Chapter 526
The arrival of Su Qinglian added to the icing on the cake for Guo Jia and solved the last implementation problem.

According to the theory of letting some people get rich first.

Tian Feng and others began to provide large-scale subsidies to the herdsmen in the territory, which aroused their enthusiasm.

At the same time, food prices were suppressed, and the purchase price of livestock was raised, which bulged up the wallets of herdsmen.

Seeing the herdsmen raising livestock to make money, the aboriginal Han people in Youzhou couldn't sit still, and they joined the plan to convert grain into pasture.

Soon this strategy was successfully implemented.

The farmers who saw the benefits naturally did not object, and for a while, the whole Youzhou fell into a vigorous campaign to change grain to pasture.

Seeing the smooth progress of the plan, Guo Jia also felt relieved. After handing over government affairs and military affairs to Tian Feng and Zhang Fei respectively, he left Youzhou with the army.

Everything is on the right track, there is no use for Guo Jia to stay here, and it has been a while since he left Yunzhou, so he naturally has to go back and have a look.



Sujiawu Fort is decorated with lanterns and festoons.

Today is the [-]th birthday of Su Ze, the Patriarch of the Su family.

It is rare to live in the 80s, and the old man of the Su family lived to be [-] years old, which is considered a rare birthday.

Mr. Su has more than a dozen children, the eldest, Su Yun, is over 60 years old, and the youngest son has just come of age.

On the day of his birthday, no matter how far away, these people showed up at the Wubao of the Su family on time to celebrate his father's birthday.

Su Ze was dressed in bright clothes, and responded to the blessings of his children with a smile, but he was a little absent-minded, looking in the direction of the gate of Wubao frequently, as if he was waiting for someone.

Not long after, someone from the Su family came to report.

"Miss Sun and Uncle Sun are here!"

Hearing this, Su Yun's face was a little unhappy, but it disappeared soon.

This Miss Sun is Su Qinglian, and her husband-in-law is naturally Guo Jia.

Su Yun still finds it hard to accept Guo Jia who killed his son.

Hearing this, Su Ze cheered up and stood up himself.

"Hurry up please!"

He was waiting for these two people.

After a while, Guo Jia and Su Qinglian walked into Wubao together.

As the overlord of Youzhou, Yunzhou and Jizhou, Guo Jia must not be shabby.

The soldiers of the Tiger Guards each carried their boxes, and dozens of them, large and small, walked into Wubao.


Su Qinglian pulled Guo Jia and came to Su Ze with a smile.

"Granddaughter Qing Lian, I wish grandpa good luck like Donghai and longevity than Nanshan!"

Saying Yingying bowed.

Guo Jia didn't intend to worship at first, but he was a little embarrassed to be pulled by Su Qinglian like this, so he also bowed to the ground immediately.

Can't, can't!
Su Ze hurried forward and helped Guo Jia up personally.

"Feng Xiao, you are the Hussar General of the dynasty, one person is under one man and over ten thousand people. You are trying to break the old man!"


Su Qinglian said angrily: "No matter how high an official he is, he is still your grandson-in-law. It is only natural for a grandson-in-law to worship grandpa."

Although she said so, there was a problem that she ignored.

Wife and concubine are still two concepts.

Su Qinglian is just Guo Jia's concubine now, so she can't enjoy the treatment of a wife.

However, Guo Jia did not object.

This girl first helped herself to agree to the trade war, and then solved the problem of promoting Youzhou's conversion of grain to pasture.

Among other things, these two credits are worthy of his praise.

"I wish the old man good health!"

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

In fact, the Su family has helped me a lot.


Seeing Guo Jia being so courteous and modest, Su Ze was very happy, and personally took his hand to the chief seat.


Guo Jia came in front of Su Yun and waved respectfully.

No need to be polite!

Su Yun forced a laugh and returned the half-respect.

Although Guo Jia became his son-in-law, he has not forgotten about his son.

Good people do their best to the end, and now that they have worshiped Su Zesu Yun, Guo Jia also clasped his fists to the elders around him one by one.

Feng Xiao is welcome!

The crowd returned their greetings.

Now that Guo Jia has become the biggest overlord in the north and the biggest backer of their Su family, how dare they trust him?
Everyone took their seats!

Su Ze was at the head, with Su Qinglian and Guo Jia sitting on his left and right sides respectively.

Su Qinglian is a female family member, so it is reasonable to say that she cannot play, but her husband is Guo Jia, who is the overlord of the Northland.Not looking at the monk's face but at the Buddha's face, Su Qinglian naturally had a place, and she was by Su Ze's side, so she was very favored.

After a toast, Su Ze suddenly put down the wine cup.

"Everyone is here today, and the old man also announced something."

Hearing Su Ze's words, everyone put down their wine glasses.

"It's rare to live at seventy, and now the old man has lived to eighty, and he doesn't know when he will close his eyes. So, some things should be arranged first before you can leave with peace of mind."

Su Ze said to himself.


Su Yun hurriedly said: "You must be healthy and live a long life."

Everyone also said yes.

Ha ha!

Su Ze twisted his beard and said: "From ancient times to the present, how many people can live to be a hundred years old? The old man is already content when he lives to be 80 years old. I have been the head of the Su family since I was in my 30s, and now it has been more than [-] years. It's been too long, it's better to retire to take care of yourself."

Hearing this, everyone held their breath.

They knew that the old man had arranged for a successor.

Indeed, this old man has been the head of the family for too long.

This time, everyone's eyes suddenly fell on Su Yun.

If the old man stepped down as the head of the family, the position of the head of the family would naturally fall to Su Yun.

After all, he is the eldest son of the old man.

"The Su family has been able to stand in Zhongshan for hundreds of years. In addition to being virtuous, courteous and modest, they must also know how to be grateful. Although the Su family is a businessman, they must take it as their duty to remember to benefit one side and not exploit the folks. You know, Anguo The folks here are the roots of our Su family."

Su Ze said slowly.

The owner said yes!
Everyone nodded slowly.

Su Ze said slowly: "The old man decided to pass on the position of Patriarch of the Su family..."

Having said that, he suddenly paused and said, "Granddaughter Su Qinglian."

Hearing this news, everyone was shocked.

Pass it on to granddaughter Su Qinglian?
How can this be?

Since ancient times, it has been the eldest son inheritance system.

Not to mention granddaughters, even bastards have no inheritance rights.

This old man actually passed on the position of Patriarch to his granddaughter, he must have been confused.

Everyone's eyes turned to Su Yun.

Su Yun's expression was calm, as if he knew the result long ago.

"Baby obey!"

He cupped his fists and bowed!

Seeing that the eldest son acquiesced, although everyone was a little suspicious, no one spoke out.

good good!
Su Ze nodded, and his eyes fell on Su Qinglian.

"Qing Lian, from today onwards, you are the head of the Su family."

Su Qinglian prostrated herself on the ground.

"Thank you, grandpa, for your success. My granddaughter will never let down your trust."

(End of this chapter)

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