Chapter 527
Su Qinglian actually became the head of the Su family, which made a large group of people in the Su family lose their glasses. Of course, there were no glasses in that era.

Su Yun, who was the first in line heir, did not object, and seemed to have known the result a long time ago.

None of the heirs in line objected, let alone the rest.

Besides, their objection is useless.

Although Su Qinglian is a woman, she is a powerful man. The whole north belongs to her. If you object, isn't that courting death?
So everyone happily celebrated Su Qinglian's ascension to the position of Patriarch.

Su Qing kept laughing and talking, and everyone in the Su family was also in high spirits, the only one who wasn't excited was Guo Jia.

He suddenly realized a problem.

Mr. Su, this is the rhythm of entrusting the Su family to him.

Otherwise, how could Su Qinglian, a woman of three generations, ascend to the position of Patriarch?
Jiang is still old and hot, but Su is afraid that Guo Jia will not be devoted to the Su family, so he tied the Su family to Guo Jia's chariot.

If something goes wrong with the Su family, naturally his family can't just sit idly by.

This is tantamount to adding an insurance policy to Guo Jia.

Soon the banquet changed from celebrating the old man's birthday to the appointment of the new head of the family.

As the new head of the family, Su Qinglian was naturally the object of compliments from everyone, and actually stole Guo Jia's limelight.


After the banquet, it was naturally the handover of the head of the family.The old Patriarch Su Ze moved out of the Patriarch's room, had someone redecorate it, and let the new Patriarch Su Qinglian move in.

Guo Jia, who is a family member, naturally wants to live in.


Su Qinglian was all dressed up, looking at Guo Jia with a smile.

"Why, you are a little unhappy that the concubine is succeeding the head of the family?"


Guo Jia said weakly: "Hey, the women around me are more capable than the other, can I be unhappy?"


Su Qing hugged him with a pitiful smile, and said with a blink of an eye, "Why do I sound resentful? If you don't like it, I will resign as the patriarch."

never mind!

Guo Jia was a little indifferent.

Anyway, he has a lot of burdens on him, it doesn't matter if there is another Su family in the Zhen family, the Mi family, and the Cai family.

Ha ha!

Su Qinglian smiled slightly, and softly whispered in Guo Jia's ear, "Come with me!"

As he spoke, he stopped him and walked into the owner's room.

The Patriarch's room is located in the center of Wubao. It has been passed down for a hundred years, and the decorations inside are all old.

Su Qinglian suddenly reached out and pressed a certain place, and a door slowly opened, revealing a secret passage.

this is……

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, and looked at Su Qinglian in confusion.

Su Qinglian said calmly: "This is the biggest secret of our Su family, and only the previous heads of the family are qualified to know it."

The secret of the Su family!
Guo Jia nodded.

Everyone who can stand on the frontier for hundreds of years will have some secrets.

The Su family confessed to him.

"Since it's the Su family's secret, I won't go in as an outsider."

Guo Jia shook his head.

He has a lot of things to do right now, how can he have time to take care of the Su family's affairs?
Su Qinglian grabbed his hand and said with a smile: "You are not an outsider, you are a family member of the head of the Su family."

As he spoke, he grabbed Guo Jia and walked in.

Guo Jia shook his head helplessly.

How come there is a rush to marry.

Forget it, getting married is getting married, anyway, he is used to it.

Walk down a few steps along the spiral staircase and enter a large secret room.

Although it is underground, it feels stuffy at all. It seems that the ventilation measures are still very good.

Su Qinglian didn't know where to fiddle with it, and the oil lamp on the wall lit up.

When the light in the secret room lit up, Guo Jia was surprised that there was actually a huge ancestral hall inside.

This is……

Guo Jia looked at all this in surprise.

The business is connected with it, and the four seal scripts are written on the top of the ancestral hall.

There are several statues carved in the center of the ancestral hall. The one in the center has a delicate expression, a big belly, and the word Wang Hai engraved on his chest.

There are three statues on the left and right sides of Wang Hai, with Fan Li, Zi Gong and Guan Zhong on the left.On the right are Bai Gui, Lu Buwei, and Widow Qing.

These are all big merchants before the Han Dynasty.

Why did the Su family enshrine these people?

"The day and the middle of the day are the market, to the people of the world, gather the goods of the world, trade and retreat, each gets what he wants. Gather all kinds of food."

Su Qinglian suddenly said slowly: "If you know how to fight, you can repair it, and when you use it, you can know things. The shape of the two is the feeling of all things. You can get it and see it. Therefore, the age is in gold, and the water is destroyed; the wood is hungry; Fire, drought. Drought makes boats, water makes cars, the principle of things. Six years old, six years old, six years old, 12 years old, hungry. If there is no agricultural disease, the grass will not be replanted. No more than eighty at the top, no less than thirty at the bottom, then the end of the farm will be beneficial, the level of production will be equal, there will be no shortage of customs and markets, and the way to govern the country. Interest-free currency. Trade with things. Do not keep the food that is corrupt and eat. No one dares to be expensive. If you have more than enough, you will know the high and the low. If you are extremely expensive, you will be cheap, and if you are cheap, you will be expensive. Take it cheaply like pearls and jade. Wealth and money are like running water."

The more Guo Jia heard it, the more surprised he became. Although this passage is not written in words, it is indeed about the way of doing business.

Reminiscing that the people enshrined by the Su family are all big businessmen, Guo Jia suddenly realized.

No matter how blunt he is now, he also understands the origin of the Su family.

"It turns out that the Su family is the heir of the merchant."

Guo Jia said thoughtfully.

Since military strategists have successors and strategists have successors, this business naturally also has successors.

From this point of view, the schools of thought have never died, they just passed down in a different way.

"Not exactly!"

Su Qinglian showed a smile on her face, and said word by word: "It should be said that I am the heir of the merchant."

How to say?
Guo Jia frowned, somewhat puzzled.

Is there anything strange here?
"My concubine's surname is Wang, not Su."

Su Qinglian said indifferently: "Actually, the ancestors of the Su family in Anguo are just slaves of our royal family."

Hearing this, Guo Jia was shocked again.

The wealthy Su family is actually a servant of the Wang family?

No wonder the whole Su family respects Su Qinglian very much, even Su Qinglian's father Su Yun is no exception.

It turns out that there is such a relationship.

Wang family?

Guo Jia frowned.

When did such a powerful family come out?

Why hasn't he heard of it?
Su Qinglian suddenly took out a scroll and handed it to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia opened the scroll and saw the first line.

Ancestor, businessman No. 15 descendant of the new ancestor Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Guo Jia couldn't help being taken aback, he looked at Su Qinglian in surprise.

This Wang Mang is a very famous person.

It was precisely because of his appearance that the Han Dynasty was divided into the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty, which lasted intermittently for decades.

It is precisely because of his appearance that the first signs of state-owned reform appeared in history.

But in the end it ended in failure!

(End of this chapter)

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