Chapter 511
My lord can't!

Bian Xi hastily kowtowed to the ground.

"The world can live without Bian Xi, but it can't be without a master. The master's benevolence and righteousness are really the blessings of the people. As long as you escape this catastrophe, you will naturally be able to make a comeback with the master's ability."

He stood up suddenly and looked in the direction Zhang Fei was chasing.

"My lord, don't worry, Bian Xi swears to stop the pursuers."

As he spoke, he waved two meteor hammers and quickly walked towards Zhang Fei.

Bian Xi, Bian Xi!
Liu Bei once again showed a look of grief, but did not stay in his hand, and walked away.

The thief will leave!

Seeing that Liu Bei was about to escape, Zhang Fei felt a little anxious.

"With me, Bian Xi, you can never catch up with the lord!"

Bian Xi waved the meteor hammer with both hands, blocked Zhang Fei's face, and then flew out with one blow.

Get out!

Zhang Fei roared angrily, and swiped the horse in his hand to block the hammer.

With a wave of his horse, he stabbed at Bian Xi.

The Meteor Hammer is a strange weapon, good at sneak attacks, not suitable for head-to-head confrontation. In addition, Bian Xi and Zhang Fei's martial arts are too far apart, and they are fighting on foot.

Just three times, Bian Xi is in danger.

He also realized that even if he died, he would not be able to stop this pursuer.

watch out!

Bian Xi yelled, and the meteor hammer flew out.

Zhang Fei sneered, and after some testing, he already knew that this person was far from his opponent.

The meteor hammer was pushed away by Ma Qian again, Zhang Fei took advantage of the situation and immediately nailed Bian Xi to the ground.


Bian Xi spat out a mouthful of blood, suddenly grabbed the horse with his left hand, swung his right hand vigorously, another meteor hammer flew close to the ground, and immediately hit Zhang Fei's horse.

This is his purpose.

He knew he was not Zhang Fei's opponent, so the target was Zhang Fei's horse.

Once Zhang Fei lost his horse, he would definitely not be able to catch up with Liu Bei.

Dare thieves!

Zhang Fei's eyes were about to burst, he jumped off the horse with a tiger leap, and pulled out the horse.

But his horse's hind legs have been discounted, and he can't ride it.

Bian Xi laughed loudly and said, "This time, you won't be able to catch up!"

darn thing!

Zhang Fei was furious, and with all his strength, he lifted Bian Xi away.

Bian Xiteng flew out in a cloud of mist, fell to the ground, rolled a few times and did not move.

Still angry, Zhang Fei chased after him again and stabbed Bian Xi several times.

This bastard died as soon as he died, and he actually discounted his own horse, which is really unreasonable.

It was getting late, the horse was disabled, and Liu Bei couldn't catch up, so Zhang Fei could only secretly call it unlucky.

After walking a few steps, his heart suddenly moved, he looked at the terrain carefully, and felt ashamed in his heart.

Unknowingly, I have chased to Zhuojun, which is the boundary of Zhangjiazhuang.Over this mountain is Zhangjiazhuang.

Zhang Fei was overjoyed.

Although he has been away from Zhangjiazhuang for many years, his relatives are still there. If he returns to Zhangjiazhuang to borrow a horse, he still has a chance to catch up with Liu Bei.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei took off his armor, and ran towards Zhangjiazhuang with only his horse.

Ever since he followed Guo Jia, Zhang Fei hasn't returned to Zhangjiazhuang for a long time.

I don't know what happened to the relatives in Zhangjiazhuang.

After walking for a while, Zhang Fei finally came to Zhangjiazhuang.

He yelled excitedly.

"I, Zhang Fei, are back!"

But there was no movement in the whole Zhuangzi.

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, then walked in quickly.

At the beginning, he sold his family property and recruited soldiers to buy horses, but he was not willing to sell the big yard left by his ancestors and left it to his cousin to take care of it.

It was just getting dark, so there was no movement at all.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei immediately became alert, and he carefully walked in with the horse.

The door was ajar, but the lights inside were brightly lit.

When Zhang Fei saw everything in front of him, his eyes were about to burst and his blood surged up.

The courtyard was full of corpses, men, women and children were all lying in a pool of blood, the blood was still wet, it was obvious that they had been killed not long ago.

darn thing!

Zhang Fei roared angrily.

These are all his relatives.

"Get out of here!"

"Get out of here!"

He frantically searches the courtyard, hoping to find the murderer.

But to his disappointment, there was nothing inside but the corpse.

Zhang Fei raised his head to the sky and roared angrily again, with a sad and angry voice.


In the woods not far away, Liu Bei's figure appeared, and the long sword in his hand was dripping blood.

"This is the fate of being my enemy!"

Liu Bei sneered and put away his long sword.

He fled to Zhangjiazhuang by mistake, and immediately recognized that it was Zhang Fei's home.

At the moment, he kept his composure and pretended to be lost, and then after eating and drinking, he suddenly went on a killing spree, killing more than a hundred members of the Zhang family, even the children.

Zhang's family can be regarded as a wealthy family, and there are several good horses in the stables.Liu Bei took two horses away, killed the remaining horses, and left Zhangjiazhuang before Zhang Fei came back.

He can't stay in Youzhou anymore, it's better to leave as soon as possible.

After much deliberation, Liu Bei decided to join Yuan Shao in Qingzhou.

Firstly, Yuan Shao and Guo Jia are deadly rivals, secondly, Yuan Shao is headstrong and doesn't have much strategy, so Liu Bei still has a chance lurking by Yuan Shao's side.

Going to join Yuan Shao naturally cannot go empty-handed.

Over the years, Liu Bei has also confiscated a lot of property, which has been hidden in his hometown, and now he just took it away,
Thinking of this, Liu Bei immediately rushed to his hometown.

His home is in Dasangshu Village in the southern suburbs of Zhuo County.

Dasangshu Village is famous for a big mulberry tree in the village, and Liu Bei's family lives near the big mulberry tree.When he was young, Liu Bei used to brag to a bunch of little kids, saying that if he became emperor, he would definitely hold a tree canopy as an umbrella.The people in the same village were very surprised, thinking that Liu Bei was not an ordinary person.

Seeing the big mulberry tree from a distance, Liu Bei showed a rare smile on his face.

Finally home.

Liu Bei's father died early, and his mother also passed away five years ago. There is only one uncle, Liu Zijing, in Dasangshu Village.

Liu Zijing took good care of Liu Bei, and Liu Bei also respected this uncle very much, so he has been taking good care of their family all these years.The collected treasures were also stored in Liu Zijing's home.

Dasangshu Village is located in a remote place, and the people in the village are honest farmers. They don't know what Liu Bei has done outside.

So I always thought Liu Bei was alive.

Liu Zijing's family is even more proud of this nephew.

Seeing that the lights were on in Liu Zijing's house and knowing that they hadn't rested yet, Liu Bei heaved a sigh of relief.

Without further ado, he would immediately take his uncle's family out of Zhuojun.

"Uncle, Liu Bei is back!"

Liu Bei pushed the door open and came in. In order not to scare his uncle, he had already put on his cloak.

But as soon as he entered the door, Liu Bei felt that something was wrong. There was only one young man sitting in the room.

Hearing Liu Bei's words, the young man raised his head and said with a smile, "It really is you, Liu Bei. I didn't expect you to be alive."

As he spoke, he stood up slowly, who is it not Guo Jia?

(End of this chapter)

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