Chapter 521 Donglai Taishi Ci

After Gongsun Du returned, he immediately sent Gongsun Yuan to Guo Jia.

Gongsun Yuan was also somewhat heroic, so Guo Jia handed him over to Dian Wei for training.


Tian Yu came in a hurry and said, "You handed over the position of Governor of Liaodong to Gongsun Du?"

He also just got the news.

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded.

He looked at Tian Yu with interest.

This young man is the future giant of Youzhou. If he is in Youzhou for a day, the surrounding nomads will not dare to face him.


Tian Yu paused and said: "This Gongsundu is from the Gongsun clan of Youzhou, and has close ties with the natives of Liaodong. He is also very ambitious and will not stay under others for a long time. Liaodong is the throat of Youzhou's eastward advance. Once someone with ambition If you control it, you will surely breed disaster."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

As expected of being the pillar of Youzhou, this Tian Yu still has a clear understanding of Gongsun Du.

In history, after Gongsun Du became the prefect of Liaodong, he immediately blocked the imperial court's access to Liaodong and dominated the Liaodong Peninsula for decades.

"Isn't there a hostage?"

Guo Jia laughed.


Tian Yu sighed and said, "Compared to Gongsun Du's ambition, what is a son?"

He hurriedly said: "Before Gongsun Du has gone far, Xiaguan will send someone to chase him back."

Said to go out.

Guo Jia suddenly stopped Tian Yu.

"What else does my lord want?"

Tian Yu was puzzled and said: "I can recommend an honest and reliable person to guard Liaodong, and there will be no mistakes."


Guo Jia suddenly you burst out laughing.

Tian Yu was a little confused, not knowing what he was laughing at.

"Guorang, how do you think I should deal with Liaodong?"

Guo Jiarao asked with interest.


Tian Yu hesitated for a moment.

"East Liaodong has always been outside the power of Youzhou. Although it belongs to the territory of the Han Dynasty, it is actually a land outside the Huaihe. The four counties are basically controlled by local tyrants and natives, and the officials sent by the court are all Puppets. In this situation, there will be big troubles sooner or later. If you don’t want troubles, you have to wipe out those powerful families and natives, and restore the rule of the Han. But Liaodong is a barren land, and most of the people living in it are uncivilized natives, and the heroes separate the races There are so many forests, it is difficult to regain them. Besides, the barren land is of little value. If it is forcibly recovered, the gains will not be worth the loss. At least, at this stage, Youzhou needs to vigorously transform grain into pastures, and there is no time to manage the affairs of Liaodong. The best way is to let them fend for themselves It's better to wait until Youzhou recovers."

His judgment on Liaodong was exactly the same as Liu Yu's.

That is, it should be slow rather than tight.It is better to release than to receive.

The current stage is the critical time for the transformation of Youzhou, so naturally there is no energy to clean up the Liaodong Peninsula.

well said!
Guo Jia nodded, and asked back: "Have you ever thought about it, if we let these counties fend for themselves, it will bring opportunities to the local natives. If they seize the opportunity to unify the Liaodong Peninsula, we will It may be difficult to get it back. Therefore, the peninsula must not be allowed to live in peace. Since Gongsundu has ambitions, let him go to Liaodong. Naturally, ambitious people will not be idle, and he will definitely treat the nobles of the peninsula. Fight against the natives. In this way, there will be no peace on the peninsula.”

Tian Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at the lord in surprise.

It turned out that the protagonist had this idea.

He deliberately threw Gongsundu to Liaodong, and used Gongsundu's hands to deal with the rich and aborigines on the peninsula.

No matter who wins or loses, it will be beneficial to Youzhou.

Black belly, black belly!
Tian Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

How did he think that the lord is so dark-bellied.

It seems that the lord really needs to pay attention to what he says in the future, and Bao Buqi will be sold by the lord anytime soon.

This Gongsun Du is probably happy for nothing.

Thinking of this, Tian Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

Now that the lord Zhizhu is in his hands, he doesn't say anything anymore.


Tian Yu took out another scroll, "This is the list of talents newly sent by the recruiting hall below, please have a look at it, my lord."

Guo Jia nodded.

A recruitment order recruited Tian Feng and solved the problem in Youzhou by the way, which made Guo Jia very happy.

He didn't dare to underestimate Youzhou anymore.

Maybe there are some people who have been buried and are hiding, only jumping out at this moment.

Opening the scroll, Guo Jia frowned, but they were all unfamiliar names, which he didn't even recognize.

In his previous life, he was still very impressed with the celebrities of the Three Kingdoms.

It's a pity that he doesn't know these names.

When he turned back, he found a lot of melted names.

"How is this going?"

Guo Jia was puzzled.

Is such that!

Tian Yu hurriedly explained: "These are all after preliminary verification, and some unknown names have been deleted."

Guo Jia also nodded slowly.

The recruiting hall is similar to the sea elections of later generations, it is also a mixed bag, and there are not a few people who make up for it.

It seems that Tian Feng just showed up by chance.

Bored, Guo Jia rummaged through the eliminated names, and suddenly found a familiar name.

Tai Shici!
Guo Jia thought he was mistaken, so he rubbed his eyes, and it turned out to be Donglai Taishici!

I'm going!

Seeing this name, Guo Jia couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and almost exclaimed.

Isn't this Tai Shi Ci Tai Shi Ziyi of the Twelve Tiger Officials in Jiangdong?

How could he be in Youzhou?

This is a fierce general who can draw a tie with the little overlord Sun Ce in later generations, and Sun Ce's martial arts can definitely be among the first-class.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia couldn't sit still anymore.

"Where is Tai Shici? I'm going to see him."

With that said, he was about to get up.


Tian Yu was a little dumbfounded.

He could also see that the lord loves talents as much as life, first Tian Feng, then this Tai Shici.

"Tai Shici was in Ji County. During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he was avoiding the chaos in Liaodong. He heard that he was recruiting talented people for Youzhou, so he brought his mother to Youzhou immediately."

Tian Yu explained.

That's it!

Guo Jia nodded.

No wonder Tai Shici no longer stayed in Donglai, it turned out to be to avoid the chaos of war.

Hiding well, hiding well.

Otherwise, he will miss this fierce general.

"Come here, go to the recruiting hall immediately, I want to see Tai Shici immediately."


Ji County Recruitment Hall.

A tall man came out with an old woman on his back.


The man cursed loudly.

He is Donglai Taishici.

When the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, Tai Shici originally planned to join the army to serve the country, but fearing that his mother would be troubled, he crossed the sea and fled to Liaodong to avoid the chaos.

The mother and son spent some time in Liaodong.

The old mother couldn't bear to delay her son's future, so she kept urging Tai Shici to return to his hometown and join the army.

Tai Shici couldn't bear to be separated from his mother, so he kept being submissive.

Now hearing that Hussar General Guo Jia was recruiting talents, the loving mother was overjoyed and immediately asked her son to sign up, hoping to achieve something.

Tai Shici was a little reluctant, but he couldn't hold back his mother, so he brought his mother to sign up a few days ago.

But what he didn't expect was that the officials here looked down on people and were very enthusiastic about those literati, but they looked down on warriors like Tai Shici very much.Seeing that Tai Shici brought an old woman with him, he made things difficult for him in every possible way.

In this way, Tai Shici was annoyed, and he was about to leave with his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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