou, and be proud of the world.

But what he didn't expect was that what awaited him this time was still a humiliation.

An army of 3 fought against [-], and the time and place were right, but they were still defeated.Moreover, the opponent didn't die at all, and his cavalry was easily wiped out.


Cannons that can be used in heavy rain!
All of this once again refreshed Liu Bei's cognition.

It turns out that there is such a magical thing in Yunzhou.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground in front of him, Liu Bei was so sad that he almost bled, and of course it wasn't because of these dead soldiers.

In his heart, these people are not worth a dime, he is just sad that he lost this chance to defeat Guo Jia.

He has been planning this opportunity for three years.

Everything is in his plan, but this artillery that can be used in heavy rain is out of his plan.

It was these artillery pieces that shattered Liu Bei's ambitions again.

Liu Bei let out a long sigh.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he has no choice but to flee back to Ji County first, and then make plans.

"The traitor is gone!"

Zhang Fei rushed over with his men.

go go go go!

Guan Hai hurriedly helped Liu Bei onto his horse.

Zhang Fei has already chased after him.

"Bian Xi, hurry up and escort the lord away, and go and block the pursuers!"

Guan Hai roared, and rushed towards Zhang Fei with a knife.

During this time, he has been successfully brainwashed by Liu Bei.

"Boss, be careful yourself!"

Bian Xi slapped the horse's back fiercely, protected Liu Bei and left.

"Stop the traitor! Ahhh!"

Zhang Fei rushed over on his horse.

Seeing that Liu Bei was about to escape, Zhang Fei became a little anxious.

This is the task that Guo Jia entrusted to him. If he can't complete it, he might lose face.

So he wished he could fly over with his wings and catch the man in black.

Don't even think about hurting my lord!

Guan Hai met Zhang Fei, and quickly slashed at Zhang Fei with the big knife in his hand.


Zhang Fei's target was Liu Bei, and he didn't want to get entangled with an unknown soldier. The horse in his hand galloped out and stabbed Guan Hai.

The stab was fast and accurate.

With a bang, Guan Hai slammed his long knife, and immediately pushed the tip of Zhang Fei's gun away.

He is very experienced in dealing with Ma Qiang, and there are countless good officers and soldiers who died in his hands.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Zhang Fei immediately realized that the big man in front of him was a master.

Ma Li shook, the gun suddenly turned a corner, bounced back at an incredible angle, and stabbed in the opposite direction.

This is also the highest usage of Ma Chan.

Good guy!
Guan Hai was also taken aback.

He didn't expect that the general who was chasing him was a master at using horse lances, and he was many times stronger than that dead ghost Gongsun Zan.

"watch out!"

Guan Hai let out a loud roar, and slashed at Zhang Fei one after another with the long knife in his hand.

Changing the horse in Zhang Fei's hand, he calmly defuses his attack, and it is more than enough.


Guan Hai immediately realized that this enemy was very powerful, and he didn't know if he could defeat it. If it was normal, Guan Hai would have fled if he missed a hit.

But not now, he wanted to buy some time for Liu Bei to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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