Chapter 519 Trust and Repayment

With the strength of Yunzhou and Jizhou, it is still possible to transfuse blood to Youzhou in a short period of time, but blood transfusion is not a long-term solution after all.

After a long time, it will definitely become a stumbling block to harmonious development.

The most urgent task is to enable Youzhou to find its own path, so that it can be self-sufficient and free from dependence on the outside world.

But the problem now is that there is no way out for Youzhou.

Neither business nor agriculture, except for blood transfusion, Guo Jia did not think of any solution.


Tian Feng suddenly said loudly: "With the assistance of Yunzhou and Jizhou, Youzhou still has a way out."

Hearing this, Guo Jia became excited again.

"What way out?"

He was a little impatient.

If Youzhou can find a way out, he can also relax a lot.


Tian Feng said word by word.


Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean, sir, to let Youzhou give up farming and start animal husbandry?"

This is indeed a fresh approach.

But there are some difficulties!
People are doing livestock farming, so what about the food?
After all, there are hundreds of thousands of people in Youzhou. Does it depend on external blood transfusion?

Ha ha!

Tian Feng stood up suddenly, picked up a brush on one side, and drew three circles on the paper, writing Yunzhou, Jizhou, and Youzhou respectively.

Then, he drew three arrows connecting the three circles.

"Nurture Yunzhou and Youzhou with Jizhou's food, nurture Jizhou and Youzhou with Yunzhou's business, and nurture Jizhou and Yunzhou with Youzhou's animal husbandry. In this way, Youzhou can get rid of its dependence on the outside world and embark on The path to self-reliance."

Guo Jia suddenly woke up like a dream.

This coincides with his original intention of bundling Yunzhou and Jizhou together for division of labor and development, but it is just joining a Youzhou.

Youzhou cannot prosper with commerce, nor can it rely on farming, but it can develop animal husbandry.

If Youzhou abandons agriculture and turns to animal husbandry, it will definitely become a state with a professional animal husbandry industry.

The Han Dynasty is a big agricultural country, so the demand for livestock is still very large, which was originally imported through the nomadic peoples in the frontier.

Once the animal husbandry industrial park in Youzhou is completed, it will reduce its dependence on nomadic people, so that it can be completely self-sufficient.

good good!
Guo Jia suddenly came up with the case. This plan is really ingenious. It not only enriches the industrial chain under Guo Jia, but also solves the problem of starvation in Youzhou for hundreds of years, and also reduces the dependence on the surrounding nomads. .

Three birds with one stone!
Thinking of this, Guo Jia looked at Tian Feng with respect.

I just started, the ancients can be inspired, and thus draw inferences from one instance.

If they have also received systematic training in modern knowledge, it may be very difficult for them to rule the roost in this era.

"Sir, the people of Youzhou are saved. All this is thanks to you!"

Don't dare to be!
Tian Feng hurriedly stood up.

"These were originally inspired by the general, not the credit of my subordinates."

He was a real man.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia showed a smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Yuan Hao, since you proposed this plan, how about asking you to complete this task of changing grain to pasture?"


Tian Feng was slightly surprised. Although he proposed this plan, it would take a state governor to implement it.

Guo Jia asked himself to complete this task, wouldn't he put him in a very high position, you must know that he just took refuge in him!
Tian Feng didn't quite believe it.

Guo Jia suddenly took a deep breath, and said: "Liu Taiwei died of illness, and I follow his will to concurrently take up the position of Youzhou Shepherd. But this is only a temporary replacement. Now that my husband is here, Guo Jia will naturally abdicate. The position of Shepherd Shou of Youzhou must be sir."

Tian Feng was horrified, and hurriedly fell to his knees.

"No, absolutely not!"

He raised his head and said sincerely: "Tian Feng is just a Confucian in Jizhou, how can he get such great love from the general. This is absolutely impossible."


Guo Jia said with a smile: "Sir, you don't have to be humble. You can make good use of your talents, and those who are capable will live in them. You have the talents of the world, and you proposed this plan of changing grain to animal husbandry, which gave hundreds of thousands of people in Youzhou a way to live. This You will naturally have to take the post of shepherd."

Tian Feng fell to his knees again.

"The general broke the villain."

Yizhou Mushou is a local official, how could he, who has just joined in, dare to assume this position?

No matter what Guo Jia said, Tian Feng just didn't accept it.


Tian Yu suddenly said: "Although Yuan Hao has the ability to know the world, it is really inappropriate to be in a high position when he first came to Youzhou. Since the plan of changing grain to animal husbandry was proposed by Yuan Hao, it is natural for him to complete it. If If he can complete it, it will not be too late for the Lord to reward him!"

Tian Yu was also very happy when his old friend was reused, but Guo Jia made Tian Feng occupy a high position as soon as he came up, but Tian Yu strongly opposed it.

He has no selfish intentions, but plans for Tian Feng.

Changing grain to animal husbandry is easy to say, but it must be difficult to implement. It is easy to say when it is completed, but if it is not completed, this high-ranking official and rich salary will become a reminder.

Besides, Tian Feng held a high position when he first came, which will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among other officials.

The court is like a battlefield, Tian Yu understands this sentence very well.

Guo Jia also felt that he was a little too eager for quick success.

"Guorang, what do you see?"

Tian Yu clasped his fists and said, "Mu Shou is the chief of the local military and government, so naturally a lord should be in charge. You can let Yuan Hao be the governor of Youzhou, responsible for supervising the counties, and at the same time be responsible for the plan of changing grain to animal husbandry."


Guo Jia nodded again.

The reason why he gave up the position of Youzhou Mu to Tian Feng was because of his talent, and the second was because he wanted him to complete Youzhou's plan to transform grain into herds.It is very difficult to carry out such a plan, and absolute rights must be obtained.

The governor of Youzhou is not a little less powerful than Mushou, but he is still above the counties.At that time, Guo Jia only needs to signal Zhang Fei to fully cooperate with Tian Feng.

"From today, Yuan Hao, you are the governor of Youzhou."

Guo Jia took a step forward and held Tian Feng's hand.

"I handed over hundreds of thousands of people in Youzhou to you. You must treat them well."

"Don't worry, my lord! Feng will definitely go all out, and only die!"

Tian Feng fell to his knees and kowtowed a few times.

This kneeling represented that Tian Feng completely recognized Guo Jia as his master.

As a well-known wise man in the Three Kingdoms, Tian Feng knew that the prosperity of the Han Dynasty had come to an end, and the next would be an era of feudal lords fighting for hegemony.

Taking refuge in Guo Jia was his inevitable choice.

A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman tolerates a person who pleases her.

Since Guo Jia trusted him so much, how could he not repay him with death.

Since then, Tian Feng has become Guo Jia's subordinate.

(End of this chapter)

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