Chapter 518
"My lord, the recruitment order has been posted for three days, and the recruiting halls everywhere are full of people. This is the list of talents handed in below. Please have a look, my lord."

The new Yuyang prefect Tian Yu excitedly came to Guo Jia with a scroll.

is it?

Guo Jia looked at Tian Yu suspiciously.

He had just won Youzhou and had limited talents, so he posted a recruitment order here.

But Youzhou has a small population, so Guo Jia didn't have much hope.

When Guo Jia opened the recruitment order, he saw a name at first sight, which made him excited instantly.

Tian Feng!

Tian Feng was the head of the four counselors in Yuan Shao's camp, and he made great contributions to Yuan Shao's dominance of the north.

Xun Yu's evaluation of him is rigid and offensive, but he admires his resourcefulness very much.

When Guo Jiaping settled Yunzhou, he visited Tian Feng everywhere, but was told that Tian Feng's family left Jizhou in order to avoid the war.

Guo Jia has always felt deeply regretful.

Didn't expect to run into it here.

"Hurry up and invite Mr. Yuan Hao!"

Guo Jia said excitedly.

If you really want to doze off, someone will send you a pillow. Tian Feng is a great talent. Although his words are a bit hurtful, his resourcefulness is at the top level of the Three Kingdoms.

"My lord knows Yuan Hao?"

Tian Yu couldn't help being surprised.


Guo Jia said happily: "Mr. Yuan Hao is a great talent in Jizhou. After I arrived in Jizhou, I have visited many times, but there has been no trace of him. I didn't expect to meet him in Youzhou."

That's it!

Tian Yu nodded.

After the chaos in Jizhou, Tian Feng came to Youzhou to avoid the war at home and met Tian Yu.

Tian Yu also respected Tian Feng very much, knowing that he was a great talent, so he immediately told Tian Feng about the recruitment order.

It's not a big deal for Tian Feng to sit and eat in Youzhou teacher, so he promised Tian Yu to come and bang bang luck.

But what Tian Yu didn't expect was that Guo Jia actually knew Tian Feng.

Seeing the new lord so excited, Tian Yu was also very happy, and immediately sent someone to lead Tian Feng in.

"Caomin Tianfeng pays his respects to the general!"

Tian Feng is in his 30s, with a gentle appearance.

"Mr. Yuan Hao don't need to be too polite!"

Seeing Guo Jia treat him so courteously, Tian Feng was also a little surprised.

Who is Guo Jia?

That is the consort of the dynasty, the general of the hussars, the Marquis of Wen County, and the big man who controls the territory of the three prefectures of Youyun and Hebei.

He Tian Feng is just a commoner.

Tian Feng was a little flattered to receive such courteous reception.At the same time, I was also a little puzzled, it seemed that the two had no friendship!

Guo Jia grabbed his arm in a hurry, and said with a smile, "I've heard Mr.'s name for a long time, but I just haven't had the chance to see each other. Now that Youzhou is initially settled, it's time to employ people. When Mr. comes, I feel relieved. "

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Tian Feng waved his hands hastily.

In fact, he couldn't resist Tian Yu's persuasion, so he came to Ji County to try his luck.


Guo Jia laughed a few times and said, "Sir, please sit down!"

As he spoke, he dragged Tian Feng into the room.

The two sat down as the guest of honor.

"Now that Youzhou is initially settled and the people's livelihood is in decline, how do you think the government should be governed?"

Guo Jia immediately asked.


Tian Feng didn't expect Guo Jia to ask this in the first sentence, which shows that this general is a practical person.

He is also a great talent in the world. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "Youzhou is a bitter and cold place, and farming is not thriving. In the past, we could rely on the border trade to communicate with each other. Although we are weak, we can eat after all. But when the Yunzhou border trade opened , this road will not work. If it is not for the support of the imperial court and the surrounding counties and counties, I am afraid that it will not be able to support it long ago."

Hearing this, Guo Jia blushed slightly.

He was the one who organized the border trade in Yunzhou. At that time, he didn't expect the impact on the surrounding area at all. He was full, but others had nothing to eat.

Before Youzhou was in Liu Yu's hands, Guo Jia naturally didn't worry about it.

But now that Youzhou has fallen into his hands, he can't do anything without asking.

Now that he has become the shepherd of others, he must let the common people eat.

But now the situation in Youzhou is very bad, almost relying on blood transfusion to function normally, but blood transfusion is not a long-term solution.

The pattern of Yunzhou commercial center has been established, and it is impossible to change it.

So Youzhou had to find another way out.

"General, I have stayed in Youzhou for several years, and I have a deep understanding of Youzhou's plight. If you only rely on Youzhou itself, it may be difficult to get out of the predicament. But..."

Tian Feng said thoughtfully: "If someone else takes control of Youzhou, it must be helpless, but for a general to take control of Youzhou, it's a different matter."

What's your plan sir?

Guo Jia was surprised and asked hurriedly.

Hearing this, Tian Feng really has a way.

Tian Feng smiled slightly and said: "I have studied the matter of the general in many ways. I also admire the general's feat of building the Yunzhou border trade center. Yunzhou was originally a barren land. The general can find another way to prosper with commerce. It’s really a stroke of genius.”

Hearing Tian Feng's compliment, Guo Jia also showed a smile on his face.


He looked at Tian Feng apologetically.

"The layout of Yunzhou has already been formed. If Youzhou wants to go this way, I'm afraid..."

No matter in terms of geographical location or climatic conditions, Youzhou is worse, so from the beginning, Guo Jia ruled out Youzhou to take the old road of Yunzhou.

This path simply does not work.

"The general's eyes are like torches!"

Tian Feng clasped his fists together again: "The situation in Youzhou and Yunzhou is different, so naturally they can't take the same path. Yunzhou is based on commerce. Although it is prosperous, it has a fatal shortcoming, that is, it depends on the import of food from other counties. Once the food If the road is cut off, it will be in danger. Therefore, there must be a stable granary. If the guess is right, the general will include Jizhou in the territory to solve this food problem. Jizhou is fertile and rich in products. It must be the best in Yunzhou granary."

As expected of a top strategist, he could see Guo Jia's purpose at a glance.

If not, that's what Guo Jia intends to do. To subsidize Jizhou with business from Yunzhou, and to supplement Yunzhou with food from Jizhou.

"Sir says so!"

Guo Jia nodded.

"Yunzhou is business-oriented, and there are indeed some risks, so Jizhou is needed as a granary."

He is still very satisfied with Tian Feng's vision.

Tian Feng smiled slightly and said: "Actually, the granary in Jizhou is big enough to feed the people of Yunyou and Youzhou."

This is true.

Jizhou has a population of several million, fertile land, and rich products. If we devote ourselves to developing agriculture, there is no problem in providing food for Yunzhou and Youzhou.

But the problem came back again!
The reason why harmonious development can be called harmonious development is that the two sides must be able to complement each other.

For example, if Yunzhou's commerce is prosperous, the money earned from commerce can be used to subsidize Jizhou. Jizhou's farming is prosperous, and Yunzhou can be subsidized with grain and other products.

But when Youzhou is added, you can only go in and out, which is completely a burden on Yunzhou and Jizhou. It is okay for a while, but it will definitely be a stumbling block to harmonious development after a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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