Chapter 523 Almighty General
Let's say Guo Jia saw Tai Shici's name in the elimination list, fearing that he would miss this fierce general, so he immediately set off to the recruiting hall.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into Tai Shici.

I have to say that this is also a kind of fate.

Originally, Tai Shici planned to take his mother back to Qingzhou, but seeing Guo Jia's enthusiasm, his heart became more active.

Guo Jia was the Hussar General of the current dynasty, the overlord who was above the Sangong and straddled the three prefectures of Yun, Ji and You. Tai Shici was also very excited to be favored by him.

"This is Mrs. Tai Shi!"

Seeing the old lady behind Tai Shici, Guo Jia hastily cupped his fists respectfully.

Don't dare to be!
A loving mother also has some knowledge, otherwise she would not be able to teach a son like Tai Shici.

"The general has broken his old body."

She is an ordinary commoner, where can she be Guo Jiayi.

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said: "Guo Jia would like to thank the old lady, without the old lady's guidance, I am afraid that I, Youzhou, would lose one general!"

The general is serious!

Tai Shici was a little apprehensive.

He was just a petty official, how could he be so praised by Guo Jia?

"Old lady, please get in the car, let's talk again when we return home."

Guo Jia warmly held the old lady's hand and sent it to the carriage.

Tai Shici was a dutiful son, seeing Guo Jia respecting his mother so much, he was [-]% satisfied in his heart.

The car drove into the governor's mansion smoothly.

Guo Jia immediately asked someone to prepare a small courtyard, and settled the mother and son there.

"Thank you General!"

After settling down with his mother, Tai Shici immediately came to see Guo Jia.

"Ziyi doesn't need to be too polite!"

Guo Jia hurriedly helped Tai Shici up.

"I already know about the recruiting office. Those people are not good at doing things. If you let a big man like Ziyi use it, you really have no eyes. This official has ordered the prefect Tian Yu to rectify it."

The general praised it!
Tai Shici said in shame: "Ci is just a martial artist, and he really can't be treated so favorably by a general."

He himself was a little puzzled.

I don't know what this General Guo is looking for in him.

Ziyi doesn't have to be humble!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said: "I heard that you are excellent in martial arts and good at riding and shooting. Can you open my eyes?"


Tai Shici cupped his fists.

In this era, the path from studying to becoming an official is occupied by aristocratic families, and if children from poor families want to get ahead, they must practice martial arts.

So is Tai Shici.

it is good!
Guo Jia clapped his hands and said, "Let's go to the martial arts arena!"

Soon everyone came to the martial arts arena.

Hearing that the lord has recruited a new general, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun also came to watch the excitement.

Tai Shici clasped his fists, flew onto the horse, and stabbed out with the spear in his hand, it really looked like stars and lightning.

it is good!
The crowd cheered loudly.

Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, and Zhang Fei nodded repeatedly.

As soon as he was born as an expert, there was only no one. Tai Shici's martial arts skills can definitely be ranked among the first-class fighters.

The more Zhang Fei looked at it, the happier he was, and he hurriedly rode forward.

"What's the point of dancing by yourself, why don't we do it twice?"

He rushed up with a horse lance in his hand.

Good to come!
Seeing Zhang Fei rushing up, Tai Shici's spirit was shocked, and the spear in his hand rushed out.

He has been an invincible player since his debut for many years, but now that he sees so many masters, he feels a little itchy in his heart.


The two held hands.

When Ma Qian is facing a long spear, he can win or lose with a hundred matches.

The two separated again.

good good!
Zhang Fei shouted excitedly.

Since his debut, Zhang Fei has had few opponents. Looking at Yunzhou, only his fourth brother Zhao Yun and Hejian Zhang Yun can draw with him in spear skills.

Now there is another Tai Shici.

Tai Shici was secretly startled. He didn't expect that Guo Jia's generals would be able to draw with him. Not only that, Zhang Fei has a long stamina. If the fight continues, it's hard to say who will win?
Zhang Fei was about to rush out again, but was stopped by Zhao Yun beside him.

"Third brother, you have already asked for advice, and I will leave it to my younger brother!"

Zhao Yun rode his horse onto the stage with a smile.

He has a unique vision, and he has already seen that Tai Shici's stamina is not good. If he fights for another hundred rounds, he will probably not be Zhang Fei's opponent.

"Ziyi's supernatural spear skills, Zhao Yun admires. Let's change the comparison."

As he spoke, he abandoned his gun and took out his bow and arrow, and rode his horse around the field.

Whoosh whoosh!
Three arrows were shot out and lined up on the same target, each arrow was one finger away from each other.

it is good!
The crowd cheered in unison.

This technique of three arrows is Zhao Yun's unique skill.

Tai Shici suddenly thrust his spear into the ground, drew his bow, and held some feathered arrows in his hand.

Whoosh whoosh!
Three arrows in a row, the first arrow hits the heart, the second arrow hits the nock of the first arrow, and the third arrow hits the nock of the second arrow.

it is good!
The crowd cheered loudly again.

It is not easy to hit a red heart on a bumpy horseback, let alone three arrows connected to each other?


Guo Jia also applauded.

I have known about Taishi's charity shooting for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be so subtle.

Tai Shici suddenly dropped his bow and arrow, dismounted from his horse, picked up the double halberds on the weapon rack and waved them in a precise manner.

He wanted to show off in front of Guo Jia, so he showed all his abilities in one go.

Not only is he good at the horse, but his horse is also extraordinary.


Seeing that Tai Shici also used double halberds, Dian Weideng was a little eager to try.


Dian Wei looked at Guo Jia imploringly.

Guo Jia also nodded.

He also wanted to try Tai Shici's weight.

Seeing Guo Jia nodding, Dian Wei was overjoyed.

"Taishi Ziyi, a certain family is here!"

As he spoke, he pulled out his halberds and ran away.

Good to come!
Tai Shici regained his spirits, he had long wanted to fight this big man with double halberds.

Now is the opportunity.

Double halberds versus double halberds!

In one round, Tai Shici was shocked and took half a step back.

What a lot of strength!
He once again saw Dian Wei's abnormality, and immediately changed his strategy to use his strength to deal with Dian Wei's attack carefully.


Dian Wei laughed again.

In Yunzhou, he may not be able to count his cavalry battles, but he is definitely the first in foot battles.Even if the third brother is sworn brother, he is not his opponent in foot combat.

The so-called master is lonely.

Seeing that Tai Shici was proficient in foot combat, Dian Wei was naturally very excited.

Ever since, the two fought together again.

This time, it is evenly matched, with [-] matches regardless of victory or defeat!
good good!
Seeing this, Guo Jia suddenly stood up.

"Come on, Ziyi, stop now."

Regarding Tai Shici's martial arts, Guo Jia also knows it well. Although he may not be the opponent of Dianguan Zhang Zhao in individual events, his comprehensive ability is still good, and he is a relatively comprehensive general.

Hearing Guo Jia's call, the two stopped.

It's really fun!

Dian Wei grinned and said, "Ziyi is good at kung fu! It's been a long time since a certain family fought so happily."

You are welcome!
Tai Shici said sincerely: "My lord has hidden dragons and crouching tigers, Tai Shici is an eye-opener today."

Indeed, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Dian Wei randomly selected one of the top characters, even if he matched up, it would be very difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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