Chapter 522
"Son, it's so easy to come here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

The loving mother asked puzzledly.

Tai Shici didn't raise his head and said: "Youzhou officials look down on people, and I look at the recruiting hall for nothing. Let's not count on it."

The loving mother sighed and remained silent.

She knew that her son had martial arts, but due to her own reasons, she had not been able to use them.

"It's the old man who got you down!"

Tai Shici didn't turn his head back: "What are you talking about? Your parents are not traveling far away. If you let your old man suffer at home, wouldn't it be unfilial for me to go out alone?"

He looked back at the recruiting hall, and said angrily: "A dog's eyes look down on people. If we knew this, we might as well go back to our hometown in Qingzhou. I heard that the newly appointed governor, Corporal Yuan Shaolixian, might be able to ask for food when he goes back."

The loving mother stopped talking, in fact, she was also a little homesick.

This is when Tai Shici saw that there were food for sale nearby, and the mother and son went to the recruiting hall early in the morning, and they hadn't eaten yet.

"Mom, you wait now, I'll buy something to eat."

Tai Shici put down his mother and took out his purse to buy some food.

At this moment, a horse-drawn carriage came galloping on the street, and the driver shouted: "The official car drives, and the idlers dodge. The official car drives, the idler dodges!"

Everyone avoided, fearing that they would be hit.

The loving mother was old and weak, and she was a little slow to react, seeing that the carriage was about to rush in front of her.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing an old lady on the street, the driver yelled in the car, but the speed did not stop.

darn thing!

When Tai Shici saw the carriage rushing towards him, he was eager to protect his mother.Immediately, he gathered his strength and slammed into the carriage.

It was a single-shaft carriage, and when Tai Shici hit it like this, the carriage suddenly flew sideways.

Everyone exclaimed again, seeing that the carriage was about to fall to the ground, it was a big man on the carriage who suddenly jumped down and held the body of the carriage with both hands.

With a drag, the big man actually straightened the carriage that was about to fall over.

What a lot of strength!
Tai Shici couldn't help being surprised.

This carriage weighed at least a thousand catties, and he was able to knock it down because of his ingenuity, but this big man stretched out his hand to hold the carriage, which was a real effort.

The big man straightened the chariot and horse, and said anxiously, "My lord, are you alright?"

"it's okay no problem!"

A voice came from inside.

Only then did the big man breathe a sigh of relief, he was naturally Dian Wei.

Guo Jia saw Tai Shici's name in the eliminated roster, fearing that he would miss this fierce general, so he rushed here.

Master Mu Shou must be fast, the driver naturally dare not neglect, so he was driving fast all the way, unexpectedly he was almost knocked over here.

Dian Wei looked around for a few times, and found that the person who knocked over the carriage was actually a strong Chinese character, and then slowly came to Tai Shici.

"Why attack the driver?"

Tai Shici saw that Dian Wei was tall and burly, with a pair of large double halberds on his back, his heart shuddered.

He also used a halberd, and Dian Wei's halberds were several sizes larger than ordinary halberds. Those who could use this kind of weapon had to have super strong arms.

This man is a master.

Tai Shici immediately realized this problem.

However, he did not flinch, but said proudly: "Can the official car be able to go on a rampage?"


Dian Wei said angrily, "Do you know whose car you hit?"

Tai Shici snorted, and said: "Whoever drives the car, it's not enough to run amok on the street."

"Bastard, are you trying to fight?"

Dian Wei was not good at words, so he immediately put on a posture.

In his eyes, moving his mouth is far less direct than moving his hands.

This person can hit a galloping carriage, and his strength is also very strong, just try his weight.

Hit it!
Tai Shici snorted and said, "Who is afraid of whom!"

Seeing such an opponent, he was also a little overjoyed.


At this time, the loving mother came over suddenly.

When Tai Shici saw his old lady coming, he immediately let out a sigh of relief.

"Mom, am I playing with him?"

He immediately changed into a smiling face.


The loving mother pointed to his forehead, and said apologetically to Dian Wei: "This official, just now he was worried that his old body would be hit, so he behaved recklessly. Your lord has a lot, so don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Dian Wei, who was still a little angry at first, disappeared immediately when he saw the old lady come forward.

He also comes from a poor background and doesn't like bullying.

"Come on, what's going on?"

Guo Jia returned to normal at this moment, pushed the curtain of the car, and walked down.

"It's nothing, it was just an accident."

Dian Wei hurriedly said.

Tai Shici's attack on the chariot of the Hussar General of the dynasty was already enough to be punished.

But he saw that this man was also a dutiful son, so he went over.

It's fine!

Guo Jia nodded, his mind was still on Tai Shici.

Seeing Guo Jia's gorgeous clothes, extraordinary appearance, and a high-ranking official at first glance, Tai Shici also felt a little guilty.

Fortunately, there was no accident just now, otherwise he would definitely not be able to escape responsibility, and it would be a bit bad if his mother was involved.

Seeing that a turmoil turned into nothing, the loving mother was relieved.

"Ziyi, let's go!"

This is a place of right and wrong, it is better to leave earlier.

"Okay, mother!"

Tai Shici came in front of his mother, bent down and carried her on his back.

Since you can't get along here in Youzhou, then go back to your hometown in Qingzhou.


Hearing these two words, Guo Jia was suddenly stunned.

He hurriedly turned around and looked at the mother and child excitedly.

He is seven feet tall and has a beautiful beard, which is indeed similar to what is recorded in history.

This should be Tai Shici's mother, I heard that he is also a dutiful son.

"Are you Donglai Taishici?"

Guo Jia asked excitedly.

Tai Shici was taken aback for a moment, although he was famous in Qingzhou, he was an unknown person in Youzhou, otherwise he would not have been kicked out by the officials of the recruiting hall.

"I am Tai Shici."

He nodded!

After seeing Tai Shici, Guo Jia suddenly burst out laughing.

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.


He suddenly stepped forward and took Tai Shici's hand.

"I finally found you! Come, come, come back with me."

Tai Shici was also confused by Guo Jia's enthusiasm.

"My lord is..."

He asked cautiously, could this person still want to hold him accountable for the crash?

Dian Wei who was at the side suddenly said: "This is the court consort Hussar General Wen County Marquis Guo Jia."

Dian Wei was also a little excited when he knew that this man was Tai Shici whom the lord was eager to meet.

Hearing this name, Tai Shici hastily kowtowed to the ground.

"Grassman Tai Shici, pay my respects to General Guo!"

He heard that Guo Jia was recruiting talents in Youzhou in Liaodong, and immediately brought his mother to join him. Unexpectedly, he was despised by the officials in the recruiting hall, so he took his mother away in a rage.

Ziyi doesn't need to be polite!

Guo Jia hurriedly helped Tai Shici up, and said with a smile, "It's really my luck in Youzhou to have Ziyi."

The general is overrated!
Tai Shici hastily said a few polite words.

It seems that this general is still very good at talking.

(End of this chapter)

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