Chapter 514 Zhang Fei's Rage

When leaving Dasangshu Village, Liu Bei couldn't help laughing.

This Guo Jia is really naive. He said such a thing, and this person actually believed it.

Not only that, but let him go.

If you want to say those nonsense, even Liu Bei himself doesn't believe it.

Liu Bei's goal is to unify the Central Plains and restore Han unification. Even if there is no immediate conflict with Guo Jia, it will still be incompatible in the end.

Originally, he wanted to replace Guo Jia as the overlord of the north, but Liu Bei completely lost his chips in the battle of Kunlongtan.

never mind!

Liu Bei shook his head, since Guo Jia had already become powerful in the north, even if he stayed, he would not be able to beat him.

Let's find a shelter first.

Originally Liu Bei wanted to join Yuan Shao, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it would be better to go directly to Xichuan.

After all, he was enthroned there in his previous life.

That is Liu Bei's blessed land.

Yizhou Mu Liu Yan will not live long, and his son Liu Zhang is very weak, and he is not his opponent at all.

Sooner or later, this land is his own.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei laughed happily.

If you go to Xichuan, you still need to bring a few helpers. Unfortunately, Guan Zhangzhao has fallen into the hands of Guo Jia. This is his most important helper.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei felt a little pained, and hated Guo Jia even more.

If Liu Bei gains power in the future, he will definitely not let this Guo Jia go.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei hurriedly rode his horse and galloped, wishing he could reach Xichuan sooner.

After walking for half a mile, the horse under his crotch suddenly stumbled and rolled down.

what happened?

Liu Bei was taken aback. Fortunately, his skill was not bad, and he jumped off his horse under the crisis.

The horse neighed long and fell to the ground.

At this time, Liu Bei discovered that there was a long spike sticking obliquely on the ground, and the horse galloped forward and was nailed to death.

If Liu Bei didn't hide in time, he would have been pierced by now.

There is an ambush!
Seeing this, Liu Bei couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

He drew out his two swords and looked around, only to find a tall figure standing not far away.

Liu Bei!

The figure walked forward slowly, and said word by word: "I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The voice was sad and indignant, as if it came out word by word.

From far away, there was a smell of blood.

You are……

Liu Bei looked at the person in surprise.

At this moment, there was a click, and a burst of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the figure of the person who came.

Zhang Fei!

Liu Bei suddenly felt his heart beating wildly.

Only then did he remember that Zhang Fei's family had just been slaughtered not long ago.

Zhang Fei was naked to the waist, with red eyes.

Not long ago, he had just buried a family.

These are all his family.

"You've got the wrong person!"

Liu Bei coughed and said, "My name is not Liu Bei! I'm just passing by."


Zhang Fei suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled, and then suddenly rushed over.

Seeing that Zhang Fei didn't have any weapons in his hands, Liu Bei suddenly smiled.

This guy is looking for death!

Although his own martial arts are not as good as Zhang Fei's, he still has a great chance of winning against the empty-handed Zhang Fei.

"Since you don't want to live anymore, I'll send you to reunite with your family!"

Liu Bei said coldly, spread out the two swords in his hands, and went up to meet him.

The two-handed sword waved, enveloping Zhang Fei.

I have to say that Liu Bei's swordsmanship is still very powerful.

In an instant, Zhang Fei felt a little dangerous.

Facing the enemy empty-handed is already very disadvantageous, and it is still Liu Bei who is good at fighting on foot.

Dog thief, it really is you!
Seeing Liu Bei's swordsmanship, Zhang Fei's beard and hair were all stretched out, and his eyes were about to burst.

More than a hundred people in Zhangjiazhuang died.

Among them are children under the age of one.

These people were all beheaded with heavy swords, and their models were similar to the double swords in Liu Bei's hands.

Looking at the posture of Liu Bei's double swords, Zhang Fei was even more sure that these relatives died under Liu Bei's sword.

Ha ha!

Liu Bei smiled and said, "So what if it's me? You voted for the wrong master, and I'm helping you too."

The smile on his face grew colder.

"After you die, you must learn the lesson and vote for a wise master. Never follow Guo Jia again."

As he spoke, the long sword in his hand flashed.

Zhang Fei was gradually forced to retreat in front of the horse corpse.

go to hell!
Liu Bei saw the opportunity, and the two swords turned into two sharp lights, and rushed towards Zhang Fei.

Once surrounded by his two swords, Zhang Fei may not be spared.

Zhang Fei suddenly sneered, and suddenly clenched his right hand, and wiped it from the horse's neck, a bloody light appeared on his hand.

It is a horse lance.

Just now he stuck the horse lance on the ground and stabbed Liu Bei's mount to death in one fell swoop. After Liu Bei's mount died, the horse lance continued to be stuck on the horse.

Zhang Fei never thought of dealing with Liu Bei empty-handed.

With a horse spear in his hand, Zhang Fei was refreshed, the head of the spear flashed repeatedly, and he attacked Liu Bei.

"Evil thief, today I want to seek justice for the lives of a hundred members of the Zhang family."

Liu Beiqun was caught off guard, and Zhang Fei took the opportunity immediately.

He never expected that the thing that stabbed the mount to death turned out to be Zhang Fei's weapon.

With Zhang Fei who has a weapon in hand, he is naturally not something he can resist.

Liu Bei retreated while fighting, trying to take the opportunity to escape.

Liu Paopao's name is not for nothing.

Where to go!
Zhang Fei had already seen Liu Bei's intentions, and immediately waved Ma Qian impenetrably, trapping Liu Bei inside.

He already hated this person to the core, so naturally he would not let Liu Bei escape easily.

Liu Bei complained secretly, he was Zhang Fei's opponent at all, let alone an angry Zhang Fei.

After a few rounds, Zhang Fei jumped off his weapon, and the long spear forced him into a narrow range.

"Zhang Fei, you can't kill me!"

Liu Bei suddenly said loudly: "I have reached an agreement with Guo Jia, and he has agreed to let me go. If you kill me, you are disobeying the military order."

Hearing this, Zhang Fei's body trembled suddenly, and the long spear stopped in front of Liu Bei.

Liu Bei laughed and said, "Yunzhou's military order is like a mountain. As a general of Yunzhou, you naturally can't disobey it. Put down your horse quickly and find me a horse."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Fei's horse stabbed out suddenly.

With a bang, Liu Bei was nailed to the ground.


Liu Bei never expected that he had already moved out of Guo Jia, and Zhang Fei dared to disobey the military order.

Zhang Fei raised his head, his eyes became extremely blood red.

"Kill you, I am willing to be punished."

As he spoke, he picked Liu Bei hard, and instantly picked Liu Bei up.

This blow was so powerful that Liu Bei's body flew out immediately.

It fell to the ground with a bang.

"This shot is for the dead brother!"

Zhang Fei's eyes were red, and the horse in his hand was dirty again.

Liu Bei's body was lifted up again.

"This shot is for the folks in Zhuozhou!"

Liu Bei screamed again, and was picked up in the air by Zhang Fei.

This shot!
The corner of Zhang Fei's mouth twitched, and he said, "It's for the Lord!"

As he spoke, he waved vigorously, and Liu Bei's body fell to the ground high, he tossed a few times and did not move.

(End of this chapter)

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