Chapter 515 Beating Zhang Fei
I am...a big man...Emperor Zhaolie!
Liu Bei spat out blood, his eyes blurred, and he spoke intermittently.

Zhang Fei snorted and picked up the two swords on the ground.

"Next life!"

Said that his hands were as fast as lightning, and immediately cut Liu Bei into pieces.

This time, he must cut this beast into pieces.

You must know that Zhang Fei's ancestor was a pig butcher, and his sword skills were very sharp from the beginning.

There was Liu Bei's feeble scream.



When Zhang Fei dragged Liu Bei's body back to Guo Jia, Guo Jia couldn't help being startled.

Good knife work!
The whole body was turned into pieces.

It's like eating sliced ​​meat in hot pot in later generations.

I rub, what a lot of perseverance!
Liu Bei, Liu Bei, you said you can't provoke anyone, you insist on provoking Zhang Fei, and even killed his whole family, can he let you go?
Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head.

The corner of Dian Wei's mouth also twitched a little.

Although he also kills like hemp, this situation is still a bit horrible.

A group of tiger guards forced themselves to suppress the urge to vomit, and looked at the bloody Zhang Fei in awe.


Zhang Fei fell to his knees fiercely.

"This man killed my whole family, and I, Zhang Fei, will definitely not let him go. I disobeyed the military order, please punish me, my lord."

Yunzhou military orders are like mountains.

Since Guo Jia released Liu Bei, if Zhang Fei robbed and killed him privately, he would have violated the military order.

Those who disobey the military order will be beheaded!

This is also the iron law of Yunzhou.

After Zhang Fei cut Liu Bei, he immediately came to Guo Jia to plead guilty.

Even if Guo Jia wanted to kill him, he would not regret it.

"Yide, what are you doing?"

Guo Jia's face was a little ugly.

"Military orders are like mountains, aren't you embarrassing me?"

He pretended to be sorry, but his heart was full of joy.

Liu Bei is a scourge, and it is best to die.

Although he is not a time traveler, Guo Jia is still worried.

It doesn't matter whether he is a time traveler or a reincarnation, it is best to die.

So this Liu Bei must die, but Guo Jia has promised to spare his life in front of everyone, if he changes his words, it may damage his prestige.

But he couldn't let Liu Bei go, so he quietly asked Dian Wei to inform Zhang Fei.

Guo Jia knew about Liu Bei's murder of Zhang Fei's family.

Zhang Fei naturally would not let Liu Bei go.

In this way, he maintained his prestige in front of everyone and eliminated his opponent, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Those who disobey the military order will be killed. Since you have done this, I have nothing to say."

Guo Jia said seriously.

Zhang Fei has a perverse temperament, and if things go wrong, he will whip his subordinates. This is the way to kill, Guo Jia is about to take this opportunity to beat and beat.

"Zhang Fei is willing to lead to death!"

Zhang Fei fell to his knees.

Killing Liu Bei, he has already avenged him, and he deserves to die.


Dian Wei hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

It seems something is wrong!
He leaked the news to Zhang Fei, and it was also hinted by Guo Jia.

Why does Guo Jia want to kill Zhang Fei?

"Liu Bei killed innocent people, and it is reasonable for Yide to avenge him. He has made great contributions to Yunzhou over the years, so I ask my lord to punish him lightly."

Dianguan Zhang Zhao knocked his head on the ground, not a real brother is better than a real brother.

As the sworn boss, Dian Wei naturally couldn't watch Zhang Fei be killed.


Guo Jia's face suddenly darkened, and he said, "A military order is like a mountain, and you must not violate it. Are you asking me to bend the law for personal gain?"


Dian Wei's expression changed drastically.

After all, he is good at force, how can he compare with Guo Jia's flamboyant guts?
How does he know what Guo Jia is thinking?
"My brothers and I have made an oath long ago, not to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. Now that Yide has violated the military order, Dian Wei dare not let the lord do favoritism, but please see our brother's past achievements , spare his life."

Said and fell to his knees on the ground.


Zhang Fei burst into tears with excitement.

"One person does things and one person is responsible. I also violated the military order. I killed Liu Bei, so why are you doing this?"

Dian Wei smiled wryly and said: "Although you killed the man, I did tell you the news. So there is also a responsibility here. Besides, we brothers have agreed to live and die together, how can the eldest brother see death and refuse to save him?"

He clasped his fists again and said, "I beg your lord to help you."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia was very satisfied when he saw that everyone valued love and righteousness so much.But he said in his mouth: "Are you forcing the palace?"

When it comes to this, the voice is all stern.


Dian Wei bit the bullet and said: "Liu Bei deserves to die. It is only right and proper for Yide to kill him. My lord, why do you have to make things difficult for him. Besides, Dian Wei is also responsible for this matter. If I hadn't told him, he wouldn't have known about Liu Bei's Where to go. If the lord insists on killing Zhang Fei, then cut down a certain family as well!"

it is good!
Guo Jia suddenly said sharply: "In that case, take these two disobedient guys out and cut them off!"

My lord can't!

At this time, the Tiger Guards also fell to their knees.

Dian Wei was their leader, so they naturally didn't want to sit back and watch their leader fall into trouble.

Are you guys forcing the palace together?

Guo Jia snorted.

Everyone stopped talking and just looked at Guo Jia with full expectation.

Guo Jia suddenly let out a long sigh and said, "If that's the case, then we won't cut it down."

Long live!

Everyone suddenly became excited!

Dian Wei hugged Zhang Fei and said, "Third brother, hurry up and thank you, my lord!"

Zhang Fei was also very grateful, and immediately said: "Thank you, my lord, for not killing me."

Don't thank me!

Guo Jia shook his head and pointed at Dian Wei.

"If you want to thank, thank you big brother. Without his pleading, I would have killed you long ago!"

Zhang Fei bowed down again.

"The big brother is on top, please accept the younger brother!"

This small disturbance further verified the friendship between them.

"Third brother, you don't need to be polite, we all said that we will live and die together."

Dian Wei was also very happy.

All right!

Guo Jia suddenly said: "Death crimes can be avoided, but life crimes cannot be escaped. Zhang Fei, if you disobeyed the military order this time, I will save you from death. But if there is a next time, I will definitely kill you."

He suddenly cast a sideways glance at Dian Wei.

"Those who dare to talk about love, sit together!"

Dian Wei's heart trembled, and he hastily kowtowed to the ground.


Guo Jia seemed to remember something, and said calmly: "Zhang Fei, I heard that when you were guarding the country, you would often drink heavily and beat the soldiers around you."

Zhang Fei's heart trembled, and he nodded honestly.

From today!

Guo Jia said word by word: "If you dare to drink again and beat soldiers without reason, I will cut you off as well."

Seeing Guo Jia's murderous eyes, Zhang Fei was shocked, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

He really has these problems.

If Guo Jia talked about it, he wouldn't take it seriously.

But this time he narrowly escaped death, and when he heard Guo Jia talk about it again, he didn't dare to be negligent.

Zhang Fei had already made up his mind that he would never drink alcohol again, never beat soldiers again, and he must abide by military discipline and never violate it again, so as not to fall into Guo Jia's hands again.

After this catastrophe, Zhang Fei completely corrected these two problems. From then on, he worked hard and became Guo Jia's confidant and favorite general. Of course, this is another story.

(End of this chapter)

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