Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 510: The Unbeatable Xiaoqiang

Chapter 510: The Unbeatable Xiaoqiang
Get out!

Zhang Fei wanted to catch Liu Bei who had escaped, so he had no time to entangle with Guan Hai.

Hurt my lord!

Guan Hai naturally refused to let him get what he wanted, so he tried his best to block Zhang Fei.

He is the number one brave general of the Yellow Turban Army, with superb martial arts skills. Although he is not as good as Zhang Fei, he can fight Zhang Fei for dozens of rounds. It is still difficult for Zhang Fei to defeat him.

Seeing that Zhang Fei was blocked by a Youzhou general, Guo Jia was also a little surprised.

Of the Youzhou army, only Gongsun Zan has some martial arts skills, and I haven't heard of any brave generals.

It's a talent for this person to be able to stop Zhang Fei.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly said: "Come here, help Yide and capture that general alive."

Dian Wei had been eager to try for a long time. Hearing Guo Jia's order, he immediately rushed to the battlefield with his horse belly.

"Third Brother, I'm here!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately Ma Qian swept across and forced Guan Hai back.

"Brother, I've left this person to you, I'll go after him!"

Said to flatter the horse and leave.

His target was the escaped Liu Bei, not the big man in front of him.


When Guan Hai saw that Zhang Fei was going to chase Liu Bei, he panicked. When he slapped his horse and wanted to chase Zhang Fei, Dian Wei charged forward in a diagonal stab.

"The thief will leave, and a certain family will come."

Dian Wei gave a loud cry, and swung his two halberds out.

Guan Hai had no choice but to raise his saber flat.

One is ready to go, and the other is hastily facing the battle, and the winner is immediately distinguished.

Guan Hai took a few steps back with his men and horses before he stabilized his footing.

"The strength is good, no wonder it can block the third brother!"

Dian Wei said lightly.


He raised his halberds and struck each other.

"Your luck ends here."

The weapon Zhang Fei chose this time was the horse lance, which was more skillful and could not bring out his original divine power, so Guan Hai was able to pester him for a while.

But it was not so easy for the opponent to replace Dian Wei, who puts equal emphasis on strength and skill.

Sure enough, the two fought less than thirty bouts, and Guan Hai was swept off his horse by Dian Wei.

strapped on!
Dian Wei snorted.

The soldiers of the Tiger Guards rushed forward immediately, held Guan Hai down and tied him up.

"Traitor, don't even think about hurting my lord!"

Guan Hai yelled loudly at himself.

Dian Wei ignored him, and escorted Guan Hai to Guo Jia.

Kneel down!

Dian Wei shouted.

Guan Hai snorted, and said with a sneer: "I am a general under Liu Shijun's tent, how can I kneel down to the enemy. If I want to kill, I will kill. If I frown, I am not a good man."

No matter how the tiger guards beat and scolded him, he would not kneel down proudly.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia waved his hand and looked Guan Hai up and down.

"What's your name?"

There are not many brave generals in Youzhou. Right now, this big man can fight Dian Wei and Zhang Fei for [-] or [-] rounds, and he is barely at the end of the first-class generals.

You listen up!

Guan Hai said proudly: "This general is called Guan Hai, the general of Rengong Zhang Liang's subordinates, and now he is under Liu Shijun's command."

Guan Hai!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

He was a little puzzled at first, when did the Youzhou Army show such a brave future?

It turned out to be Guan Hai!
This man was the number one brave general of the Yellow Turban Army in the past, and he was able to pass thirty rounds of the Second World War.

Guan Yu is the top military general of the Three Kingdoms, and if he can fight him for [-] rounds, he is naturally considered a good general.

"Where are Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan?"

Guo Jia asked again.

At this point in the battle, Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan didn't see their faces. It's really strange.

The reason why he wanted to capture Guan Hai alive was that apart from seeing that he was good at martial arts, he still had a lot of questions to ask.

Guan Hai suddenly laughed a few times, and said, "Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu have long since died, and now Youzhou is under Liu Shijun's world."

Mr. Liu!
Guo Jia frowned, puzzled and said, "Is that the man in black who fled?"

Guan Hai was greatly embarrassed.

He has always believed that Liu Bei is a wise and powerful existence, but now he fled in despair, which is a bit embarrassing.

Seeing that Guan Hai was silent, Guo Jia nodded.

The person behind the scenes was indeed someone else, and he had long felt that it was a bit weird. Although Liu Yu was capable, it was still somewhat impossible to force Yunzhou to such an extent.

This Liu Shijun has some skills, and he was able to deal with Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan one after another.

If it weren't for Guo Jia's creation of the Yunzhou artillery, which could ignore the rain and continue the bombardment, today's battle might have been a complete defeat.

"What's the name of this Liu Shijun, so powerful?"

Guo Jia asked with a smile.

Guan Hai snorted, and said: "Listen well, my lord's surname is Liu Mingbei, a native of Zhuo County, Youzhou, and the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan."

Liu Bei!

Hearing this name, Guo Jia showed surprise.

This is impossible!

He shook his head decisively.

Liu Bei had already died in Wuji County, how could he come out to make trouble again?
Stop talking nonsense!

Dian Wei scolded angrily, "Liu Bei is already dead!"

Ha ha!

Guan Hai sneered and said, "Really, did you ever see Liu Shijun's body with your own eyes?"


Dian Wei was at a loss for words.

When Liu Bei was besieged and killed, he was ordered to guard the prefect's mansion and was not there.

Is it really Liu Bei?
Guo Jia's expression became serious.

When Liu Bei was killed, he had already been chopped into a pulp, and the only thing that could be recognized was the pair of big ears.

The ear doesn't represent anything, maybe he cut it off himself with a bitter trick.

What surprised Guo Jia even more was that the tricks used by this Liu Shijun were exactly the same as those of Liu Bei back then.

That's how Liu Yu, Gongsun Zan got the trick. If he hadn't invented the Yunzhou artillery in advance, this battle would be really hard to say.

Liu Bei is still alive!

Guo Jia immediately became a little uneasy.

The name of this ultimate scourge is really not covered, who would have thought that a dead person could still make trouble and even almost turn the tables again?
"Come on, take this guy down and wait for his disposal. The Tiger Guards will follow me. We must catch that bastard Liu Bei and tear him to pieces."

Guo Jia raised the reins and chased after him with hundreds of relatives.

He somewhat underestimated Liu Bei's forbearance, and he survived such a difficult situation, and forbeared for so many years.

If you don't make a move, you can use it as a killer move.

Yunzhou is almost over.

This time, he will never let Liu Bei go.


Let's say that the Youzhou army was defeated, and Liu Bei fled under the escort of Bian Xi.

"The thief will leave, and your grandpa Zhang Fei will come!"

Zhang Fei led his men in desperate pursuit.

Defeat like a mountain!
With an army of [-], Bian Xi is the only one who is still following Liu Bei.

While running, Liu Bei's horse suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground.


Bian Xi dismounted immediately.

The leg of Liu Bei's horse was broken, and he couldn't stand up.

"My lord, please get on my horse!"

Bian Xi immediately gave up his mount to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei burst into tears again, and said: "Liu Bei is incompetent and hurt everyone, let me die! Eighty thousand troops died at the hands of the enemy, what face will I have when I go back to see the elders of Youzhou again?"

(End of this chapter)

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