Chapter 524 Difficulties
After seeing Tai Shici's ability, Guo Jia was very satisfied.

Although Zhang Fei is brave, as the general of Youzhou, he should not move lightly. When dealing with nomads, he still lacks a brave general who is proficient in riding and archery. Now the arrival of Tai Shici has made up for this gap, especially his riding and archery skills. The nightmare of the steppe tribes.

"Tai Shici obeys orders!"

Guo Jia suddenly said seriously.

Tai Shici was stunned for a moment, and hastily got off his horse to pay respects.

"Subordinates are here!"

He knew that Guo Jia planned to arrange a job for himself after seeing his martial arts, and he was very looking forward to it.

Who doesn't want to be able to stand out these days.

"Appoint Tai Shici as the captain of the Youzhou cavalry, and assist Zhang Fei in taking charge of the Youzhou army and horses."

Guo Jia said word by word.

Hearing these words, Tai Shici could hardly believe his ears.

He originally thought that Guo Jia would give him the position of general, but he didn't expect that he would be the captain of cavalry.

This is the No. [-] figure in the Youzhou Army.

"General, this..."

He was a little overwhelmed.

"This general has always employed people without doubt, and doubted people will not be used. Tai Shici, do you have confidence?"

Guo Jia asked with a smile.

Tai Shici shouted loudly.

He fell to the ground again.

"Taishi Ci greets the lord!"

Those who are regarded as confidants die!

Since Guo Jia valued him so much, he naturally wanted to reciprocate.

This sound of lord, Tai Shici recognized Guo Jia as the master.

good good!
Guo Jia laughed a few times and said, "Come here, let's set up a banquet to celebrate General Taishi's fulfillment of his duties."

The crowd responded in unison.

Not to mention the big banquet that night.


The trip to Youzhou was a great harvest.

Guo Jia first recruited Tian Feng, a top strategist, to solve the way out for Youzhou.Another almighty general, Tai Shici, was obtained.

In this way, Wen Youtian, Feng Tianyu, Wu You, Zhang Fei, Tai Shici, will not have any problems in a short time.

Changing grain to animal husbandry is indeed a wonderful move. Once successful, Youzhou will be able to stand on its own and become an indispensable piece of the puzzle for Guo Jia's hegemony.

As long as you follow this line of thinking, Youzhou will catch up sooner or later.

With Guo Jia's instructions, Jizhou's food materials and Yunzhou's money were quickly imported into Youzhou.

There is money and food.

Tian Feng and others were determined, and began to promote the conversion of grain to pasture throughout the state.

Since ancient times, people have depended on food.

Most of the people in Youzhou are used to men farming and women weaving. How easy is it to get them to give up growing grain and switch to animal husbandry?
Naturally, it has been obstructed in many ways, especially the rich and powerful landlords in the territory.

For a long time, the policy of converting grain to pasture has not been promoted.

This made Guo Jia and Tian Feng very headache.

There are policies above and countermeasures below. Guo Jia has fully experienced this sentence.

Although they tried their best to promote the retreat of land for farming and animal husbandry, there has been little effect. The big landlords are not active, and the farmers are not willing.

The concept of growing food for food has been deeply rooted in their bones, and it cannot be changed by one or two words.

Tian Feng was also a little helpless. The conversion of grain to animal husbandry has been promoted for more than a month, and there are very few people who responded.If it continues like this, I am afraid it will be difficult to start in three years.

The common people are used to farming, and it is not easy to persuade them to switch from grain to pasture.

Guo Jia was also a little helpless.

Changing grain to animal husbandry is a key step in the transformation of Youzhou. If it cannot be realized, Youzhou can only return to the old way of blood transfusion.

At this moment, Dian Wei suddenly came to report, and Su Qinglian came.

How did she come?

While Guo Jia was surprised, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of Guo Jia.


Su Qinglian came to him.

After months of not seeing her, she seemed even more charming.

"I haven't congratulated my lord on entering Youzhou yet?"

Su Qinglian said with a smile.

What are you happy about?
Guo Jia said with a sad face: "I knew this was a trap, and I wouldn't come in if I was killed. Liu Yu, an old guy, has no good intentions, and he tricked me before he died!"

At the beginning, he was also greedy for a while, and took down Youzhou.

Now I regret it a little.

Su Qinglian was slightly moved, and said: "Although Youzhou is located in a remote place, it is not without its merits. Mr. Yuan Hao's change of grain to animal husbandry is also a coup."

Although she is no longer in Youzhou, she still knows the affairs of Youzhou very well.

Forget it!
Guo Jia said depressedly: "The method is a good method. If it works, it will also make Youzhou self-reliant. But what method does the common people not agree with?"

what happened?

Su Qinglian asked in a low voice.

Guo Jiadeng said that when he changed grain to animal husbandry, he encountered difficulties.

For some reason, he trusted this woman very much. Perhaps it was her performance in the trade war that gave Guo Jia confidence.

That's it!

Su Qinglian nodded, she suddenly burst into a smile, and said: "Your Majesty has planned a strategy to win thousands of miles, and established a top-level border trade center in a remote place in Yunzhou. This is a stroke of genius. I admired you at the beginning What? How could you be troubled by such a trivial matter?"

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled helplessly.

The establishment of the Yunzhou border trade system was only created by him based on the experience of a certain port in later generations, and in fact it was not his original creation.

In other words, it was decided by thousands of years of wisdom.

But what is happening right now is very difficult.

How can a cow forcefully press its head without drinking water?

"Actually, this matter is not difficult to solve!"

Su Qinglian said with a smile.

Hearing what Su Qinglian said, Guo Jiadeng was overjoyed.

"Qing Lian, do you have a solution?"

he asked in surprise.

Su Qinglian nodded slowly.

Long live!

Guo Jia suddenly hugged her excitedly, then turned around a few times, and kissed her hard on the cheek.

"You are really my good wife. If you can solve this problem, Youzhou will be able to travel smoothly."

he exclaimed excitedly.

Indeed, if the way is right, if the method is right, success is not far away.

Su Qing looked at him with a smirk, and suddenly said: "If the concubine tells me, what good will it do?"

"You can do whatever you want!"

Guo Jia said without hesitation.

is it?

Su Qinglian's eyes suddenly showed a strange color.

"What if the concubine wants the position of the main wife of the Guo family?"

Hearing this, Guo Jia was suddenly stunned.

He sized up Su Qinglian again.

The latter looked at him seriously.

"Qing Lian, this is impossible!"

Guo Jia shook his head.

Su Qinglian suddenly put her arms around his neck, and thoughtfully said: "In terms of ability, family background, and appearance, how can a concubine compare to Cai Yan? Besides, doesn't she have no children?"


Guo Jia couldn't help scratching his head.

Cai Yan's position in his heart is already deeply ingrained, and besides, she is already the princess of the dynasty, and their marriage has been recognized by the world. Even if Su Qinglian has ambitions, she may not be able to do it now.

"Because in my mind, Cai Yan will always come first."

Guo Jia said honestly.

Although he could casually please Su Qinglian and trick her into helping you solve Youzhou's problem, he still didn't do it.

Integrity is the most important thing in interpersonal communication. It is okay to deceive others, but Guo Jia cannot deceive his own woman.

(End of this chapter)

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